FINAL EXAM STUDY GUIDE SPM4012 72 multiple choice matching questions Five aspects that make up sport Slide set 2 slide 8 5 key characteristics of sports McPherson Rules and codes of conduct spatial and temporal constraints highly bureaucratized Commonly defined objectives allowing clear identification of winners and losers Essentially contest based either between competitors or clock Necessarily indeterminate activities involving excitement generated from uncertainty of outcomes Structured Goal Oriented Competitive Ludic Physical Involving elements of freedom of expression and playful creativity Involving the use of the body in an instrumental and vigorous fashion Sports Universal Attributes Slide set 2 slide 15 30 Utilitarian relates to a material social purpose or utility Expressive expresses understandings of self and collective identity Pleasurable source of visceral and or sensual enjoyment Contested terrain slide set 2 slide 40 Gramsci s notion of culture as a CONTESTED TERRAIN Dominant cultural practices and meanings constantly struggle for their position of ascendancy against residual and or emergent practices and meanings Sport Culture as a Contested Terrain Dominant sport practices Residual sport practices and emergent sporting practices Ex is extreme ironing a sport Sociological Imagination Slide set 2 Slide 56 58 Wright Mills Developing a sporting sociological imagination demands that we think about the relationship between sport culture and the societal context out of which it emerged and which it simultaneously helps to constitute What is politics Slide 12 Politics Marco influence governing of state system and olitics Micro influence governing small scale interaction helps recognize where and how power operates in society Politics refers to the structures processes and practices of governance the mechanisms whereby people s lives are controlled shaped and regulated by external forces forces external to the individual Political power refers to the ability to shape control regulate people s lives Sport is complexly inter related to the nature of Slide 16 The system of governance The power structure The political order hierarchy Political relations What makes up American Neoliberal Democracy Slide 21 Democratic state and free market economy Core tenants of Neoliberal Democracy Slide 27 The Core Tenets of Neoliberal Democracy 1 Don t waste public money on social welfare social engineering programs 2 Provide more money to individuals through lessening the tax burden 3 Develop corporate business friendly anti union climate to stimulate economic growth through trickle down economics 4 Encourage the commercial privatization of all aspects of society 5 Let the free market become the regulator of economic and social development What makes up Chinese state Capitalism slide 38 The Chinese state in the guise of the Communist Party closely control all aspects of society but have allowed a degree of economic reform leading to increased levels of private ownership Two China s 1 Authoritarian Politics 2 Consumerist Culture The Olympic games were a propaganda exercise confirming china s status as the 21st century superpower 1 Spectacular and monumental staging of the games 2 The athlete s success Two Chinas slide 38 47 Externally To the watching world Internally To the Chinese masses What is the economy slide 2 5 ECONOMY The influence of a consumer economy and culture through which one s INDIVIDUAL IDENTITY is expressed Commercial Corporation slide 38 Profit driven institutions generating capital for private individuals shareholders Definition of corporatization slide 41 Corporatization is the process whereby social of various kinds institutions adopt the institutional structure managerial hierarchies profit driven focus Corporate sport slide 51 Rollerball society is governed by a group of global corporate monopolies The polity and economy are indivisible All aspects of society controlled by the Majors The Majors Transport Food Communication Housing Luxury Energy Global Corporate Autocracy 1 Cathartic release and narcotic conformity 2 Advancement of group ethic and suppression of individualism 3 Legitimates the authority of the majors the political order You know how the game serves us it has a definite social purpose Nation s are bankrupt gone none of that tribal warfare any more Even the corporate wars are a thing of the past So now we have the Majors and their executives transport food communication housing luxury energy A few of us making decisions on a global basis for the common good Now everyone has all the comforts you know that no poverty no sickness no needs and many luxuries which you enjoy just as if you were in the executive class Corporate society takes care of everything All it asks of anyone all it has ever asked of anyone ever is not to interfere with management decisions Definition of Iron Cage slide 64 The German sociologist Max Weber developed the concept of the iron cage to capture the notion of the increased bureaucratization and rationalization of human existence in MODERN CAPITALIST SOCIETIES According to Weber the iron cage of capitalism traps individuals in highly organized structured and rule based bureaucratized and productivity and goal oriented rationalized forms of existence Elements of Mcdonalization slides 66 70 Efficiency the optimal method for accomplishing a task Calculability objective should be quantifiable sales rather than subjective Predictability standard and uniform services Control standardized and uniform employees replacement of human and non taste human technologies Something s and nothings slide 72 Something a social form that is generally indigenously conceived controlled and comparatively rich in distinctive substantive content p 7 Nothing a social form that is generally centrally conceived controlled and comparatively devoid of distinctive substantive content p 3 Definition of culture slide 4 A set of practices system of meaning through which we learn the values ideas and beliefs the ideologies of the society in which we live Social welfare of mass communication and the neo liberal form slide 12 13 The social welfare functions are to inform educate and entertain The Neoliberal functions are to entertain way more than the others inform educate Debords society of the spectacle slides 17 25 Monumental individual and commodity 5 reasons for sportainment sport media convergence slide 28 Reason 1 Its explicit and telegenic physicality
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