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General Europe Geography Human and Physical Geography Europe Notes Test One Political Economic Cultural Urban Military Historical etc European Union Flag Beethoven s 9th Ode to Joy Not important to us but extremely important to them Asia Minor used to be a part of Europe it is now Turkey the Greeks are fighting for the territory Indo Aryans then Asians in 1453 Turkish There are many manifestations of Europe Middle of the 1700s is when it changed to the current modern representation Geography is a SOCIAL CONSTRUCTION determined on cultural aspects and social science It is a PERCEPTION Cultural Hearth Place where human civilization began and grew o Mesopotamia o Indo Gangiatic Plane o Yellow River of North China o Nile o Africa o Northern India Europe was the last to develop so it didn t have to civilize Pangaea to Jurassic Period Pacific Plate Ring of Fire Volcano Mt Etna in southern Italy Earthquakes Balkans Region Macedonia Yugoslavia Turkey Malta Italy Egyptian culture influenced Europe greatly Europe is defined as a region only culturally Europe is one for the most populated continents It has ruled the world for the last 500 years 1500 1950 It has ruled everywhere except Central China the Ottoman Empire and the Central Wasteland at some point in those last 500 years They mainly left language as the heritage of their rule In Asia and Africa the cities follow the European style Canton was the segregated community where the white people live China has ruled about 5 different times throughout history 1800s Great Britain was the wealthiest country 1870 1890 Germany replaces Great Britain as the leading economy 1872 Germany was unified It became what China is today Then becomes a debtor nation o French ruled then Spanish the Europe US had 75 of world GDP They rebuild Europe Marshall Plan and then proceed to End of WWII rebuild Japan Money value is spreading US 2 others 10 growth rates This happens repeatedly throughout history BRICS are the fastest growing economies Brazil Russia India and China Russia is falling apart Population is declining steadily 750 000 per year It lost territories when it split Russians are not having children Two very hard economy slumps Also resulting in no children Russian economy is based off of natural resources gas and oil Exclusive access to the European market They shut off Europe at one point which resulted in Europe looking and finding other sources which makes Russia unnecessary European role in the world is changing Higher quality of life o Guaranteed money Health Care Pension Plans Highway quality High speed trains Unemployment benefits for life Superior government services Lack of creativity No more drive for the new Economic expansion is down Wealth is growing but other countries are faster European Wealth All were great but they are expensive Not a good place for profit Comes from the industrial sect which is going down the tubes Severe economic recession World Systems Theory Wealth producing Metropolis Value added production raw materials into something else to sell at a higher price Manufacturing The difference is the value added o No value added production Dependent on the Metropolis Periphery Semi Periphery The middle group Provides the labor Wealth Producing Metropolis are typically all around the interstates corridors Centrality is important North America Western Europe Eastern Asia are the economic poles around the world Fastest growing economy Mongolia 18 growth rate o China is largest consumer Fastest growing economy almost always means that there was not one in the first place Shatter belt Countries breaking into smaller sections because there is nothing to pull them together Examples Caucuses Baltics Centrifugal Force Forces that cause people to separate o Culture language race economies etc o Examples Scotland from the United Kingdom United States 90 of the forces could be either Centrifugal or Centripetal Devolution Slowly pulling away Centripetal Force Unifying a region o Nationalism Events that Defined Europe Egyptian Empires Greek Empires Roman Empires Germanic Invasions o Germans separated by rivers o Migrations kill off the Roman Empire Each of the different tribes end up as different countries Constantine 312 o Sets up different power Christianity is set as a uniformed religion The Great Plague o Fleas and rats were the cause o Reached everyone Half of all human beings died o Redefines Europe o Feudal system and social structure are created o Religion is jeopardized Views change Changes EVERYTHING Particularism o Everyone for themselves o Most prominent in Germany 1630 1640 o Largest War Massacre 30 years War Mercantilism Colonialism Reformation Reformation 1571 1588 30 Years War Particularism o Europe loses half of the population again o Anabaptist Meninites Amish o Centrality o Great Kings of Europe Spain and France o America is a product of Europe before the 30 Years War Religion is a centripetal force NO DICTATORS Judaism was prominent many different places There are 3 major religions in Europe o Roman Empire o Russia o Asia Catholics Lutherans Orthodox Very few exceptions Christianity Origins 33AD Christianity Has a sense of Regionalism Bishops Leaders that have churches spread out diases Four main bishops and then the leader bishop Major differences of philosophy Original Rome Alexandria Nationalized by Constantine for the Roman Empire Forced his people into it Antioch Constantinople Jerusalem Have regular meetings 323AD Christianity splits Partly on the dogma Bishops of south and east go their own way Still expressed today Ethiopia and Egypt have their own popes 460AD Another split Argument of Bishops Constantinople All should be equal Rome Church State and I am leader of both so therefore I am the head West Catholics and East Orthodox Mediterranean Split Goes a long way to determine physical geography for both sides Numerous Orthodox Churches The main one is located in Istanbul Every nationality has a form of Orthodoxy sometimes multiple Helps create Russian National Church 1522 Another Split Western Europe o 100 years prior The Dialectic Yohan Huss Burned at the stake in downtown Prague Catholic Church is corrupt All based on money and sex Split into Catholicism South and West and Protestantism North Based of the Dialectic theory No absolute authority Partitioning of all of Europe John Calvin Calvinist Thesis Argument then antithesis counter argument then synthesis solution You have a right to think and challenge

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FSU GEA 4500 - Test 1

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