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Study Guide for Comprehensive Portion of the Final Exam BIOL 1202 Spring 2015 Chapter 22 i e natural selection Explain the mechanism for evolutionary change proposed by Darwin and Wallace o The unequal survival and reproduction of an organism due to environmental forces resulting in the preservation of favorable adaptations survival of the fittest o Process selects from what is available in the gene pool new characteristics are not created on demand o Mechanism behind it 1 Variability 2 Heritablity 3 Differential reproductive success Define evolution o Change over time of the genetic composition of a population o Decent of modern organisms with modification from preexisting organisms o Accumulation of inherited characteristics that enhance organisms ability to survive in specific environments Chapter 23 Explain the statement It is the population not the individual that evolves o This means that a single organism cannot evolve by itself Natural selection is survival of the fittest so the adaptations are relative to each other And are passed down through generations List the five conditions that must be met for a population to remain in Hardy Weinberg equilibrium see page 475 o 1 No mutations 2 Large population 3 No gene flow 4 No natural selection 5 Random mating Describe the significance of mutation in the generation of genetic variability o Mutations are the source of new alleles and genes Explain the role of population size in genetic drift o if a population is small and there is a mutation that changes an allele then it would be dramatic due to the small size If the population is big and here is a mutation resulting in different alleles then the genetic drift wouldn t be as dramatic and would take time to take effect Distinguish among directional disruptive and stabilizing selection See Figure 23 13 other extreme o Directional occurs when selection favors one extreme trait value over the o Disruptive Selection occurs when selection favors the extreme trait values over the traits in the middle In this case the variance increases as the population is divided into two distinct groups Disruptive selection plays an important role in speciation o Stabilizing Selection occurs when selection favors the intermediate trait value over the extreme values Populations under this type of selection Chapter 24 typically experience a decrease in the amount of additive genetic variation for the trait under selection Distinguish between allopatric and sympatric speciation o Allopatric means other country this speciation happens due to a geographic barrier of somesort o Sympatic speciation occurs in a geographically over lapping area List the reproductive barriers that may lead to speciation and identify whether they are a prezygotic or postzygotic barrier Give examples of each See Figure 24 3 o Prezygotic barriers impede mating between species or hinder the fertilization of ova if members of other species attempt to mate Ex the female of a frog species is much larger than a male of a different frog species so they are unable to mate successfully o Postzygotic barriers often prevents the hybrid zygot from developing into a viable fertile adult Ex mules a cross between a donkey and a horse are sterile Chapter 25 Figure 25 9 Explain the endosymbiotic theory for the evolution of the eukaryotic cell see o eukaryotic cells evolved from prokaryotic through endosymbiosis o Endosymbiont a cell that lives in another cell host o Endosymbiosis Model mitochondria and plastids includes chloroplasts were formerly small prokaryotes that began living in larger cells o Evidence for Endosymbiosis organelles share traits with prokaryotes o Inner membranes of both organelles have homologous enzymes transport systems to those in plasma membranes of prokaryotes o Both organelles replicate by splitting like some prokaryotes o Single circular DNA in organelles prokaryotes o Organelles have ribosomes and can transcribe translate their DNA into proteins o Ribosomes in mitochondria plastids more similar to prokaryotic than eukaryotic cytoplasmic ribosomes Describe the timing of key events in the evolution of the first prokaryotes through the evolution of humans see Figure 25 7 Chapter 26 Identify the parts of and interpret a cladogram see Figure 26 5 o Explain the hierarchical classification system and list the different levels of the system see Figure 26 3 o How all organisms are classified o They are broken down into Domain most broad kingdom phylum class order family genus species most specific Chapter 27 List the derived characteristics that distinguish prokaryotes from other life forms o Capsule A sticky layer of polysaccharide or protein may cover the cell o Fimbria Allow prokaryotes to stick to their substrates of other wall of many prokaryotes individuals in a colony o Sex Pilus The filamentous projections pili on the surface of a bacterium that is important in conjugation o Nucleoid An irregularly shaped region within the cell of prokaryotes which has nuclear material without a nuclear membrane and where the genetic material is localized o Plasmid Small circular DNA rings o Flagellums A tail like projection that protrudes from the cell body of certain prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells and functions in locomotion Distinguish with prokaryotic examples among photoautotrophs chemoautotrophs photoheterotrophs and chemoheterotrophs Review Table 27 1 o Photoautotroph gets energy from the sun and doesn t require an organic food source an organic food source o Chemoautotrophs use chemicals and reactions for energy do not require o Photoheterotrophs gets energy from the sun but also require organic food o Chemoheterotrophs gets energy from chemicals but also require organic food Chapter 28 List the derived characteristics of members of the Kingdom Protista that distinguish them other life forms o Most are unicellular o Excavata Excavated groove on one side o Chromalveolata Brown algae plasmodium malaria phytophthora potato famine o Rhizaria Amoebas with pseudopodia that are thread like in shape o Archaeplastida Red green algae o Unikonta Amoebas with lobe or tube like pseudopodia Chapter 29 30 Identify the major groups of land plants based on their derived characteristics Review Figures 29 7 30 2 o Non Vascular Plants bryophytes Liverworts phylum Hepatophyta Hornworts phylum Anthocerophyta Mosses phylum Bryophyta o Seedless vascular plants Lycophytes club mosses spike mosses quillworts Pterophytes ferns horsetails whick

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