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ANTH 468D 0101 Common ground the only way to understand symbols culture can be seen as a synonym intertextuality nothing is originally made just remade in a way 9 14 Belgium regime was ruthless ivory trade Possible that joseph Conrad was influenced by this real story of Stanley and Pashar Stanley british journalist sent to find dr Livingston bring back emond Pashar to Britain pashar refused to leave Apocalypse Now struggle of all kinds going through the jungle sees the production of the movie and the Vietnam war as imperialistic making a production while critiquing it not so much of a plot as it is a journey amazon rainforest is last standing Asian forest is more human touched didn t show as much of treatment with natives as other films documentaries 9 21 1435 Pope Eugene the 4th he prohibited the slave trade in the Canary Islands where is was happening punishment for continuing resulted in excommunication but was barely followed through 1511 Montesinos De Las Casas Sending a sermon to the old world about being against slavery talking against Columbus and the Spaniards within 50 years there were no more indigenous people in Cuba and the Dominican republic due to mal nutrition and disease 1530 Charles the 5th Prohibits slavery in the new world 1537 Pope Paul the 3rd delivers the first inditement against slavery called Sublimus Deus states the indigenous people are men and should be free 1542 Charles the 5th new laws rebellion breaks out in the colonies cut off a royals head refuse to obey the laws in Mexico The laws are then revoked 1545 Revoke 1550 Valladolid clergy members for both pro and against slavery debate Sepulveda debated for slavery and De Las Casas argued against it De Las Casas says that conversion must be voluntary says some have been held against their will Sepulveda says they are slaves by nature Natural Law they practice cannibalism warfare and infanticide the conclusion was that no one won emperor made a compromise for them emperor said the indigenous people are free and therefor should have the right to their persons property and their happiness except when saved from the evils of Cannibalism Warfare or Infanticide Just War after this a period of expeditions into the hinterlands to bring indigenous people down river These expeditions were called Descimentos The people were called rescue troops and had to bring clergy members to ensure these troops were acting in the favor of Just War They were put in the keeping of missionaries but could be loaned out to colonists This was in place for 200 years or more in some cases Jesuits work with the indigenous people to convert them they set up an institution known as Reduccion the goal was to teach them agricultural skills to wear clothing learn reading and writing in European languages and to be Christians they were captured by force and brought into these communities Junipero Serra exploited converted Indians in forced labor 1769 1784 film today was filmed near the Paraguayan border and mostly at Iguacu Falls director is Rolland Jaffe these events did occur the wars but there s a debate as to whether or not the Jesuits fought in it or not Jaffe had many camera tricks shows innocence of the Jesuits and the natives wants to show the history because he re enacts the debate at validalid uses real Jesuits as extras in film 10 5 Mission villages began on the coast of Brazil in 1550 By 1759 Jesuits are kicked out of Brazil between that time they were teaching them agriculture after that they are able to sell their own labor on the market Amazonia is isolated until the 1800s 1634 Orellana de Carvajal is first to discover amazon 1837 vulcanization 1888 abolition of slavery When Orellana went along the river he saw women that were dominant amazon women and so the river was named that Rubber was in extreme demand in the industrial revolution and the only place it could be found was in the amazon put the amazon on the map rubber was transported back to the old world by steam boat Iquitos Manaus Balem in Iquitos portion of Iquitos that has floating houses in film Caboclo place in amazon with indigenous people and free slaves along river Ethnogenesis the complete new culture in amazon with separate houses along the river Fitzccaraldo tries to make his money for an opera house by getting rich as a rubber barren wants to make the opera house in Iquitos natives agree to drag ship because they believe he is a god connects two rivers by dragging boat over the land but it goes wrong because the natives let the boat go down rapids for spiritual reasons and it hurts the ship filming problems with using the land and the natives every year 800 000acres are cut down in the amazon some council members of a new organization for natives downriver see the film as a way to exhort their power they are getting more money in the film than normal native labor rumors were spread that the film would make a canal that would dry up a certain island village also said that they would slaughter the men and rape the women and were smuggling in weapons and that they had people arrested who were talking against them some guy showed images of holocaust and said they did this to another tribe the main actor got sick and could not come back and the set back made McJagger have to leave because it would cut into his music too much filming starts from scratch with a new lead man uses three look a like ships so they can film them in different places at the same time has to use rainy season flooded river depths to allow the large ships to pass through natives attacked natives working in film a couple hours up stream with arrows director wants to help natives get legal title to their land the extension of time has brought many health social etc problems the dream he tried to take over the land to make the movie with ease but failed uses no special effects natives undermine the technological attempt the amazon was made with anger by god not finished n in early 1900s Asian rubber overcame Amazon rubber because it could be grown in plantations Exam 1 45 of final grade know what Indians used for each film mission depicted the guaranee uses waunana instead because they were living in the rainforest fitzcaraldo on the ucaloulee river uses the compa Indians promises them to entitle them to their land but doesn t fulfill this promise appacolapse now filiming in the philipines people called villagers talk about elenor the wife compare hertzogs film and appocolapse now short

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