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Exam 2 Tim Best EUH 2000 Early Christianity and Barbarians Arius disagreed with the views discussed at the Council of Nicaea and believed Jesus wasn t equal to the father He made his own church called Arianism and was decreed a heretic by the Catholic Church Arianism became popular and spread through Europe Early Catholic church gained political power in the 500 s Bishops ruled over dioceses and each had a cathedral which was a seat of power Ways to become a Bishop and Apostolic succession which is just being able to say you were related to an apostle Institution of the Papacy Rome Antioch Jerusalem Carthage and Constantinople argued over which city should be the central power of Catholicism Bishops of Rome use Perrine Doctrine to say that they are the descendants of Peter because they have his remains Monastic Life Benedict of Nursia withdrew from society and instituted Monte casino He did this because he was fed up with church corruption Many people joined him and became hermits He came up with Opus Day which is listening to God s work and acting on it Intellectual development during this time period Bishop Gregory of Tours wrote the History of the Franks and Bishop Isidore of Seville wrote Etymologies which was just a big book of all history Huns 1st people to ride horses into battle used bows in warfare and had elongated heads Their leader was Attila the Hun whom congregated all of the Hun tribes together Goths and Ostrogoths Goths went to Rome in 3rd century They set up a Gothic kingdom in Rome Odovacar was their leader Then a ruler in the east paid the Ostrogoths to go attack and destroy the Gothic kingdom in Rome The Ostrogoth leader name Theodoric kills Odovacar and becomes the 1st medieval European king and controlled 2 3 Italian peninsula Lombards invaded northern Italian peninsula after the Ostrogoths were in control Ostrogoths couldn t stop them so they set up a kingdom in northern Italian peninsula Franks Germanic Tribe that invaded around the same time as the Goths 3rd century They captured the providence of Gaul At Gaul they set up foundations for a long lasting empire Under the Rule of Clovis the franks expanded throughout the Iberian Peninsula and set up a kingdom in Paris Clovis sets up the Merovingian dynasty Clovis uses divided succession to give his three sons equal amounts of the empire Clovis institutes divided succession as the social norm which eventually leads to the destruction and decentralization of the Merovingian Empire Gregory of Tours calls Clovis a good Christian and a psychotic family killer Even though Clovis donated to the church he also murdered much of his family due to anxiety Visigoths ARIAN The largest Arian community at the time started converting to Catholicism because they were the outcasts among Western Europe They inhabited the Iberian Peninsula Reccared was the leader and converted to Catholicism and forced everyone else to do the same Many Jews lived in the Iberian Peninsula as well so Reccared gave them the choice of dying or publically converting All the converting led to a very decentralized community with many problems Byzantine Empire and the spread of Islam 4 Reason Byzantine Empire survived while the west was destroyed 1 Military Strength 2 Economic advantages like taxes and natural resources 3 Good Management 4 Cohesive Political and Religious Structure Orthodox Christianity Created by the Byzantines because they wanted control over Catholicism but Rome took control Main difference was that they spoke Greek while Catholics spoke Latin Justinian 1st Byzantine emperor last one to speak Latin Tried to reunify the Roman Empire by invading old roman providences He was successful but couldn t hold onto the recaptured territory His constant invading left the empire weak During his reign there was a plague called the Justinian Plague which came from India Also during this time they set up the 1st hospitals Justinian s Laws simplified old roman rules and laws The Code simplified Roman Criminal law The Digest simplified Civil Law The Institutes resolved issues of philosophy and opinion that dealt with law Corpus Juris Civilis All three combined Arabian Peninsula Two major cities Meccah and Medina Mainly merchant towns Muhammad Born in Meccah Muhammad had a vision with the angel Gabriel whom told Muhammad the true faith of Islam Muhammad preaches Islam in Medina In Medina Muhammad gets many followers and sets up the first Muslim Umma literally means Muslim community Muhammad with his many followers goes to Meccah to convert everyone From there Islam explodes in popularity and spreads all over Byzantine Empire Muhammad s successors known as Umayyad invade the Iberian Peninsula They set up the community called Andalusia The Muslims easily invade because the area is weak thanks to Justinian s invasions Muslims didn t force convert anyone however so the Jews could practice their faith again Cordoba invaded and captured by Muslims in 711 It was a very advanced and beautiful city with a library that held over 400 000 books Advancements from Muslim Rule Agriculture Muslims set up irrigation systems to increase crops Al Khwarizmi invented algebra and using Greco roman writings developed many other math advancements like Pythagorean Theorem Arabic Hindu numbers made mental math very easy Pope Gregory 4th was taught how to use this number system and accused of being the devil Al Razi Distinguished small pox and Measles Al Zahrawi Great surgeon of Cordoba he 1st cauterized wounds Cannon of Medicine written by Avicenna it contained all medical advancements at that time Muslims also made paper much quicker and easier Francia in 7 8 century and The Carolingians Because of divided succession and no centralized control life was terrible in Francia Agricultural yields were scarce so starvation was prevalent Merovingian Kingdom parts 1 Neustria under Merovingian control 2 Austria symbolically controlled by Merovingian but dominated by Carolingians 3 Burgundy symbolic control Merovingians were in control of all of Francia but in reality all their control was symbolic Carolingians got control of Francia by the concept of Palace Mayor When a king would go out to war he would appoint a Palace Mayor from the Carolingians to rule for a short time Pepin of Haristal got appointed Palace Mayor and decided it should be a hereditary position But then Pepin and the Carolingians went to war with the Merovingian for more power Battle of Tertry Pepin kills the

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