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Biology 1202 Final Study Guide 2015 Biology 1202 Final Exam Study Guide Chapter 22 Descent with Modification A Darwinian way of Life Explain the mechanism for evolutionary change proposed by Darwin and 1 Wallace o Natural Selection Survival of the fittest Process selects from what is available in the gene pool New characteristics not created on demand 1 Variability 2 Heritability 3 Differential reproductive success Observations Inferences o Vary in their heritable characteristics o Produce more offspring than the env can handle o Well suited organisms produce more offspring o Over time favorable traits accumulate in the population Race example Winners do it losers die Define evolution organisms o Change over time of genetic composition of a population o Descent of modern organisms with modification from pre existing Chapter 23 Evolution of Populations Explain the statement It is the population not the individual that evolves o Common misconception individuals evolve o Populations evolve but evolutionary processes act on individuals o A single organism can NEVER evolve List the five conditions that must be met for a population to remain in Hardy Shows that a population is not evolving Weinberg equilibrium 1 No mutations 2 Large population size 3 No migration gene flow 4 No natural selection 5 Random mating o Genetic variation makes evolution possible Describe the significance of mutation in the generation of genetic variability Mutation changes of nucleotide sequence of DNA New alleles genes new species with variation Explain the role of population size in genetic drift o Genetic drift process of change in the genetic composition of a population due to chance or random events resulting in changes in allele frequencies over time Biology 1202 Final Study Guide o If a population is small there is less variation between the organisms i e if a catastrophe occurs the population will not be able to recover as quickly because the alleles will not be as diverse Distinguish among directional disruptive and stabilizing selection 1 Directional selection 2 Disruptive selection 3 Stabilizing selection a Favors individuals at one end of phenotypic range a Favors individuals at either extreme end of the phenotypic range a Favors intermediate variants by acting against intermediate 2 phenotypes Distinguish between allopatric and sympatric speciation Chapter 24 The Origin of Species o Allopatric speciation Other country Gene flow interrupted reproduced when a population is divided into 2 or more geographically isolated subpopulations DIRECTIONAL DISRUPTIVE STABILIZING o Sympatric speciation Same country geographically overlapping populations Speciation that takes place in List the reproductive barriers that may lead to speciation and identify whether they are prezygotic or postzygotic barriers Give examples of each See Figure 24 3 Prezygotic barriers impedes the physical mating between two species 1 Habitat isolation organisms occupying different areas therefore 2 Temporal isolation 2 species living within the same area breed at 3 Behavioral isolation 2 species living within the same area they seldom come into contact with each other don t mate different times of the day season or year therefore they don t mate demonstrate particular behaviors to attract a mate each species has a unique call anatomical incompatibility 4 Mechanical isolation physically not able to breed because of Biology 1202 Final Study Guide 3 5 Gametic isolation gametes sperm and egg are prevented from coming together to complete fertilization because of some internal incompatibility Postzygotic barriers prevents hybrid zygote from developing into a fertile adult 1 Reduced hybrid viability genetic incompatibility genetically unable to breed between the 2 species can abort development of the hybrid at some embryonic stage 2 Reduced hybrid fertility when 2 species mate and reproduce a living offspring that is sterile and incapable of reproducing themselves ex mule these hybrids mate with one another or with either parent species offspring of the 2nd generation are feeble sterile 3 Hybrid breakdown the 1st generation is viable fertile but when Chapter 25 History and Life on Earth Explain the endosymbiotic theory for the evolution of the eukaryotic cell see Figure 25 9 o Endosymbiotic Theory Prokaryotes Eukaryotes Mitochondria and plastids were formerly small prokaryotes living Were possibly undigested prey or internal parasites mutualists within larger host cells Describe the timing of key events in the evolution of the first prokaryotes through the evolution of humans Biology 1202 Final Study Guide 4 Chapter 26 Phylogeny and the Tree of Life Identify the parts of and interpret a cladogram see Figure 26 5 Each branch point node Taxa at tips living species group Deeper branch points greater divergence separation Explain the hierarchical classification system and list the different levels of the Most inclusive to least inclusive system 1 Kingdom 2 Phylum 3 Class 4 Order 5 Family 6 Genus 7 Species forms Chapter 27 Prokaryotes List the derived characteristics that distinguish prokaryotes from other life Distinguish with prokaryotic examples among photoautotrophs chemoautotrophs photoheterotrophs and chemoheterotrophs Review Table 27 1 Biology 1202 Final Study Guide 5 Chapter 28 Protists List the derived characteristics of members of the Kingdom Protista that distinguish them from other life forms o Unicellular and multicellular o Most diverse group o Paraphyletic common ancestor with some descendants o Zygotic life cycle haploid cells turn into gametes gametes fuse to form o Alternation of generations produce 2 types of multicellular organisms diploid zygotes meiosis throughout the reproductive cycle n and 2n haploid and diploid Chapter 29 30 Plant Diversity Identify the major groups of land plants based on their derived characteristics Review Figures 29 7 30 2 Figure 29 7 Highlights of plant evolution Biology 1202 Final Study Guide 6 Figure 30 2 Gametophyte sporophyte relationships in different plant groups Chapter 31 Fungi Identify the phyla within the kingdom Fungi based on their derived characteristics Review Figure on page 652 1 2 7 Biology 1202 Final Study Guide 1 Chytridiomycota Chytrids a Flagellated spores 2 Zygomycota Zygote fungi a Resistant zygosporangium as sexual stage 3 Glomeromycota arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi a Arbuscular mycorrhizae formed with plants 4 Ascomycota ascomycetes sac fungi a Sexual spores borne

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