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Transformation of the Roman Republic I The Fallout from the Punic Wars Rome now controls most of the land around them and had power over all of it They now control most trade routes and more wealth flowing into Rome A Stability of the Patrician Plebeian State B Citizenship Crisis C Military Service In the early times they were militia based and they would only train right before the war they had to bring their own weapons and food for how every long the campaign was This all changed when the expansion of the Roman Empire Plebeians had to serve 3 to 4 years now and now had to leave Rome to protect the new lands Rome acquired This bad because Plebeians were farmers and if they were out to war they could not harvest their crops for food they could not pay for their land they could not protect their lands This means Patricians that got out of the land could not take their land with ease because there is no one there to say no Patricians take up all the land they could and this later runs into a problem with the Plebeians D Cultural Life II The Transformation A The Franchise B Money Matters It s the economy stupid C The building Spree bridges roads aqueducts etc Buildings started to become more and more in Rome because now they had a lot of money coming into Rome by trade homage from city states and loot from the war Famous roads Via Appia and Via Annia were built that connected all parts of Rome with each other these roads are still used today The Roman Government also built Aqua Ducts that bring in fresh water to all of the cities Domus s were built they were the rich peoples house that had fresh water flowing to them and sewage lines built into them They took up 1 3 of the space in Rome Statues built after war took up of the space in Rome Insulia s were built they were big building that 95 of the people lived in after the war no fresh water or sewage were built into the buildings They had no ventilation so they were hot during the summer and cold during the winter they also had no fireplaces so this means they would catch fire if anyone tried to cook or warm themselves D Agriculture III Patrician Plebeian Split New Divisions Emerge A Slaves Slaves were a large part of the wealth and service in Rome after the war Chattel Slavery is the term used to describe slavery This meant that the slaves were property and they can do what they wanted with them In Rome this was different slaves were part of the Roman family and also tradition was Manumission which is given freedom to slaves after years of loyal services This was done to show wealth and power of the master The slaves were not field hands but were forced to take on a trade so that whoever owned them could then sell them out and after they were freed they had skills they could use to find jobs But this causes a problem because slaves started to challenge the Plebeians for jobs and forces them out because the slaves would be paid less for the jobs This starts a revolution around 138 BCE this was because slaves and Plebeians didn t see eye to eye B Plebeians D Senators C Publicans a lower order of Patricians IV Gracchan Revolution A Gaius Gracchus Just like his brother is elected as Tribune wanted to change from within Played to the masses but the masses are hard to control them Also a line with the Publicans a lower order of Patricians served an important role after the war He pushes to have what his brother started to go through the senate Gaius promises the Publicans money if they help him and support him He promises them the right to collect taxes from the land Taxes were collected by private selection of people that would come around and collect whatever you owed to Rome plus a little extra if they could He also offered tracks on land in Africa and Asia in addition they would be exempted from having to serve in the war Was about to rule Rome for two years but died a violent death by a mob In the end nothing is really accomplished but still has the effect of riling up the people B Tiberius Gracchus Older of the two brothers was reformer is a Patrician believed that freed slaves should have voting rights he did this because he wanted power Later becomes a Tribune which gives him more power He becomes this because he incorporates the masses with him says that all land should be given back to Plebeians and slaves and give them power to vote He said that they could have all that in they served in the legion for a set amount of time and swear an oath of allegiance to him This allows him to control the masses and push through all the reforms he wanted but the day he was to get all the laws into effect he was killed on the senate floor After that there was no power to control the masses the Plebeians went crazy killing everyone they could get their hands on Eventually the Roman senate got control of the situation by sending out the army Nothing V changed for a decade until Gaius appears The only thing that came from this was that once this started there was nothing to stop it or put it back in its place External Threats Kingdom of Numidia and the Rise of Marius Numidia was an important ally to Rome but their king died of old age The leaders of Rome didn t like the prince so they appointed a new king The prince did not like this so he called the army to fight Rome they used gorilla war fare Rome sent an army to stop this but the Numidia army and the prince was so good at gorilla war fare that Roman armies have heavy loses Gaius Marius is elected to Councilor of Rome 107BCE and promises that he will end the war with Numidia Marius starts a massive army reform of the Roman armies He is faced with the fact that the legions are restricted in size by ancient Roman laws The only way you could serve in the legions was those you had to own land live inside of the Roman Empire and had to have a job in Rome He finally does away with these laws and says that if you live in Rome then you can serve He also supplements Rome can pay by giving them weapons and food that they would have had to pay for With all this Marius destroys the Numidia army and takes the spoils But what happens is that the army comes back and those that didn t have anything before the war now have nothing still and now weigh on the city for land and other help Marius pushes for land …

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