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Exam 2 HSC4711 Study Guide 11 10 2014 Chapter 2 Stress 1 Definitions Stress the general physical and emotional state that accompanies the stress response Stressor any physical or psychological event or condition that produces physical and emotional reactions Stress Response the physical and emotional reactions to a stressor Acute Stress short term stress Chronic Stress never ending and inescapable Can be different types of back to back acute stress A state of ongoing physiological arousal Burnout long term exhaustion and diminished interest 2 Physiological stressors o Exercise o Illness o Injury o Exposure pollutants temperature wind rain Psychological Stressors o Extreme emotions o Difficult social situations o Troublesome thoughts war job parenting o relationships 3 Responses to stress Physical Emotional Behavioral 4 Distress stress resulting from an unpleasant stressor Eustress stress resulting from a pleasant stressor 5 Fight or flight a defense reaction that prepares a person for conflict or escape by triggering hormonal cardiovascular metabolic and other changes 6 Three personality types Type A controlling schedule driven competitive Type B less hurried less frustrated more contemplative and tolerant Type C anger suppression difficulty expressing emotions feel hopeless feel despair exaggerated response to minor stressors 7 Things that enable people to deal more successfully with stress Hardiness a form of optimism people see stress as a challenge and opportunity for growth and learning rather than burdens Optimism Resilience set goals and face adversity through individual effort 8 General adaptation syndrome model a pattern of stress responses consisting of three stages alarm resistance and exhaustion Alarm adrenal glands release stress hormones Resistance body maintains protective reactions and recovers normal status Exhaustion occurs when stress persists 9 College Stress o Academic stress o Interpersonal stress o Time pressures o Financial concerns o Worries about the future 10 Stress Social Stress o Prejudice or discrimination o Technology distracting impinge on personal space Environmental Stress o Living in a poor or violent neighborhood o Noisy restaurant o Pollen construction noise Workplace Stress o Less personal time o Can result in burnout 11 Daily Hassles these can be an even greater source of stress because they occur much more often This can take a significant toll on health 12 Ineffective behavior responses to stress overeating using tobacco alcohol drugs expressing hostility anxiety 13 Personality the sum of cognitive behavioral and emotional tendencies Type A and C personalities expressing emotions is beneficial 14 Managing Stress o Shore up your support system o Improve your communication skills o Develop health lifestyle exercise eating sleeping o Learn to identify and moderate individual stress Chapter 13 Immunity and Infection 15 Definitions Immune system the body s collective system of defenses that includes surface barriers as well as the specialized cells tissues and organs that carry out the immune response Immunity resistance to infection Acquired Immunity the body s ability to mobilize the cellular memory of an attack by a pathogen to prevent subsequent illness acquired through the normal immune response and through vaccination Immunization the process of conferring immunity to a pathogen by administering a vaccine Vaccine a preparation of killed or weakened microorganisms inactivated toxins or components of microorganisms that is administered to stimulate an immune response protects against future infection by the pathogen Herd Immunity a type of immunity that occurs when a significant proportion of a community has been vaccinated against a disease and that immunity confers protection on unvaccinated individuals Antibody a specialized protein produced by white blood cells that can recognize and neutralize specific microbes Antigen a marker on the surface Allergy a disorder caused by the body s exaggerated response to foreign chemicals and proteins also called hypersensitivity Allergen a substance that triggers an allergic reaction Vector an insect rodent or other organism that carries and transmits a pathogen from one host to another Epidemic rapidly spreading disease or health related condition Pandemic a widespread epidemic Endemic disease regularly found among particular people or in a certain area Histamine a chemical responsible for the dilation and increased permeability of blood vessels in the inflammatory response Infection invasion of the body by a microorganism Pathogen a microorganism that causes disease Skin prevents microorganisms from entering the body 1st line of Mucous Membranes chemical barrier these membranes line body cavities and prevent the passage of unwanted organisms and particles o Mouth nostrils eyelids bronchioles vagina etc o Made of epithelial tissue and is rich in enzymes that can destroy or break down Cilia hairlike protrusions that line the respiratory tract and sweep foreign matter up and out of the respiratory tract o Particles not caught here may be expelled from the system by 16 defense a cough 17 Inflammatory Response histamine draws different types of WBS to area to attack invaders o neutrophils macrophages t cells b cells 18 Histamine dilation blood vessels heat redness swelling 19 Immunity the resistance to an infection Inborn immunity inherited or innate genetic response Acquired Immunity adaptive or learned natural or artificial Natural active immunity Natural passive immunity Artificial active immunity Artificial passive immunity 20 Chain of Infection 1 Infectious Disease bacterium virus parasite fungis 2 Reservoir where microorganism resides thrives reproduces 3 Portal of Exit place where microorganism leaves reservoir o Nose mouth urinary tract blood bodily fluids rectum 4 Mode of Transmission means by with the organism transfers from one carrier to new carrier 5 Portal of Entry opening where infectious disease enters the host s body o Mucous membranes open wounds where feeding tubes or catheters are inserted 6 Susceptible host at risk person Chapter 7 Drug Abuse and Addiction 21 Definitions Addictive behavior compulsory behavior associated with craving and pursuit of physical or psychological reward that interferes with family school work and recreational activities Addiction a chronic disease that disrupts the brain s system of motivation and reward characterized by a compulsive desire and

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FSU HSC 4711 - Study Guide

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