Final Exam Study Guide Chapter 18 Sexually Transmitted Diseases STDs that cause a major health threat o HIV AIDS o Hepatitis o Syphilis o Chlamydia o Gonorrhea o Herpes o Human papillomavirus HPV Bacterial STDs Chlamydia trachomatis Gardnerella vaginalis Haemophilus ducreyi Neisseria gonorrhea Treponema pallidum causes syphilis Hepatitis B virus Herpes simplex viruses HSV Human immunodeficiency virus HIV Human papillomavirus HPV Viral STDs HIV Infection and AIDS HIV is a virus that causes AIDS acquired immunodeficiency syndrome Without treatment it will kill nearly all of its victims 65 million people have been infected about 1 of the population with 70 of them living in sub Saharan Africa It is a chronic disease that progressively damages the body s immune system o Attacks and invades 1 CD4 lymphocytes 2 monocytes 3 macrophage and other essential elements of the immune system o HIV enters a human cell and converts RNA to DNA of human o The viral DNA takes over the CD4 cell and replicates destroys the ime immune functions of CD4 cell o People with AIDS are vulnerable to a number of opportunistic o The asymptomatic period also called the latency may last from 2 20 infections years o Opportunistic infections happen when CD4 is low and HIV is high HIV lives only within cells and body fluids and transmitted by blood and blood products semen vaginal discharge breast milk Three primary means of transmission o Sexual contact o Direct blood contact o Mother to child during pregnancy child birth or breast feeding recommend C sections Populations of special concern o Sexual activity between men o IV injections especially drug users o Heterosexual contact o African American women and latinos make up an increasingly large portion of all US aids cases o African American men and women are vastly overrepresented amound people newly diagnosed with AIDS o Increasingly effecting minorities women and the poor Symptoms of HIV o Within a few days or weeks on average 2 4 weeks after the exposure o Pneumocystitis carinii pneumonia is the most common infection seen to the virus in people with HIV o Kaposi sarcoma a rare form of cancer is commonly seen among infected men symptoms take months or years to develop o Difficult to treat yeast infections in women o TB Diagnosing HIV infection o Most common tests check for presence of antibodies to the virus o 1st step HIV antibody tests used for screening test o 2nd step ELISA standard test o 3rd step Western blot of immunofluorescence assay is done to confirm results o If HIV positive the next step is to determine the severity to plan for treatment by counting CD4 if CD4 is decreasing then the virus is multiplying Treatment antiviral drugs Chlamydia The most common bacterial STD in the US Can cause sterility in men and women o Women can lead to pelvic inflammatory disease infertility estrility o Men chlamydia is most common cause of epididymitis and causes half of all cases of urethritis Usually symptom free but women vaginal discharge and painful intercourse Men painful urination watery discharge from penis and pain around groin Diagnosis and treatment o Lab tests on a urine sample or small amount of fluid from the urethra or cervix o If diagnosed infected person AND partner are given antibiotics Gonorrhea Can cause arthritis rashes eye infections PID epididymitis urethritis and gonococcal conjunctivitis or gonorrheal injection of blood joints in infants and infected mothers Being infected with gonorrhea increases the likelihood that HIV will be transmitted Symptoms Treatment o Think yellow white discharge painful urination in men lips of urethral opening might become inflamed and swollen o Women are usually symptom free but can have low fever painful intercourse discharge pain in abdomen o Exam of discharge can diagnose infection o Oral antibiotics can cure the disease ONLY 1 antibiotic is effective cephalosporin Pelvic Inflammatory Disease Occurs when initial infection by chlamydia or gonorrhea travels upward to the reproductive organs pain ectopic pregnancy Women have long term problems such as infertility estrility chronic pelvic When it is only in the vagina not severe When in reproductive organs it is very serious IUD intra uterus device increases chances of PID Women can be asymptomatic Diagnosis o Made on basis of symptoms physical examination sonogram and lab tests Could require laparoscopy Human Papillomavirus HPV Most common STD in the US Can cause o Common warts o Genital warts o Genital cancers people Highly contagious and can spread through oral sex common among young Genital wart infections are very contagious through contact with lesions and condoms are not 100 protection Symptoms o Can be asymptomatic but still transmit o Warts may appear as small bumps Diagnosis and treatment o Diagnosed based on appearance of lesions o Often detected during routine pap smear o Treatment focuses on reducing the number and size of warts Freezing burning laser surgery acid treatments Genital Herpes Up to 1 in 5 adults have genital herpes Two forms cause genital herpes and oral labial herpes cold sores o HSV Type 1 oral Usually exposed to virus in childhood Oral labial herpes cold sores 50 80 of US adults have antibodies o HSV Type 2 genital Almost always sexually transmitted Asymptomatic in 80 90 of people If you ever have an outbreak consider yourself always contagious and inform partners Symptoms o First episode will cause flu like symptoms and genital lesions with recurrent outbreaks Diagnosis and treatment o Symptoms physical examinations lab tests o No cure carry virus for life o Antiviral drugs can be taken in the beginning of the outbreak to shorten severity and symptoms o Vaccines are in development Hepatitis B HBV Inflammation of the liver which can cause serious and permanent damage to the liver Highly contagious but preventable with vaccine Can be spread through non sexual close contact French kissing Pregnancy can transmit through the placenta to the baby Found in the fluid produced by body Symptoms o Can be asymptomatic or flu like symptoms o Illness progresses nausea vomiting dark urine color abdominal pain and jaundice Diagnosis and treatment antibodies Syphilis o Through blood tests analyzing liver function through antigens and o Most people recover but it can be chronic or fatal and no cure Caused bybacterium Treponema pallidum Can be effectively treated with 1 shot of penicillin It is transmitted through sexual contact or to fetus through
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