I The Rise of the Roman Republic The Latin League and Rome The Latin League were countries that grouped together worked together with each if one part of the league was attacked then all other parts of the league would have to come to the aid of that country some of the countries didn t like how Rome was gaining power so they sat off to the side and let the Gauls sack Rome this was bad because they failed to work as it was supposed to Rome was in shock and they did two things 1 Remodeled the whole army set up the new legion system and created the Centurion Roman Soldiers the Vets of the army 2 The Roman Republic left the Latin League which most parts of the league were fine with it but this means that Rome could make new friends with the Samnites most powerful country in Italy at the time They become a military alliance with each other When this happens parts of the Latin League say we should attack Rome so that the alliance wouldn t happen As soon as Rome was attacked the Samnites came to help and stopped everything in 2 years Rome does something that has never been done they incorporated the Latin League land and made it part of Rome Language Laws and most everything stayed the same but the only thing that changed in the Latin League cities were they had to pay taxes to Rome instead of their local cities Rome gained all the power and the countries and Samnites got a solid ally with Rome and a stronger power in the south After a while the in 4th century BCE a war took place between Rome and Samnites A Wars with the Oscans and Greeks B War with the Celts Gauls C Decline of the Latin League II Rome after the Latin League A Reorganization of the Army Remodeled the whole army set up the new legion system and created the Centurion Roman Soldiers the Vets of the army B Alliance with the Samnites most powerful country in Italy at the time C Samnite Wars 1 Phase One 326 304 BCE A disaster for Romans because the Samnites were good at war This was because Roman armies had to battle up a mountain to fight Samnites The Roman armies were tired by the uphill battle and the Samnites had an easy time battling them The entire army of Rome had to surrender at Caudine Forks Rome was isolated because every city defecated from them after they lost 2 Phase Two 298 290 BCE The Samnites did not want to go into Rome and fight them and lose like Roman s did when they fought them So they let Rome retreat and let them breath Rome retreats and starts to rebuild and starts to sign treaties with city states around them to help rebuild their armies The only draw backs were that if you agreed with Roman s treaties then you could not trade with Samnites every city state agree which then gave power to Rome This caused Rome to grow big and cause the Samnites to weaken this was because no one traded with them and they needed supplies to keep fighting After defeating the Samnites they took them into Roman control and they got all their rights back but one they could not vote in anything from now on this was because they were not Latin or speak Latin This comes back to haunt Rome Rome is made up of many smaller city states but was a collective whole Rome is also partners with Carthage which was the greatest trading country in world at the time After war both commercial and political interests overlap between the two countries III The Punic Wars Punic means Phoenicians in Latin A The First Punic War 264 241 BCE Battle over the island of Cecile dominated by the Greeks but were not liked by the Caecilians so they tried to overpower the Greeks So the over throw the Greeks but after that they fought among each other there were two sides to the Caecilians one wanted help by Romans and the other want Carthage Carthage got there first to help them out but this made Rome mad because they left a garrison there to protect them so Rome sent an army to take over The war took 13 years because Carthage could supply new troops because they had better boats then Rome After many years the Roman senate they decide to build a new navy and create the Corbis large gang plank with a hook at the end this allowed Roman soldiers to board Carthagen ships this makes the Carthagens take a step back because now their navy is outdated Over time this weakened the Carthage fleet and they sued for peace but the peace treaty was weak and was written for another war to be started Carthage had to give up land and had to pay a huge war fee Roman thought this would keep the Carthage down so Rome could gain more power But Carthage see this treaty and is so mad that they start to rebuild right away B The Second Punic War 218 201 BCE In this time that Carthage was rebuilding a new leader comes about in Carthage Hannibal he is not about sea war fair He takes back land from Rome all the way up to Sangathem and Rome didn t do anything up to that but when the people of Sangathem ask for help Rome tells Hannibal to go home and he says makes me Rome then declares war on Hannibal Hannibal doesn t wait and he marches to Rome over the Alps which hadn t been done sense the Gauls Hannibal gains other power and he crosses over the Alps with his war elephants Rome sends their army out but Hannibal is so good that he defeats all of them Then Rome send everything out to the war at Kanie Hannibal makes his troops withdraw in a semicircle and this makes the Roman charge this allows Hannibal s army to out flank the Roman army and they destroy the Roman army After that Hannibal is only a few days away from taking Rome but he only has a few left from the battle and he can take really take Rome This makes a stalemate between them this allows Rome to gain a leader Cornelius Scipio who was a military genius and he defeated Hannibal Hannibal suffered many defeats along the way back to Carthage The Roman army and Hannibal s meet at Zama the war elephants that Hannibal had were later solved by the Roman army by them using drums to scare them which allowed Scipio to defeat Hannibal In addition to making Carthage pay money and giving up land that was taken during the war they could only have 10 warships and no standing armies Lastly Carthage became a client state meaning if they wanted to do anything they had to ask Rome The Puritans started to take land from the African coast because they were the best land to …
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