HSC 4711 FINAL EXAM STUDY GUIDE I Sexually Transmitted Diseases sexually transmitted infections A The Major STDs 1 HIV AIDS a Human immunodeficiency virus syndrome 1 AIDS kills nearly ALL of its victims without treatment virus which causes AIDS acquired immunodeficiency i Those with treatment may live 20 30 years after diagnosis ii Most infected die within 10 years 2 Approx 65 million ppl have been infected around the world since it began i Nearly 1 of world s population ii About 34 million currently infected iii Nearly 70 of them living in sub Saharan Africa b What is HIV infection 1 Chronic disease that progressive damages the body s immune system 2 HIV attacks invades CD4 T cells macrophages monosides and other essential elements of immune system 3 HIV enters human cell and converts its RNA to DNA inserting this DNA into host cell 4 The viral DNA takes over CD4 cell replicates and destroys immune functions of CD4 cell 5 People with AIDS vulnerable to number of opportunistic infections secondary 6 Latency phase infections i Fungal infections vagina mouth GI infections i The virus progressively infects and destroys immune system ii People can transmit the disease to others or asymptomatic period may last 2 20 years c General Pattern of Untreated HIV Infection 1 HIV lives only within cells and body fluids 2 Transmitted by blood blood products semen vaginal and cervical secretions and 1 d Transmitting the Virus breast milk 3 3 Primary means of transmission i Sexual contact HSC 4711 FINAL EXAM STUDY GUIDE ii Direct exposure to infected blood iii HIV infected woman her child during pregnancy childbirth or breast feeding 1 Best way to deliver baby is through C section e Populations of Special Concern for HIV Infection 1 Most common means of exposure i Sexual Activity between men most common ii Injection iii Heterosexual contact Increasingly effecting minorities women and the poor 2 African American women Latinos make up large proportion 3 Black men women overrepresented among people newly diagnosed 4 Symptoms 1 Within a few days or weeks avg 2 4 weeks after exposure 2 Fever fatigue rashes headache swollen lymph nodes body aches night sweats f 3 Pneumocystitis carinii pneumonia 4 Kaposi sarcoma sore throat nausea ulcers in mouth form common seen among infected male HIV positive patients rare most common infection in people w HIV 5 Symptoms take months years to develop but as immune system weakens variety of symptoms develop i Difficult to treat yeast infections in women ii Tuberculosis g Diagnosing of antibodies 1 1 Most common tests check for presence of antibodies i HIV antibody tests ii ELISA enzyme linked immunosorbent assay used for screening test positive between 2 12 weeks blood test that detects presence If positive send patient to take the next test 2 iii Western blot immunofluorescence assay If positive what s the next step i To determine the disease s severity to plan appropriate treatment done to confirm results h Treatment 1 Antivirual drugs ii Protease inhibitors HIV virus into human cells each viral copy iii Entry inhibitors iv HAART v Post exposure Prophylaxis PEP within 72 hours of exposure i Reverse transcriptase inhibitors AZT zidovudine inhibits the integration of target the enzyme HIV uses to create a protein coat for can reduce HIV in the blood to undetectable level involves 28 days of HAART which should begin HSC 4711 FINAL EXAM STUDY GUIDE 2 Hepatitis a Hepatitis B HBV inflammation of the liver can cause permanent damage to the liver 1 Highly contagious but preventable w vaccine 2 Transmission sexual intercourse injection drug use mother to child 3 Can spread through nonsexual close contact 4 Pregnancy b Symptoms 1 Can be asymptomatic 2 Flulike symptoms 3 c Diagnosis d Treatment Illness progresses nausea vomiting dark colored urine acute phase abdominal pain and jaundice 1 Diagnosed through blood tests analyzing liver function ALT and AST 1 NO CURE 2 Most people recover but can be chronic carriers 3 Syphilis a Caused by bacterium treponema pallidum b Transmitted through sexual contact or to fetus through the placenta of an infected mother c Organism passes through any break or opening in skin can be transmitted by kissing oral vaginal or anal sex d Can be effectively treated w antibiotics e Symptoms 1 Primary phase i Painless ulcers chancres highly CONTAGIOUS 10 90 days after exposure HSC 4711 FINAL EXAM STUDY GUIDE ii If disease not treated during this stage about 1 3 of infected individuals progress to chronic stages of infections 3 6 weeks after chancre 2 Secondary phase i Flulike symptoms and highly contagious skin rash ii Rash may cover the entire body or only few areas but palms of the hands and soles of the feet are usually involved 3 Late tertiary phase i 1 3 of cases of untreated secondary phase ii Damage to organs dementia CVD blindness death f Pregnancy 1 Bacterium can cross the placenta 2 3 If mother isn t treated can cause stillbirth prematurity or congenital deformity In many cases child is born infected congenital syphilis and requires treatment g Diagnosis h Treatment 1 Diagnosed by examination of infected tissues and w blood tests 1 Treated by antibiotics but damage from late stages of infection can be permanent 4 Chlamydia a Most common BACTERIAL STD in the U S b Can cause sterility in men and women 1 2 In women can lead to PID infertility and ectopic pregnancy In men it s the most common cause of epididymitis inflammation of sperm carrying ducts and causes half of ALL cases of urethritis inflammation of urethra Symptoms 1 Women vaginal discharge pain or bleeding after intercourse lower abdominal pain 2 Men painful urination watery discharge from penis pain around lower abdomen c 1 Laboratory tests on urine sample OR small amount of fluid from urethra or cervix area and testicles d Diagnosis e Treatment 1 Infected person and partner given antibiotics i Azithromycin ii Doxycyclin 2 NO UNPROTECTED SEX during treatment 5 Gonorrhea a Causes arthritis rashes eye infections PID epididymitis urethritis and gonococcal conjunctivitis gonorrheal infection of blood or joints in infants of infected mothers Increases likelihood that HIV will be transmitted Symptoms 1 Men thick yellow white discharge painful urination lips of urethral opening might b c become inflamed and swollen swollen lymph nodes 2 Women most asymptomatic pain with urination painful intercourse increased vaginal discharge and severe menstrual cramps d Diagnosis e Treatment 1
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