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Lecture Beginning of mankind was tribal society organized tribes within the tribes were small clans and they didn t always get along Blood feud principle conflict between two clans within a tribe not between two tribes that would be war o Reactions to this created crime o A lot of reference to petty crime petty theft stealing eggs chickens etc Not so o Death could result from stealing Retaliation would then result by the families of much sexual assault the deceased o know what is positive and negative about blood feud Third party intervention mitigators calling police as opposed to killing someone yourself o This is the beginning of courts o If you could pay for your fine then a fine would be imposed If you could not various forms of corporal punishment would be imposed o Emphasis on public involvement in the punishment embarrassing the defendant T1 it was bad cruel and unusual T2 it became a little less brutal T3 gets better T4 T5 etc it keeps getting progressively better o Most historians dealing with the history of punishment imply a march of o Time is equated with progress in 2014 we are much more sophisticated than we progress perspective were in 2000 o Disinterested humanitarians were the people trying to better mankind There is a competing historical model called economic determinism o Says that all history revolves around class conflict o Struggle between the haves and the have nots o Economically driven behavior o Punishment reflects society society s needs and functions translate into punishment o Progressive vs Economic In reality it is a mix of progress and economics multifactor model economic concerns humanitarians demographic cultural scientific changes occurring etc Multiple things changing Punishment or correctional practices do not develop out of a vacuum but rather are relevant to the context in which they emerge o There is always a new context we live in a changing society compare and contrast progressive v economic study multifactor Corrections goal in changing people Describe explain prediction Formal Organization collectivity of people brought together in order to achieve a Institution formal organization bureaucracy common goal college Bureaucracy refers to the administration aspects of formal organization pyramid o Danger of bureaucracy bureaucratization goal displacement o 3 fundamental concerns of bureaucracy survival maintenance and expansion Social organization is natural the norm Net widening refers to the capacity of correctional reforms to become implemented as supplements rather than alternatives to previous practice thereby resulting in a larger proportion of the overall population subject to some form of correctional control o big example of goal displacement expanding question isn t who is in the net it s who isn t everything in bold will be on every test Colonial America Three areas Ideology pervaded colonial America dynamics of colonial society and what were its methods of crime control People came to America to be free to practice their own religion Religion and god was preeminent beings that controlled all of human life Colonial Americans thought they knew the truth that god had demands and beliefs for the people People depended on others for everything and being independent was impossible Great social solidarity and every member had a role to play Committed to one another Grim determinism god determining all o Colonial Americans did not try to change behavior because they believed God planned everything o They responded to all challenges using the bible Response to crime was derived from religious teachings the Bible The most common response to crime was banishment could be a death sentence or shaming Nature of Society Not urban Characterized by close knit communities called social solidarity Pure and simple banishment was the most common punishment mostly the people who It was important that each member played their role because others relied on them were new to the community and played no important role Second punishment was shaming shame on you and public display for petty crimes Various forms of corporal punishment and so the public could witness it always had a Death was the punishment for many things hanging burned to death Sometimes they would act like they were going to hang the perpetrator but they let them and was not against God religious influence live Enlightenment period new god emerging was science 1790s began changes Mankind could take principles of science and by using objectivity and reason any and all economic and social problems could be overcome Classical School of Criminology Bentham and Baccaria created Classical school of criminology Two main points of this school o Human behavior is a product of free will freedom to make choices o There is a calculus that guides all individuals free will pain v pleasure Maximize pleasure and minimize pain People think they won t get caught One of the problems with solidarity is certainty From 1790 1830 classical school of criminology guided the life o Specific deterrence punish the individual to deter them in the future o Gender deterrence punishment is made public so individuals know before they commit a crime what the consequences is Nature of Society We were beginning to become industrialized No more close knit societies New strategies were necessary to live in this period Dual approach to crime control o Had to be pervasive law enforcement beginning of policing o Swift and sure adjudication The punishment imposed had to always exceed the pleasure that would be received from There were no corrections Nobody was trying to change people they just wanted to the crime punish them Corruption was common people buying their way out of punishment punishment was the solution Chapter 4 1830 1850s Jacksonian period Discovery of the Asylum and People changing Ideology social determinism environmental theory of behavior Nature of Society Methods of Crime Control Up to this period nothing in life was not deterministic It was all up to God colonial doctrine or free will classical school of crim American society became urbanized during this period We began to have large cities which causes a lot of problems and changes Urban Disenchantment social disorganization causes personal disorganization which causes crime The view that emerged in relationship to these changes Conflicting views there are problems but if we confront the problems with thought and science we can overcome it

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FSU CJC 3010 - Blood feud principle

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