HSC4711 Exam3 Chapter 8 Alcohol 90 Define the following terms proof value blood alcohol concentration dose response alcohol related neurodevelopment alcohol dependence binge drinking and delirium tremens A Proof value Two times the Percentage of alcohol by volume a 100 proof beverage is 50 percent B Blood alcohol concentration The amount of alcohol in the blood in terms of weight per unit alcohol by volume volume as used as a measure of intoxication C Dose response D Alcohol related neurodevelopment ARND Cognitive and behavioral problems seen in people whose mothers drank alcohol during pregnancy E Alcohol dependence A pathological use of alcohol or impairment in functioning due to alcohol Characterized by tolerance and withdrawal symptoms alcoholism F Binge drinking Periodically drinking alcohol to the point of severe intoxication G Delirium tremens The DTs a state of confusion brought on by the reduction of alcohol intake in an alcohol dependent person other symptoms are sweating trembling anxiety hallucinations and seizures 91 What is the typical ethanol alcohol content of beer ales and wines A Beers contain 3 6 alcohol B Ales and Malt liquor contain 6 8 alcohol C Wines contain 9 14 percent alcohol D Hard Liquor contains 35 50 percent alcohol 92 Described on alcohol is absorbed metabolized and excreted in the body A Alcohol Absorption 20 percent is rapidly absorbed from the stomach into the blood stream about 75 percent is absorbed in the upper part of the small intestine ileum any remaining alcohol enters the system from further along the gastrointestinal tract GI tract B Metabolized Alcohol easily moves through most biological membranes and is rapidly distributed throughout most bodily tissues via blood stream Main site of Metabolism occurs within the LIVER C Excretion 2 10 percent of alcohol is not metabolized in the liver but excreted unchanged in the lungs or other tissues sweat and urine are the main forms off alcohol excretion 93 Describe the role of body weight fat weight and sex on blood alcohol concentration A Bodyweight In most cases a smaller person develops a higher BAC then a larger person after drinking the same amount of alcohol smaller individual has less overall bodily tissues to distribute the alcohol B Body fat Percentage A person with a higher Fat percentage develops a higher BAC then a more muscular person of the same weight fat is far less vascular then muscle tissue C Sex women metabolize much less alcohol in the stomach then men because they do not have the same concentrations of the enzyme that breakdown alcohol this means more metabolized alcohol enter women s blood stream also hormonal fluctuations 94 Identify and describe with examples immediate and long term effects of alcohol consumption A Immediate effects of alcohol consumption CNS Depressant light headedness relaxation and a release of inhibitions mild euphoria becomes more social higher concentrations have negative effects compared with light to moderate drinking poor motor coordination verbal performance intellectual functions B Long term effects chronic Use many different organs become effected by long term alcohol consumption the digestive systems suffers greatly The Liver begins to accumulate fat in its cells if drinking continues fatty liver forms and inflammation and swelling this can form scar tissue and a serious condition called Cirrhosis 50 chance of surviving 5 or more years with cirrhosis alcohol can inflame the Pancreas pancreatic swelling can occur often fatal disease 95 What role does alcohol have on the developing fetus e g expecting mother drinks A During Pregnancy alcohol and its metabolic product acetaldehyde readily cross the placenta potentially harming the fetus Damage to fetus depends on the amount of alcohol consumed B Early in pregnancy heavy drinking can cause spontaneous abortion or miscarriage C alcohol in early pregnancy can also cause a collection of birth defects known as Fetal alcohol syndrome FAS children with FAS have a characteristic mixture of deformities and mental 96 Explain the science behind how alcohol may be of benefit for the prevention and treatment of select A Alcohol may benefit people older then 35 anyone younger alcohol always has a life shortening effect Alcohols relation to heart health lowest rates of coronary disease occurs with those who have moderate alcohol use 1 2 drinks usually occurs in those of 50 years of age 97 Identify individuals who or under what conditions should not consume alcohol A Pregnant women people who cannot not drink responsibly sick or diseased individuals addicts 98 What is the binge drinking and why do college campuses do all they can to prevent such from retardation chronic diseases under 21 occurring A Binge drinking Periodically drinking alcohol to the point of severe intoxication B Binge drinking is prevalent on college campuses with unto 41 admitting to binge drinking at least once a month C 1700 college students die every year from binge drinking 99 What are signs and symptoms of a drinking problem or an alcoholic A Warning signs include B Drinking alone or secretively C Using alcohol deliberately and repeatedly to perform or get through difficult situations D Feeling uncomfortable in certain situations when alcohol is not available E Escalating alcohol consumption beyond an already established drinking pattern F Consuming alcohol heavily in risky situations such as before driving G Drinking in the morning or at other unusual times 100 What are risk factors for potential alcohol abusers A Steady drinking over time Drinking too much on a regular basis for an extended period or binge drinking on a regular basis can produce a physical dependence on alcohol B Age People who begin drinking at an early age are at a higher risk of problem drinking or C Family history The risk of alcoholism is higher for people who have a parent or other close physical dependence on alcohol relatives who have problems with alcohol D Depression and other mental health problems It s common for people with a mental health disorder such as anxiety depression or bipolar disorder to have problems with alcohol or other substances E Social and cultural factors Having friends or a close partner who drinks regularly could increase your risk of alcoholism The glamorous way that drinking is sometimes portrayed in the media also may send the message that it s OK to drink too much F Mixing medication and alcohol Some medications interact with
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