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1 Study Guide for Final Exam REL 2121 Intro to Religion in the U S Exam on Thursday April 30 2015 18 multiple choice matching fill in the blank questions worth 4 points apiece 4 bonus questions worth 1 point apiece 2 paragraph long short answer questions worth 14 points apiece Disclaimer Questions could come from any area of the notes textbooks class videos in class discussions and other assigned readings but here are some possible areas to know This list is not exhaustive 1 The components of the Lost Cause religious mythology civil war was about the government imposing laws in the South the population didn t agree with accepting of defeat as punishment from God for slavery and rebellion Chastisement not final since God will reward those later Christ died and then resurrected Semi divine Confederate figures Stonewall General Lee southern valor Demonizing Lincoln Sacralizing the southern land 2 The Gospel of Wealth Ragged Dick Gospel of Wealth no one should be able to take away your rights Gospel of wealth invest in the public and do not hog your money 14 yr old homeless boy who smokes drinks wants to grow up to be respectable refuses to steal Mr Greyson invites the boy to church Mr Whitey gives him money for shinning his shoes boy uses the money to buy an apartment saves a drowning child and gets a suit and a job in a firm boy then remains successful and goes by Richard instead of dick Both stories show protestant work ethic 3 The branches of American Judaism Orthodox Conservative Reform o Trefa banquet dinner held in honor of Hebrew Union College o Conservative Reform split up o The menu served for the banquet was non kosher which pissed off many people o Rabbi Isaac Mayer Wise dismissed kitchen Judaism and believed it was inconvenient o Angered many conservative Jews believing that the reform religion was cheapening the Jewish religion 4 The Social Gospel and its key players Definition protestant ministers apply Christian ethics to social justice issues Unregulated work conditions slums child labor overcrowding Goal to combat social evils church leaders should educate members about others plight 2 People o Washington Gladden o Walter Rauschenbusch Criticized SALVATION Dwight L Moody saving souls reform Rausch Believed sin was societal not individual Criticized ENDING Moody premillennial eschatology God told Moody to save everyone and ignore social evils Rausch postmillennial eschatology the kingdom is growing not everything getting worse 5 Marx s Critique of Religion Christian pastors for and against evolution and why Religion is a result of the class system not actually a thing Capitalists use religion as a way to keep employees faithful and in line Religion is the opium of the people For o Atheist agnostics secularist adopt evolution immediately o Lyman Abbot Science is the truth Christianity evolves Bible is not incapable to be wrong Against o Charles Hodge design in nature calls for a designer evolution will only lead to atheism not all evolutionists are atheist Darwin believes in a God 6 The Temperance Movement key figures and significance the fundamentals of the Christian faith Cause of church reform due to slavery being abolished Temperance Movement alled with the Anti Saloon league to enact the Prohibition Prohibition remained the last cause to untie Christian churches People o Carrie Nation radical from the Women s Temperance Union who believed in the abolishment of Alcohol hatchetations would attack taverns with a hatchet o Aimee Semple Mc Pherson Sister Aimee founded Foursquare Church televangelist pioneer in the use of radio media as a religious outlet fundamentals o Fundamentalism American Protestant who sought to defend the traditional values of Christianity o The virgin birth of Christ o Inerrancy of Scipture o Substiutionary theory of the atonement o Bodily resurrection of Jesus o Christ s physical Second Coming 7 William J Seymour and the rise of Pentecostalism William J Seymour o Starts revival in LA after hearing Parham s message Charles Fox Parham start the tradition of speaking in tongues in Kansas 3 Pentecostalism o Methodist s leave to form Holiness Churches o Speaking in tongues represent being taken over by the Holy Spirit o Continualism continuing the practices of speaking in tongues faith healing o Cessationism believing that speaking in tongues faith healing snakes etc are lost arts that stopped occurring after the death of the Apostles 8 The Scopes Monkey Trial and its short term and long term results Context Scopes teaches theory of evolution violating the Butler Act found guilty won appeal American Christianity no longer divided by denominations only by conservative or liberal o Prosecutor William Jennings Bryan o Defense Clarence Darrow Short Term Results o Bryan died a few days later from diabetes o Southerners deemed as foolish and ignorant by media o Media called fundamentalism dead Long Term Results o battles still over teaching of evolution o Fundamentalists left denominations and formed a new ones General Association of Regular Baptist Churches Orthodox Presbyterian Churches Bible colleges conferences broke away from the Northern Baptist 9 The Moorish Science Temple of America and the Nation of Islam key figures major beliefs significance for the African American community Background o poverty in the south due to blacks moving to the North o many jobs lost after WWII settlements in ghettos o Reverend M Divine Father Divine started the United Negro Improvement Association o Marcus Garvey o Timothy Drew Noble Drew Ali o Marcelino Manuel da Graca Charles Manuel Sweet Daddy Grace People the messenger founded the International Peace Mission movement predominantly black church to an international church founder first bishop of United House of Prayer For All People followers claimed he was a miraculous faith healer and saw his ministry as a sign from God about the return of Jesus the Circle Seven Koran the experience of Jesus in India Egypt and Palestine created home base of religion in Chicago converted Elijah Poole Allah in flesh Fard leaves religion in 1934 son of a Baptist preacher worked in Detroit claims Fard left him in charge as his Prophet created a large following father killed by white supremacists mom went insane introduced NOI in prison started multiple temples and creates a following of NOI after break of NOI becomes Sunni Muslim goes on haji Islamic birth o Wallace D Fard Wallace Fard Muhammad o Elijah Muhammad Prophet Elijah

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