o Transcendent Discourse an oral or written discourse preserved over time sacred value o Sets of Practices ritual and ethical o Community some texts some precepts same sorts of practices o Institutions structures staffed by officials that speak for the community and the REL2121 LECTURES 10 22 14 A Civil Religion Mark Noll bringing ideas together Publick Religion Benjamin Franklin Aspects of Religion religion itself Robert Bellah America is God s chosen nation B Inclusion and Exclusion Immigration in America o Asian Religions o Judaism o Catholicism o Islam Science and Religion Millennialism Creating a Better World o Slavery the epistle of Paul to Philemon o Prohibition o Women s suffrage o Civil rights o Social issues 10 24 14 Civil War and Reconstruction A A Theological Crisis Crisis read the Bible and think there s one meaning reformed literal hermeneutic o Common sense realism o Biblical literalism history and theology Slavery in the Bible Christians on both sides B Slavery and the Bible George Rabel God s Almost Chosen Peoples wrote because abolitionists seemed to be losing the biblical argument some decided to abandon religious appeals altogether C Preamble to the Constitution D Lincoln s Second Inaugural US the people establish the rules and goals CSA the states are independent of other states and God is on our side not yours He s saying both parties are reading the same Bible and praying to the same God but also trying to use God to kill the other party I won t judge slave owners if they don t judge me God has his own plan God wants to get rid of slavery but maybe he wants to punish us first war Again God has his own plan E What Now Repairing the nation after war What will happen in the south o 1 3 of white men are dead o Economy was based on cotton and the slave system What will happen with newly freed African Americans o Share cropping tenant farming housing o Some move to the West o Some move to the North but mostly not until later Great Migration 1910 1930 F Lost Cause Edward Pollard The Lost Cause A New Southern History of the War of the Confederates Noble cause fought valiantly o Veneration of Jackson Davis etc o States rights o heritage way of life o 94 confederate monuments erected in the South by 1885 406 more added by 1912 The KKK Birth of a Nation 1915 and the second KKK 10 27 14 Immigration and Religion A Immigration and Religion A melting pot coined by J Hector St John de Crevecoeur 1782 Holding onto tradition Mary Antin The Promised Land 1912 B Catholics and Identity Ethnic and Religious C Protestant Reactions Concern for jobs Concern for religion Concern for America o Native American Party o Know Nothing Party 10 29 14 Science and Religion Science noun the intellectual and practical activity encompassing the systematic study of the structure and behavior of the physical and natural world through observation and experiment A Religion and Science Friends or Enemies Viewpoint 1 Religion undergirds science o Religion explains why the world can be understood o Muslim Golden Age of learning o Influential Christian thinkers Pascal Newton Collins Viewpoint 2 Religion prevents science o Galileo Galilei s discovery of heliocentrism vs established church doctrine o The big one Charles Darwin B Charles Darwin English naturalist and geologist Wrote Origin of the Species by Means of Natural Selection 1859 C Responses to Darwin s Theory Evolution is God s way of doing things Lyman Abbott The Bible does not teach science to take its language in a scientific sense is grossly demeaning Views of evolution pro Views of evolution con D Higher Criticism Who wrote the different parts of the Bible How did those authors reflect the assumptions of their time How did the Bible acquire its present list of books What about other religions Focus to be more critical about what was demonstrably true E World Religions F Sources of Authority In the 1950s there were 5 types groups Authority figures Tradition Revelation Reason logic 10 31 14 Religion and Transformation A At the End of the 19th Century A widening gap between rich and poor Greater class suspicions Farming was a risky enterprise The loss of slavery inflamed racial tensions New technologies and innovations B Changing the World for the Better Caring for the human body o Divine healing Sin causes physical suffering Christ would heal suffering both spiritual and physical Christian and missionary alliance o Careful eating Ellen G White John Harvey Kellogg and Seventh Day Adventists The body is a temple so watch what you put in it Maintaining the body o Christian science and Mary Baker Eddy 1821 1910 All reality is an idea in God s mind Because God without error suffering and death are illusions Science and Health with Key to Scriptures 1875 Church of Christ scientist churches and reading rooms Easing poverty in the cities o The problem rising poverty due to immigration and industrialization crowded cities dangerous jobs o Solutions Social gospel long term Christians focused on saving the soul and did not fcus enough on the body Christians especially those with means should help those in need Charles Sheldon s in His Steps WWJD Beginning of workplace regulation undergirded by religious teachings Salvation army short term Founded in 1860s in London came to U S in 1880 Organized in a military structure Provided aid to urban poor coal food medicine shelter education cessation programs Reducing suffering caused by alcohol o Issues concerning alcoholism grew throughout the 19th century o Because of the harmful effects of excessive drinking temperance reform which came to mean abstinence o Frances Willard s Woman s Christian Temperance Union saw alcohol ue connected to larger social ills o 1919 18th amendment prohibiting sale of alcohol o 1933 21st amendment repealing the 18th amendment Missions movement o Missions to Native Americans o American Missionary Association 1846 11 3 14 Religion at the Turn of the Century A A Protestant Century George A Campbell the coming century is to witness the greater triumphs in Christianity than any previous century has ever witnessed 20th century B Protestant Power Promise and Perils Josiah Strong Our Country Its Possible Future and its Present Crisis o Immigration new people new beliefs o Romanism o Challenges to public education which Bible to use o Mormonism had to disallow polygamy o Intemperance and liquor traffic o Socialism Marxism was dangerous remove religion o Love of wealth o Evils spawned by
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