Bio Exam 3 Study 03 25 2014 Excavates Move via flagella have a feeding tube heterotrophic modified mitochondria Diplomonads free living symbiotic 2 nuclei multiple flagella o Giardia drinking unsanitary water causes diarrhea Parabasalids anaerobic symbiotic some are parasitic o Trichomanas vaginalis a sexually transmitted parabasalid Euglenozoans distinctive mitochondria mixotrophic o Euglenids o Kinetoplastids Trypanosoma causing sleeping sickness Chromalveolates Secondary symbiosis of red algae Stramenophiles Many different forms some colonies mixotrophic o Oomycotes water molds cellulose cell walls can form aggregated colonies filamentous bodies heterotrophic decomposers Downy Mildew o Diatoms freshwater or marine photosynthetic glass like shells known as tests with perforation to allow for exchange of substances o Brown Algae marine photosynthetic brown color caused by accessory pigments gas bladders o Golden Algae freshwater or marine all photosynthetic some mixotrophic Alveolates varied motility most single celled mixed nutritional methods some parasitic o Dinoflagellates responsible for red tides which result in massive fish kills along the Gulf coast o Apicoplexans Sporozoans heterotrophic and all parasitic Plasmodium causes malaria Toxoplasms vectors through cats o Ciliates Use cilia for movement and feeding heterotrophic Most complex of the protists oral groove an anal pore and two types of nuclei Macronucleus handles all the day to day business and the micronucleus functions in sexual reproduction or conjugation Rhizarians motility based on very thin pseudopodia heterotrophic some mixotrophic Foraminiferans external multi chambered shell known as tests composed of CaCO3 Radiolarians internal skeleton like shell composed of silica glass Cercozoans mixotrophic species show unique secondary endosymbiosis Archaeplastids Most closely related to land plants Red Algae Mainly shallow water but can occur in clear deep water red color caused by phycoerythrin cell wall has added polysaccharides used in cosmetics ice cream paint and sushi Green Algae Chlorophytes and Charophytes most probably ancestors of land plants Unikonts very diverse super group that includes protists fungi and animals Amoebozoans o Slime molds a mobile feeding stage a stationary reproductive stage with a fruiting body that produces spores o Acellular Plasmodial Mitosis but not cytokinesis plasmodium moves through decaying material engulfing bacteria and food particles In harsh environmental conditions dry the plasmodium forms a mound and produces a stalked fruiting body that produces haploid spores o Cellular slime During times of environmental stress a signal causes the cells aggregate into a pseudoplasmodium but remain individual cells This aggregate of cells is still mobile and migrates to a suitable spot for the formation of the fruiting body Gymnamoebas o Entamoebas One species causes amoebic dysentery 03 25 2014 03 25 2014
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