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5 kingdoms monera fungi plantae animalia protista 3 domains Bacteria archea eukarya Bacteria and archea are prokaryotic Eukarya is Eukaryotic Phylogeny the evolutionary history of a kind of organism Nodes closer to the ancestral linage represent greater amounts of divergence than nodes farther from the ancestral linage Analogous structures a k a homoplasies Orthologs are genes of common ancestry between species Dog hemoglobin and human hemoglobin for example are orthologous Paralogs are when genes are duplicated then one of the copies evolves a new function An example in humans would be myoglobin and hemoglobin both are oxygen storage proteins derived from the same ancestor gene but have different functions one is a transport protein in red blood cells the other is a storage protein in muscle cells Gene duplications produce multiple copies of a gene within the genome Bacteria and Archaea No membrane bound organelles circular chromosomes plasmids unicellular but they grow in colonies The cell walls of bacteria are made up of peptidoglycan while the cell walls of archaea lack peptidoglycan Bacteria lack MITOCHONDRIA Bacilli rod shaped Cocci circular Gram negative has an extra outer membrane Movement towards a stimulus positive taxis Chemotaxis Phototaxis Magnetotaxis Surround the cell wall of prokaryotes capsules or slime layers Capsules are dense and well defined Slime layers are less defined Both enable prokaryotes to adhere to the substrate fimbriae Some protect against dehydration Some shield pathogenic prokaryotes from attack Pathogens are bacteria that can cause harmful infection Endospore structure formed by bacteria during unfavorable conditions that contains dna and a small amount of cytoplasm encased by a protective outer covering germinates during favorable conditions These structures are resistant to dehydration extreme heat or cold and most poisons Some prokaryotes grow using autotrophic methods and derive their energy from inorganic chemicals chemosynthesis Chemoautotrophs Other autotrophic prokayotes like cyanobacteria obtain their energy from sunlight via photosynthesis Photoautotrophs There are also heterotrophic prokaryotes that must have an organic food source for their energy Chemoautotroph get their energy from organic chemicals CO2 Prokaryote use asexual reproduction in the form of binary fission Conjugation transferring genetic material between DNA Halophiles salt loving Thermophiles heat loving Spirochetes Cause Lyme Disease Because of the widespread use and misuse of antibiotics some pathogenic bacteria have developed antibiotic resistance Protists are all eukaryotes and most are single celled for most of their life cycle however but some are colonial and there may even be multicellular forms

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