Chapter 13 Immunity and Infection Physical and chemical barriers o Skin protects bacteria and fungi from penetrating o Cilia hair like sweep foreign matter up and about like in nostrils FEV1 is force expiratory volume in one second how much air you can bring in and out o Mucous membrane cavities and passages exposed to external environment Antibodies and enzymes breakdown destroy micro organisms Nostrils lips moith eyelids ears vagina penis anus respiratory SNOT and sleep on eyelids Yeast infection diaper rash blood mouth penis Immune inflammatory response o Inflammatory response Histamine dilation blood vessels heat redness swelling symptomology Draws different types of NBC to area to attack invaders Pus is dead WBC aftermath battle o Acquired immunity Immunity resistance to infection Sensitized WBC specifically T and B cells recognize and destroy the same previous antigen Antigen any substance that causes an immune response Acquired Immunity ability to recognize and destroy previous antigen infection Acquired through normal immune response vaccination o Inborn inherited or innate immunity Non specifc response generic response o Acquired adaptive learned immunity Herd immunity 80 people vaccinated prevents spread Natural Active contact with disease Passive placenta of mothers milk Artificial Active live small dose of antigen body starts to produce antibodies o Vaccine Killed Attenuated Toxoid Component Recombinant DNA Passive o Immune o Serum o Hepatitis Shot o Allergies o CHAIN OF INFECTION Hyper sensitive and over active immune system Allergens substances that provoke immune response smome pollen bee sting food Mucus congestion sneezing itchiness tearing redness swelling coughing wheezing SOB asthma ANAPHYLAXIS shock within minutes of exposure life threatening peanuts shell fish latex penicillin contrast agents Exercise induced allergy its an actual allergy lol worse in dry climate Page 301 For an infection to develop each link of the chain must be connected Breaking ANY link of the chain can stop the transmission of infection Infectious disease Bacterium virus parasite fungus vigulence ability to grow invasiveness ability to enter tissue pathogenicity ability to cause disease Where microorganisms resides thrives reproduces food water tie elevator button feces boogers Reservoir Portal of Exit Place where micro organism leaves reservoir nose mouth blood urinary tract body fluid Mode of transmission Means by which organism transfers from one carrier to a new carrier o Direct direct physical contact body fluids body lesion sex sports CPR o Indirect indirect contact vector 3rd party sharing straw shopping cart insect droplets in air Port of entry Susceptible host Opening where infectious disease enters the host s body mucous membrane eyes mouth open wound paper cut where feeding tubes or catheters are inserted At risk person age chronic disease immune system meds invasive devices foreign objects plates and screws nutrition START OF 2 19 15 Disease in hospital o 4 of people that go into the hospital leave with an infection that they did not originally have at time of admittance o 43 developed within 48 hours Surgery colon surgery hip artheroplasticies o A lot are from pneumonia or at the surgical site Hepatitis A o 28 day incubation reservoir fecal matter port of exit anus direct is oral sex indirect is illegal drug use or contaminated food and water vaccinations or good hygiene prevent good news is it is self limiting and herd immunity Hepatitis B Hepatitis C o Sexual behavior and needle use and abuse o It is either self limiting or chronic Incidence of HC workers is up to 3 o No vaccination available o Tattoos and piercings razors toothbrush Meningococcal meningitis o Often becomes chronic and can lead to cirrhosis of the liver and liver cancer o Typically severe most recover but can result in brain damage hearing loss 4K cases a year 500 deaths per that amount HPV Genital Human Papillomavirus o Sexual practices vaccinations can lead to genital warts and cancer o Goes in through break of skin comes from soil dust manure vaccination is 10 year Tetanus booster Ebola o Don t believe transmitted air water or food but may spread through handling bush meat road kill Reservoir body fluids and surfaces Healthy Immune System o Nutrition o Exercise o Adequate rest sleep o Abstain smoking o Hand washing o Avoid people and environments o Touching ports of entry eyes mouth o Protect including vaccinations Autism and Vaccinations o MMR vaccine o MMR measles mumps and rebella german measles o 1 shot w viruses of each o 5 large studies o Sweden Denmark USA UK o Consistently found no evidence Drug resistant bacteria causes o Over use Scientific misconduct retracted their names from the 1998 publications Serious methodological flaws incorrect measuring and testing o Miss use o Fear factor Anti bacterial meds and soaps and products o Bacteria is now stronger and less responsive to anti biotics o Higher risk of ill health for all o More difficult to cure and more o Pass the drug resistance bacteria to another Anti bacterial o Triclosan anti bacterial anti fungal agent General public soap no Health care yes It is in human breast milk Children with alleriges Adults with thyroid hormone issues Immune system fertility miscarriage birth defects cancer Toxic to ecosystem MRSA methicillin resistant staphylococcus aureus o Staph bacteria o Resistant to certain antibiotics o Cause skin and other infections kaspers 3rd nipple o Antibiotic use in humans o Antibiotics in food producing animals transmitted to humans through food o Both contribute to the emergence persistence and spread of resistant bacteria o Hospital and nursing homes Wounds invasive devices immune system o Community Dirt exercise equipment table top 2013 tampa bay bucs locker room Factors contributing to emerging infections o Drug resistance poverty breakdown of public health measures environmental cues travels and commerce mass food productions and distribution human behaviors bioterrorism Pandemic endemic epidemic o Epidemic occurs in excess or normal expectancy o Endemic constant presence of a disease of agent usual prevalence of a given disease Sort of norm of certain time or place so varies throughout the year o Pandemic worldwide epidemic FESTIVUS
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