QUIZ 3 Taste Olfaction STUDY GUIDE Will consist of multiple choice fill in the blank and short answer questions 1 Understand the meaning of olfaction and gustation Be able to define the two types of olfaction orthonasal and retronasal Olfaction the sense of smell Two types of olfaction 1 Orthonasal olfaction the odorant is carried in the air to the external nostrils and then to the nasal receptors 2 Retronasal olfaction the odorant enters into the mouth and then diffuses through the nasopharynx to the nasal receptors and then out of the nostrils Gustation the sense of taste 2 Know the three properties of an odorant molecule 1 Volatile able to float in the air 2 Small MW 294 3 Hydrophobic water repellant 3 Know the four types of papillae and which one is NOT involved in taste sensation 1 Foliate Papillae 2 Circumvallate Papillae 3 Fungiform Papillae 4 Filiform Papillae contains no taste buds 4 Be able to label a microscopic diagram of the tongue and olfactory epithelium 5 Know the olfactory and taste pathways from the receptor to targets in the brain Know that olfaction doesn t travel through the thalamus and Olfactory pathway Primary olfactory cortex amygdala hippocampal complex entorhinal cortex Associated with limbic system learning memory and emotions Taste Pathway Cranial nerves 7 chorda tympani 9 glossopharyngeal 10 vagus medulla pons thalamus insular cortex 6 Know why glomeruli are the basic unit in the odor map All neurons expressing a particular olfactory receptor type project to the same pair of glomeruli Topography Each odor activates a different pattern of glomeruli which then can decode the identity of the odor 7 Know the bony structures we covered the twisted convoluted turbinates and the coly cribriform plates Be able to state the function of each of these bones Turbinates affect air flow provide large surface area to house olfactory epithelium Cribriform plate a bone structure which separates the nose from brain 8 Know that olfaction plays an important role in gustation and how it plays into this role Olfaction is important in detecting whether or not the food is spoiled or has toxic chemicals in them 9 Understand the gustation and olfaction labs we performed 10 Know which papilla type makes supertasters tasters and nontasters differ and match a tongue type with each Supertasters TT denser populations of fungiform papillae do not like green vegetables black coffee spicy food or extremely sweet things can taste 6 n propylthiouracil PROP Tasters Tt can taste PROP but not as strongly as supertasters Nontaster tt cannot taste PROP at all 11 Be able to name and describe the five types of taste 1 Sweet carbohydrates energy 2 Sour spoiled bacteria 3 Salty ions basic elements 4 Bitter toxic chemicals 5 Umami Savory amino acids signals proteins 12 Know why olfaction is closely linked to emotion and memory Know the structures and functions of the limbic system Higher brain regions that process olfactory information include the primary olfactory cortex amygdala hippocampal complex and entorhinal cortex These are all parts of the limbic system which is important for learning memory and emotions Because olfaction is so closely tied with these regions olfactory cues have unique properties regarding emotion and memory
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