The Components of the Lost Cause Religious Mythology REL2121 Final Exam Study Guide Chastisement not final blessings later Semi divine Confederate figures Demonizing Union figures Sacralizing the southern landscape Reconstruction Redemption o Republicans in power in South rights extended to former slaves o White Democratic resistance reconquest of South Gospel of Wealth It s you right to make all that you can Give away all you can to public works o Library schools etc Protestant work ethic Ragged Dick Do not hoard money or give it to your kids Written by Horatio Alger Hardworking shoe shiner is determined to work his way up he ends up saving a rich man s kid from drowning the rich man offers him a job at a law firm Protestant work ethic Branches of American Judaism Orthodox Reform o Conservative Jews o Eastern Europe Asia o Movement started in Germany then led by Isaac Wise in America Isaac Wise Established Hebrew Jewish College Modernized religion to survive in the world o Largest group of Jews today Conservative o Moderate Jews o The Trefa Banquet Not a kosher banquet Served shrimp shellfish etc First graduates of college Social Gospel key players Definition A movement began by some Protestant ministers to apply Christian ethics to social justice issues Part of the Progressive Era Movement Key leaders Washington Gladden Walter Rauschenbusch o Know how to spell for extra credit most likely Goals Combat social evils church leaders should educate members Criticized their over emphasis on salvation of individual souls Jacob Riis How the Other Half Lives Dwight L Moody saving souls was the solution to issues needing reform Rausch Sin is societal structural not just individual o Criticized their harmful beliefs about the end times Premillennial eschatology encouraged Christians to ignore social evils believe the world is getting worse and worse which is a sign of the second coming Rausch Thought the Kingdom of God on earth is growing things were not getting worse like the postmillennial eschatology followers thought Karl Marx s Critique of Religion Communism s Key Idea societies consist of class conflict between owners of production and workers which produces worker alienations Overthrowing capitalism will usher in classless society Critique o Religion is the opium for the people Religion is a projection of the anxiety that workers have due to being exploited working as a coping mechanism o Capitalists use power of religion to keep employees subservient Joining a labor union is rebelling against God o There is nothing supernatural about religion since it s a result of class conflict Focus on economics solely o If class conflict vanishes religion will vanish Theory of Evolution Darwinism o Charles Darwin popularized the theory in his Origin of Species o Evolution definition higher and more complex life forms originated in and developed from lower and less complex forms o Natural Selection ensures that only the animals most fit for survival survive Survival of the fittest Christian pastors for against evolution Lyman Abbott o Adopted evolution while holding on to his faith o Scientists bearers of truth o Christianity evolves Temperance Movement key figures significance fundamentals of the Christian faith o Bible not inerrant Bible is not without error Charles Hodge o Christianity is incompatible with evolution o Design in nature calls for a designer o Evolution leads to atheism Occurring since antebellum days Chief cause of reform for churches after slavery is abolished Women s Christian Temperance Union o Major organization of women s political involvement o Carrie Nation hatchetations Destroys a bunch of saloons Allies with anti saloon league o Want to enact prohibition Fundamentalism o Definition American Protestant movement whose adherents sought to defend what they believed was core tenets of Christianity against an increasingly secular society and liberal Christians o The Fundamentals Virgin birth of Christ Inerrancy of Scripture Substitutionary theory of the atonement Bodily resurrection of Jesus Christ s physical Second Coming William J Seymour and the rise of Pentecostalism Seymour hears the message of Charles Fox Parham in Houston adopts it he then goes to L A to pastor on Azusa Street he starts a revival Pentecostal movement has as many as 600 million follower today Speaking in tongues gift given directly by the Holy Spirit wherein believers are supernaturally enabled to utter a heavenly language that only the participant God and possibly an interpreter can understand Continualism belief that all the miraculous gifts of the Holy Spirit continue to be practiced in the Christian Church today Cessationism belief that the miraculous gifts of the Holy Spirit ceased to occur by the end of the first century A D with the death of the Apostles and other early Christians The Scopes Monkey Trial short long term results Scopes admits to teaching evolution violation of Butler Act o Really just testing to see if the law can be overturned Trial national spectacle Prosecutor William Jennings Bryan o Dies a few days after the trial Defense Clarence Darrow o He cross examines Bryan about the Bible Climax when Darrow asks Bryan to the stand as a Bible expert Scopes guilty fined 100 Moorish Science Temple of America MSTA Founder Timothy Drew Noble Drew Ali Supposedly encountered an Egyptian priest of magic who gave him the Circle Seven Started first MSTA in Newark eventually made home base in Chicago Beliefs o All blacks have Muslim roots Asiatic everyone w color of skin other than Koran white o Slavery caused blacks to forget their true national identity and religion o Advocated black owned businesses and self reliance MSTA grows to about 30 000 1930 it fractures after Ali s death Today 1 000 to 1 500 members Nation of Islam key figures major beliefs significance for the African American community Founder Wallace D Fard o Claimed to be from Mecca uncertain of origin o Recruited former MSTA members in Detroit center for the Nation of Islam o Converted Elijah Poole Poole declares him to be Allah in flesh o Fard disappears Poole takes over The Prophet Elijah Muhammad Elijah Poole o Born in Sandersville GA father was a Baptist preacher o Claims Fard left him in charge as his prophet o NOI grows from a few thousand to almost 100 000 by his death The Message Beliefs Practices o Fard as Allah and Elijah Muhammad as prophet o Use of Qur an AND Bible o Origin story Original humans were black and
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