NAME COUNTRY CITY REGION ETC DESCRIPTION DENMARK Country JUTLAND JYLLAND Peninsula CLIFFS OF MON Chalk cliffs AALBORG City BORNHOLM Danish Island BURNMEISTER WAIN Danish Shipyard KOPENHAVEN COPENHAGEN City Capital of Denmark Country divided in 2 by the low ridge of the Baltic Heights Sterile sandy glacial outwash Woodlands pastures ponds steep hills Danes mineral resources are chalk and clay and used to produce cement here Civil engineering base There is a kaolin used to make pottery Located in Baltic Sea Denmarks largest enterprise shipyard Location of Burnmeister and Wain Largest diesel engine shipyard Commands the Oresund and the passage between the North Sea and Baltic and now stands as the gateway to Scandinavia Christianbor for protection and trade merchants harbor between North Sea and Baltic Built Castle of Hanseatic League always tried to destroy it Started as fishing village ZEALAND SJAELLAND Island Copenhagens Capital ORESUND THE SOUND ELISNORE SWEDEN Passage City Country SCANIA SKONE Province of Sweden MALMO City SCANDANAVIA Region LANDSKAP PROVINCE Province of Sweden Copenhagen s capital Main passage in Copenhagen Squeezed ships through for taxes Kingdom of given to by Napolean his marshall was put on the throne 9 million people Very similar to Jutland colonized by beach forest farmland Primarily an agricultural province Chief commercial and industrial center University One of Denmarks most populous and largest cities Bridge from here to Copenhagen was 10 miles and built in 2000 Largest area of bioscientists 3rd largest city Large immigrant area of Sweden Commercial and industrial center of Landskap Historical and cultural lingustic region in N Europe characterized by a common ethno cultural Germanic heritage and related languages Historical geographical and SOUTH SWEDISH HIGHLANDS Region CENTRAL SWEDISH LOWLAND Region KATTEGAT Sea Area UPPSALA City STOCKHOLM City Capital of Sweden MALAREN Lake BERGSLAGEN Mining District cultural regions Means province Match furniture and glass industries Also known as Scorno Thinks of area as historically Danish because they were Structural depression between the Kattegat and Baltic containing 4 large lakes Between Denmark and Sweden Difficult and dangerous to navigate Viking center of Sweden Capital of Uppsala county and 4th largest Swedish city 1st University now known as ROSLION spelling Current capital Guarding the passage between Malaren and the Baltic Grew as a port for the mining district og Berslagen Major trading center Most populous city in Scandinavia 3rd largest lake in Sweden Guarded by Stockholm Located North of Lake Malaren Historically culturally and linguistically distinct VASTERAS ESKILSTUNA JONKOPING City City City HUSKWARNA City GOTEBORG City Sweden s Chief Port NORRLAND One of the 3 lands of Sweden GULF OF BOTHNIA Gulf LAPLAND Swedish Provice Has Iron and other trading resources Mineral wealth that Swedens finances To the South and West lie the industrial towns To the South and West lie the industrial towns To the South and West lie the industrial towns Wood using industry Furniture where IKEA originated Sewing machine and chainsaw industry At the western end of the lowlands in 1619 Gustavus Adolphus founded Goteborg to open Sweden to the West Sweden s chief port Vast region of hard rock colonized by needly forest Western end had spruce and pine Vast expanse of hard rock with a moronic veneer and a cloak f spruce and pine Rivers flow into this gulf transport logs and generate power to pulp and saw them There is an iron ore field here Most important mineral resource is here About a quarter of Sweden s surface KIRUNA GALLIVARE Towns LULEA City on the Coast of Sweden NARVIK IN NORWAY FINLAND Country TURKU City HELSINKI City Capital and largest city of Finland SALPAUSSELKA Ridge System TAMPERE SAMI OR LAPPS City City LOFTEN ISLANDS Islands Chief mining town Getting iron out was difficult until 1910 when there were railroads In the summer ore is shipped out through here When Gulf of Bothnis freezes the ore is sent via this way Majority of population lives in its southern regions Timber is its main resource Agriculture is confined to the coastal plain here Trade with Sweden Market place Agriculture is confined to the coastal plain here Capital of Finland located in the South Major political financial educational cultural and research center Nokia is here Most of growth is from industry Ridge system left from ice age Terminal moraine formation Hydroelectric power enables this place to produce textiles and smelt metals Survive with reindeer herds Fishing is the sole source of income MO I RANA Town SVALBARD SPITZBERGEN MOSJOEN Islands City BODO Town FJORDS Narrow Inlet TRONDELAG Region VESTLAND Region HARDANGERFJORD Region BERGEN City OSTLAND Region along the tundra coast to the north Dairy farming State owned steel mill here Just south of the arctic circle Center of the municipality of Rana in Norland Coal is shipped from here Other government attempts develop its northern economy are an aluminum refinery here Former privileged staple place Government attempts to develop a northern economy are here with a railway Settlements mostly consist of small fishing villages at the mouth here Steep sides and cliffs Largest Fjord penetrates into a rolling lowland the historical heart of Viking Norway South of this area is a mountainous and rugged Hydroelectric power is used to smelt carbide here Chief city of Hardangerfjord region Old Hansa city Present heartland of OLSO City Capital of Norway ICELAND Country REYKYVAVIK AND KEFLAVIK City IRELAND Country BANN LAGAN LOWLANDS ANTRIM Towns BELFAST City Capital and largest city in Northern Ireland SHANNON Town and River ATHLONE DUBLIN Town City Capital and largest city in Irland WICKLOWS Town Norway Most productive agricultural area with OLSO at its center Center of Ostland Most populous in Norway is glacier lavafield and Arctic desert In the habitable sheep and dairy farming dominate Cod landed here Dominate the economy Can be divided by a line that runs from Glen Swilly to Kinsale defining the Atlantic Gaelic West with its approach Protestants are only in the majority here Capital Residential areas are sharply divided along religious lines Broad Central Plain to the South is drained by this Serves towns like Athlone Serves the Shannon and Central Plains Radials from Central Plains lead here Capital and chief center of commerce and industry in Ireland Dublins southern suburbs lap
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