I Chapter 9 Middle Childhood A Growth Patterns 1 Nutrition and Growth a b c d e a b a b 2 3 Follow growth trends of early childhood Body weight doubles 1400 1800 calories a day Need healthy foods Girls reach adolescent growth spurt two or three years before boys 9 10 vs 11 12 f Pains in bones and joints during growth spurts growing pains Overweight Children Rejected by peers Less likely to be seen as attractive Greater risk of health problems through life c Illness in Middle Childhood High rates first two years of school Chronic conditions 20 of all school children have a chronic illness aids asthma diabetes etc B Motor Development 1 Motor Development a Motor Skills Development change in height and weight muscle strength change in both fine and gross motor skills Reaction time also improves during this time Sex Differences 1 2 Boys more forearm strength Girls more limb coordination and flexibility c Exercise and Fitness exercise is very important for children playing sports and recess C Cognitive Development 1 Piaget The Concrete Operational Stage Concrete Operations Applications of Piaget s Theory of Education The reason we use manipulatives and reversibles Refer back to the aspects of concrete operations in book D Moral Development 1 Development of Distributive Justice a Strict Equality 5 to 6 yrs everyone gets the same of everything with no cheating or cutting Merit 6 to 7 yrs an earning system Equality and Benevolence 8 yrs special consideration for someone who is at a disadvantage b a b c d b c d Piaget s Theory of Moral Development moral development in two stages moral realism behavior is correct when it follows the rules and autonomist morality looking at intentions rather than rules e Kohlberg s Theory of Moral Development Three levels pre conventional early childhood conventional middle childhood post conventional adolescence f Changes in Moral Views E Information Processing 1 Information Processing a b c d a b 2 3 Selective Attention Storage and Retrieval of information Memory Metacognition knowledge of your ability to learn and Metamemory knowledge and awareness of your memory Sternberg s Triarchic Theory of Successful Intelligence Analytical Intelligence Creative Intelligence Practical Intelligence c Gardner s theory of multiple intelligences a There are at least 8 or 9 types of intelligences b Intelligence has a distinct course of development biological and can be expressed in different ways Affected by education or opportunities c Not strongly supported in research yet Effects of Stereotype Threat on Performance 4 a Test of how good you are at school problems vs This is not a test experiment F Language Development and Literacy 1 Vocabulary and Grammar a Vocabulary subtle word usage with multiple word b Grammar Start to use words more precise more c Pragmatics Don t understand sarcasm getting more sophisticated knowing how to ask to get what they meanings complex want II Chapter 10 Middle Childhood A Theories of social and emotional development 1 Theories a b Psychoanalytic and Psychosocial Theories Social Cognitive Theory a b b c d c Cognitive Developmental Theory Making active choices Erikson s Theory Industry versus Inferiority 2 Industry 1 2 Developing a sense of competence School provides many opportunities Inferiority 1 2 contribute to negative feelings Pessimism and lack of confidence Family environment teachers and peers 3 Changes in Self Concept during Middle Childhood a More balanced less all or none figure that they are sort of good at some activities Social comparisons Comparing themselves to others Ideal and real self The idea of the self changes Reference social groups Joining different groups with expectations that influence behavior e Cultural variations Celebrating different holidays dress language that other children may not engage in Hierarchical Structure of Self Esteem in Middle Childhood 4 a Academic competence 1 Language Arts 2 Math 3 Other School Subjects Social competence 1 2 Relationships with peers Relationships with Parents Physical competence Outdoor games 1 Various Sports 2 B d Physical appearance Family and Peer Relationships Parent Child Relationships 1 a Co Regulation transfer of control and power to the child to make their decisions b Rate as best source of emotional support Type of Family Situation c Development of Friendships 2 Personal qualities trust become important More selective in choosing friends Friendships can last several years Changing concepts of friendships d Gender typing in Middle Childhood 3 b c a b c a Gender Stereotypes ex girls being more gentle boys being more rigid b Gender Identity girls are more likely to be more androgynous while males usually end up being more masculine Learning what is acceptable behaviors by participation Gender typicality fitting in with other 1 individuals of the same gender 2 with your gender assignment 3 Pressure to conform with those gender roles Gender contentedness how content you are c Influence of cultural and social factors School readiness success in school 1 2 3 the student Diversity of early life experiences Individual difference in developmental learning Schools reasonable realistic expectations of a b Children are at risk because 1 2 Unprepared to learn Lack of language skills C The School 1 Entry into School 3 4 5 Poor health care Inadequate stimulation Lack of support from parents 2 The School Environment Setting the Stage for Success a b Effective schools have specific characteristics Teachers influence on Student performaance
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