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Stephen Buss Midterm Study Guide 2 Race Presentation 11 What is Race A cultural construction an ideological and intellectual framework that divides human populations to a few core generic groups Differences are conceived as innate inheritable and unchangeable Ideologies are shaped by and in line with political structures Determined by external characteristics that are considered to reflect internal Racial ideas racial cateogories are historical they change in accordance with the specific characteristics historical contexts Origins of race in LAH the Three Approaches 1 Religious 2 Cultural a Racial ideas emanated from religious ideologies Example anti Judaism and anti Islam i ii Limpieza de Sangre iii Translation Blood Purity a Racial Ideas emerged and expanded together with slavery i People sought justification for slavery 3 Rise of African Slavery a Racial thinking or anti blackness perceptions were always prevalent in Western civilization b Pre conception exploded with the rise of Atlantic slavery Spanish Caste System Sistema de Castas Early in the colonial era Republica des los Indios As colonial societies mature so do inter ethnic mixture increases The caste system in descending order Peninsulares Creoles Criollos Mestizos Partially indigenous descent Native Americans Stephen Buss Midterm Study Guide 2 African Slaves Example of a Casta Painting blends mix Its use is to see what race the child would be when different racial Race is a cultural construction that emerged in the Atlantic World during the early modern era Scientific racism emerged in the late 18th century Meaning of race in this time period differs from modern times High Colonial Societies Presentation 12 Early Colonization Very disordered New Laws in 1542 Imperial institutions Indigenous Population After Conquest Indiegenous State Relations o Uneasy Growing land pressure with the demographic increase o Conflict between indigenous and Spaniards o Conflict among Religious transformation syncretism o Defo Spaniards transitioning indigenous to Catholics Stephen Buss Midterm Study Guide 2 Ethnogenesis o The formation of new collective identities the birth of Indians Resistance against Spaniards Forms of resistence Evading taxation or tributary labor Legal resistence Armed struggle o Rebellion of Tupac Amaru Empires of the Atlantic Presentation 13 Rational for the Atlantic Empires Political Economic Expanding their territorial outreach Blocking the expansion of rivals Internal economic conditions in Europe Mercantilism 1 A strong nation is one with a healthy balance of trade a It exports more than it imports 2 The world economy is a zero sum market 3 Metropol Colonies Religious motives Challenges for Early Modern Atlantic Empires Stephen Buss Midterm Study Guide 2 Maintaining social order Took 2 3 months to get ships from Europe to Caribbean ineffective Legal institutions kept people in check Example gallows court etc Loyalty of the Creole elites Race Helped differentiate white black Ultimately it helps maintain power Communication and administration Not always safe to send ships Difficult to maintain control order Knowledge Cartography map making Engineering and masonry Example what tree is best for a fishing boat Building forts Climate weather Fauna Geographical makeup of land Epidemiology Dying from yellow fever Understanding diseases Human variation Trying to classify creoles peninsulars Africans etc Military Stephen Buss Midterm Study Guide 2 Challenges Threats from colonies Means that they must extract more money Navies indigenous infantries Budget Major Issue Forts Cost a lot of money Must import supplies Regular forces Navies Trained sailors Cost money to train them Ships need wood to be made which cost money Build shipyards Defense apparatus Securing the borders and preventing foreign infiltration Up keeping efficient royal navies and local military forces Preventing contraband Mercantilism Military Solutions Ground defense Counting on local population in the militias Not well trained Locals Stephen Buss Midterm Study Guide 2 America to Spain to Spain Not disciplined Poor supplies The Flota Flotilla System Twice a year Spanish sends a treasure fleet between Considered safe way to transfer money taxes trading etc Send navy with merchants Route planned in accordance with weather Steamed from Veracruz to Havana to Spain Made Veracruz and Havana highly important Cuba s role in the Spanish Empire 1 To safeguard and assist the flota the treasure fleet 2 Assist and protect Spanish strongholds in Florida and Apalache Intercept British West Indies trade 3 building the military apparatus fuero military Giving legal and economic privileges to locals in return for Seven Years War 1756 1763 Crisis and Reform Presentation 14 Major Imperial Conflicts during the 18th century War of Spanish Succession War of Austrian Succession The Seven Years War War of the American Revolution Not important it is put into the slideshow to show that the world was at war Treaties are important because it helps understand the shifts in the world The Bourbon Family Compact Stephen Buss Midterm Study Guide 2 Was first signed in 1733 and ratified a few times more during the 18th century Crucial in shaping the course of imperial rivalries throughout the long 18th century Comes from the Bourbon families in Spain and France Unite for common fear of British navy The Seven Years War French Indian War French seize British Fort Necessity Britain declares war on France French move into Canada British move towards West Indies 1753 British annus mirabilis drive the French out of Ohio Valley conquer Quebec and Guadeloupe 1762 British declares war against Spain British took control of Havana Manila two crucial locations Took Martinique from France 1763 End of hostilities due to Treaty of Paris Havana and Manila are returned to Spain Guadeloupe Martinique and Saint Lucia restored to France Louisiana to Spain and the eastern half of Louisiana to Britain Florida is transferred to Britain and in return the French ceded part of France is the biggest loser in the war Post War Empires All Atlantic Empires faced several challenges due to the war reform in British French Spanish and Portuguese Empires Must fix problems that arose which ultimately propelled a whole scale Must replenish armies navies and funds to maintain imperial defense apparatus Reexamination of relations between Metropol and colonies Stephen Buss Midterm Study Guide 2 Royal authorities and colonial

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