Name North Germany Region City Feature Description Region Plains glaciated by ice Mittelland Kanal Major German Canal Baltic Heights Luneburger Heide Region in Lower Saxony Hanseatic League Organization Bremen Hamburg City City Rostock Berlin City Port Capital of Germany sheets from Scandinavia Surface unsorted moronic material and its drainage disrupted by bogs and lakes Follows an Urstromtal across the country Swept from Jutland across the plain Terminal Moraine Glacial outwash In medieval Germany merchants from Bremen Hamburg Lubeck and Rostock formed for mutual protection Outstripped the rest with Hamburg during Trans Atlantic Trade Served the entire Elbe Valley during Trans Atlantic Trade Outstripped the rest with Bremen This was cut by the Iron Curtain dropping 30 miles upstream 2nd largest city after Berlin with a PORT commercial and manufacturing functions Chief German port Creator of politics Capital of Prussia as Founded in Brandenburg foothold closer to core of Germany Became capital of empire in 1870 defeat of Hitlers Empire in 1945 was its divide into occupation East Berlin Capital of East Germany West Berlin No longer exists 1949 90 Capital of West Berlin Holstein Region between Elbe and Eider Remember it s a breed of cow to help remember description Central Uplands Region Dusseldorf Capital city of North Rhine Westphalia Hannover Capital of Lower Saxony Braunschweig City in Lower Saxony Magdeburg Dresden Leipzig Capital City of the Bundesland of Saxony Anhalt Capital City of Saxony City in Saxony zones East and West Capital of East Germany divided by a wall from the West from 1961 89 Remained an outlier politically associated with West Germany Now capital of reunited Home of the black and Germany white Most of Northern Plain the agriculture accent is on dairying black and white South of the bogs and heaths Leading to towns of Medieval Germany grew up as market centers spaced along this rich belt Dusseldorf Hannover Braunschweig Magdeburg Leipzig Dresden Characterized by medium sized market centers with Stuttgart on the Neckar Nurnberg and Kassel the foremost of these centers Center of Rhine Ruhr Metropolitan area International financial and business center Volkswagen produces here Several non German citiznes Located on Elbe River Important to medieval Germany Apart of the Saxon triangle on the valley of Elbe river Great annual fair reflecting its central position in the belt Chief commercial mineral Hellweg Sachsen Saxony Name given to main traveling routes State Niedersachen Lower Saxony State Nordrhein Westfalen State Essen Dortmund Duisburg Wuppertal Gelsenkirchen Solingen Bochum City City City City City City City Oberhausen City deposits of North Germany Artery of Trade along the Borde Has lignite salt potash imports coal to produce steel chemicals machinery vehicles and tools with LEIPZIG and DRESDEN as its main center Salt potash and oil in the Braunshweig Hannover area support a variety of chemical and engineering products Largest industrial complex in the Ruhr located here at the junction of the Borde and the Rhine This is a conurbation of towns clustered in Ruhr and upper valleys Central part of the Ruhr area of North Rhine Westphalia Largest city by area Green metropolis Western part of the Ruhr area Lowland area Known for steep slopes woods and parks In North Rhine Westphalia in the North area of the Ruhr area In North Rhine Westphalia Southwest of Wuppertal Part of the Arnsberg region Forest in this region Weitmarer Holz Divided into 6 administrative districts Named for its railways station Largely focused on mining Koln Cologne Bohn City City Rhine Rift Valley Valley Hardt Town Kaiserstuhl Range of Hills Vogelsberg Mountains Odenwald Low mountain range Frankfurt am Main City Alpine Foreland Region Bayern Bavaria State and steel production Financial capital of the region 4th largest German city Former West German Federal Capital Running East West grain of Germany West of the uplands 20 miles wide and 175 miles long Between horst of the Vosges on the French side and the Schwarzwald to the east Results of volcanic Results of volcanic eruptions eruptions Results of volcanic eruptions Large volcano massif in eastern upper Hesse Results of volcanic eruptions In states of Hesse Bavaria and Baden Wurttemberg Largest city of the region standing at the northern end of the rift Germanys communication capital Largest city in state of Hessen 5th largest in Germany Glaciated and has moronic soils standing between 700 2000 ft above sea level Cool summer cold winter Small farms produce dairy products Focused on Augsburg commanding the approach road to Brenner Pass Ulm City Muchen Munich Capital and Largest city of Bavaria Danube River Osterreich Austria Country Linz Capital of Upper Austria Salzburg City Wien Vienna Capital and largest city in Austria Graz Tirol Capital of Styria State in Austria State in Austria Sonnenstien Mountain Innsbruck Capital City of Tirol Switzerland Country Commanded the Splugen Pass Chosen as Capital of Bavaria in 1255 but only rose to the fore in 1840s with coming of railways Drains the Foreland eastwards into Oberosterreich Upper Austria German speaking rump of the Austro Hungarian Empire Cut off from sea and confined to Alps and their flanks in 1918 On the Danube uses local iron ore and German coal to produce steel 3rd largest city in Austria Guards way to Alpine Valley This and MOZART make it a major tourist center Capital Lies in lower warmer basin Vineyards corn wheat and sugarbeets Largest city in Austria Chief city of the South 2nd largest city in Austria In western part of Austria Capital is Innsbruck 9 districts Austria regained independence in 1955 from France Mountain in Austria North end of the Brenner Main Tourist Center Multilingual Swiss are most prosperous people in Europe despite having poorest resource base 60 of Switz is Alps and the Jura another 10 65 German speaking 18 French speaking 10 Italian speaking 1 Romansch and Ladin speaking 48 Catholic 44 Protestant Best endowed area Eastern extension of Alpine foreland Largest city Airport and railway station are busiest in the country One of worlds largest financial centers Many museums and art gallery 4th most populous city in Switzerland Official language is German Ranked in top 10 cities in the world for best quality of life 2nd most populous city in Switzerland most populous city in Romandy French speaking part of Switzerland Financial center Worldwide center for
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