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EUH2000 Exam Study Guide Exam 60 65 Multiple Choice Look for lists Emphasis on these i e What 4 reasons i e What led to this 3 Bonus questions on Exam Lecture 9 Byzantium and Islam on the Periphery Neighbors and the lack of good fences I Byzantium Eastern half of the Roman Empire o Advantages over the West o Justinian I o Eastern Orthodox Christianity Religious similarities and differences with the west o Intellectual and Philosophical Traditions Justinian I Accomplishments Expanded the Empire Defeated the Visigoths and Vandals Christianity flourished fostered intellectual development Creating new works Advancements in medicine Downfalls Expansion weakened the Empire because it overstretched its resources Most of his conquests were retaken after his death Justinian s Code Juris Civilis 1 The code criminal part 2 The digest definitive rules 3 The institutes removed contradicting laws Justinian Plague similar to the Black Death however the death toll was much less II Islam Influence in Western Europe o Muhammad o Expansion in Europe o Intellectual and Philosophical Traditions o Scientific Medicinal and Mathematical Advances o Paper Hindu Arabic Numbers easier than using Roman numerals for complicated math equations al Khwarizmi invented Algebra while in Andalusia Andalusia al Andalus Independent Muslim kingdom in Europe Cordoba capital center for trading and culture Paper brought from the Chinese in 858 Most important crop in Iberian peninsula wheat Created low food prices Islam Birth of Islam Sassanid Empire Persian Area Meaning the will of God and those who comply and submit Spreads from Sassanid Empire to North Africa Umma political grouping that carries out the Islamic faith Muhammad Lived in Mecca as a profitable merchant Had visions at the age of 40 Forced to leave Mecca for religious reasons Preached in Medina Returns to Mecca Ka ba is redecorated for the Islamic culture faith al Zahrawi off of Wikipedia also known in the West as Albucasis was an Arab Muslim physician who lived in Al Andalus He is considered the greatest medieval surgeon to have appeared from the Islamic World and has been described by many as the father of modern surgery 1 al Razi off of Wikipedia a prominent figure in Islamic Golden Age 4 physician alchemist and chemist philosopher and scholar 5 Numerous firsts in medical research clinical care and chemistry are attributed to him including being the first to differentiate smallpox from measles and the discovery of numerous compounds and chemicals including alcohol kerosene among others 6 Edward Granville Browne considers him as probably the greatest and most original of all the physicians and one of the most prolific as an author 7 Cannon of Medicine off of Wikipedia is an encyclopedia of medicine in five books compiled by Persian philosopher Ibn S n Avicenna and completed in 1025 1 It presents a clear and organized summary of all the medical knowledge of the time It is the most influential Galenic document of the Middle Ages 2 It served as a more concise reference in contrast to Galen s twenty volumes of medical corpus 3 In addition to its Galenic references Canon is full of Aristotelian undertones and direct adaptations Originally written in the Arabic language the book was later translated into a number of other languages including Persian Latin Chinese Hebrew German French and English with lots of commentaries 4 5 The Canon is considered one of the most famous books in the history of medicine 6 Constantinople off of Wikipedia was the capital city of the Roman Byzantine Latin and the Ottoman empires It was reinaugurated in 324 AD 1 at ancient Byzantium as the new capital of the Roman Empire by Constantine the Great after whom it was named and dedicated on 11 May 330 1 In the 12th century 2 the city was the largest and wealthiest European city Lecture 10 Merovingian Empire Located in modern day France Life in Francia was miserable in 8th and 9th centuries starvation violence Food was scarce Wealth was acquired by owning property By early mid 8th cent Francia breaks up into 3 parts 1 Neustria a region controlled by Marovignians and their allies Marovigns are the kings of Francia However they are losing power 2 Austrasia a region controlled by Caroligns 3 Burgundy a region controlled by the Burgundians Divided succession was a big problem Causes many civil wars among brothers This leads to the break up of the Marovign Empire too many people claiming power Caroligns increase their power politically and economically They are schemers Through the 8th cent they begin to cobble warrior bands around them they give away part of their land to these people now having a people to fight for them Palace mayor a unique position in 8th cent Francia the Marovigns gave the Caroligns the position of palace mayor By the mid 8th cent the palace mayor became the most influential position A Carolign as palace mayor would be selected to run the kingdom when the king died became sick etc As soon as king was able to come back they would go back to their hometown This backfired for the Marovigns because the Caroligns began to receive loyalty from people within the kingdom during their reign The palace mayor became hereditary only Caroligns could be palace mayor Pepin Apfarstal Carolign palace mayor rebels against Marivign king raises an army in Austrasia defeats the Marovigns sends them to monasteries instead of killing them Pepin A wants all of Francia takes control of Neustria invades the Burgundians Battle of Tertry Pepin the Short has complete political and military control of Francia but is not the king of Francia There is still a figurehead Marovign king Pepin starts to reorganize Francia Kingdom is in better shape after Pepin Aparstale then ever before Well organized unified area Pepin A dies Charles the Hammer Martel Penin A s successor Powerful military leader Stops the muslims advance into Francia Caroligns become even more powerful Become dependent of the Catholic church Batlle of Trois Cautier Charles Martel the hammer stops the muslims Eliminates threat of being taken over by Muslims Caroligns also practice divided succession With the exception of Charles Martel since there were two sons Pepin the Short became the most powerful person in kingdom Didn t like that there was still a figurehead king Wanted the crown Him and his brother agree to rule Francia together have complete military and economic power together This lasts 6 years Carloman lost interest in being

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