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Lecture Chapter 10 Decentralization All theories focused on the criminal offender focus they were trying to explain official statistics which are only a part of all crime because not all crime is reported to the police 1 in 5 of elder people they are subject to fraud Official statistics are based off police practices Primary deviance deviance known to the police Labeling theories different from other theories says if you can t see a phenomenon then you can t describe it o We have a way around the dilemma we will only try to describe the known crimes and the consequences of police response or secondary deviance deviance that occurs after the subject the offender accepts a deviant identity Frank Tannenbaum Crime in the Community 1938 o The dramatization of evil Every child at some point engaged in normal youthful misbehavior At some point this normal youthful misbehavior can cause someone to playing sports pranks report it as illegal We are susceptible to negative cues This goes nowhere and receives no real attention for this statement 1950 Edward Lemert Social Pathology o Secondary deviance o Lemert was trying to strength Tannenbaum s statement o He argues that everyone can engage in primary deviance but we still won t see ourselves as deviant o Tolerance quotient at some point we all succumb to those negative cues everyone does this at different times If you accept a negative self label then you will behavior in that negative self identity All theories until this time focused on bad offenders labeling theory said we should look at reactions to that offender labeling theory was big on the west coast o This shift led to a bunch of studies focused on looking at reactions to that offender o Critical law in actions studies o America s CJS operated with disinterested professionalism CJS took on a life of its own Guided by its formal goals But this all changed with labeling theory 1964 Justice without trial by Skolnick o Classic study on American police o He said that American police if you look at their disinterested professionalism they are charged with maintenance of order under the rule of law If I see you driving down the street because I have a bad feeling about you which is illegal but what if I find something o American police have conflicting views order vs law o Justice without trial police go around the law they are capable of figuring our strategies of maintaining order David Sudnow Normal Crimes o He discovered the mechanics of plea bargaining o He found that the court system is supposed to focus on maintaining innocence due process etc He says that actually they focus on guilt If you want a jury trial they will throw disproportionate punishments at you because that messes up the system It was concluded that America s CJS was doing more harm than good as a result the policy mandate was to try keeping juveniles and adults out of the system 1960 s LBJ became president after Kennedy was assassinated o LBJ believed that if we used the same approach that we used to fight cancer go to the moon we could get rid of crime He created the war on crime He was known to be one of the most capable politicians In the case of crime he came up with Safe Streets Act Omnibus Crime Bill 30 million escalated to 850 for law enforcement assistance administration LEAA created in 1967 o Seeing that recommendations to eliminate crime were implemented across the U S o The way they were going to accomplish this was to pay the local jurisdictions and make sure they do it Reciprocal agreement take on these reforms and we will pay you o Paid for reform o Subsidy not intended to permanently fund these programs o Seed money Diversion movement looking at juvenile delinquency embraced labeling theory o They wanted to keep children out of the system so they would not see themselves as delinquent and thus keep doing delinquent acts o Embrace diversion to keep children out of the system o Whole family intervention program Deinstitutionalization not focused on delinquents per se but focused on status offenders Never put these children in an institution Not focused on juveniles adults became involved too If you re mentally ill you shouldn t be put into an institution You should be put into a mental institution o Diversion was on the adult level as well Decentralizing Adult Corrections o Des Moines community based corrections project Exemplary by DOJ First level If you had good community ties you would be released on 5 replication sites to see if this worked ROR periodically Second level If you were a little worse then you would be supervised Third level more intensive supervision Fourth level remanded to community based residential center sleep at night but you can do things during the day Des Moines had net widening it was not a good alternative to bail Latent consequences to Des Moines was watching the whole family not just the delinquent o If you can t post bail you re family suffers repercussions o The belief was that America needed major bail reform Virginia Satire conjoint family therapy o There s an image of the family unit Everybody has a role to play o Have family talk about their situation and then figure out what the problem is o Should the state be involved with families that don t have clear abuse The literature shows it does not help Net widening was confirmed by case studies done by Blomberg county unit of government that operated a juvenile court system included juvenile court detention center county probation services residential institutions run by county the county is a correctional establishment o 1 Looked at county s development reasoning for diversion idea This particular county saw diversion as a great opportunity because they got federal dollars to help expand services There was a prevailing belief that it was always better to expand services rather than to pull them away Operated ranch for boys place for girls probation service Population viewed diversion as informal probation with services North County viewed diversion as informal probation with service control administrative status Gave opportunity for intervention Ever present problems with scarcity o 2 implementation practice Implemented programs as consistent as they viewed diversion Drug outreach not for drug related services their purpose was to educate parents that gave them practical information marijuana won t kill your child Smell childs finger tips Check vents childs room books Look under mattresses Indirect service awareness

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FSU CJC 3010 - Chapter 10- Decentralization

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