The Catholic Church in the Central Middle Ages I The Dark Ages of the Papacy 904 1048 Before 1274 pope were elected by the cardinals and those who were elected and their names would be sent to all the Catholic Churches and the Bishop would inform the people who to vote for and the noble men also had major influence on who were elected This process was known as The Right of Acclaim till 780 CE The Church Synod get rid of this and implements The Right of Nullification this said that cardinal could nullify a pope if they wanted Nicholas the 2nd gave the noble men The Right of Nullification and these select few were then allowed to pick which pope they wanted and this leads into the Dark Ages and the first bad pope Pope Sergius III o Sergius III This leads to all out war in the Rome to elect a pope for the time being this is how Pope Sergius III became pope The first thing he did was to have two of his reviles sent to jail and in this jail he had them killed The two other popes were Anti Pope Christopher and another that were killed in the jail Pope Sergius III father a son during his time and his son would later become Pope John the 11th o John IX The lady he had the child with was from a power family found in Rome Missouria was the mother of Pope John the 11th and she was a power hungry women and she only wanted her son to be pope that way she could control the power of the pope from behind the scenes This happens when he became pope when he was 20 and his mother ran all his stuff This stops when Albert the 2nd comes in and takes over and kicks out his mom and now he controls the pope and his power over everything o John XII Pope John the 12th becomes pope because Albert the 2nd pushed him into it he was the son of Albert and Missouria and he ruled for 9 10 years Pope John the 12th gambled and when he did he prayed to pagan gods to help him and he also he blinded a sub deacon he also did so much bad things did during him time Otto the 1st gets mad at John the 12th and he invades Roman and makes the cardinals hold a council to force them to convict him of going against the church John the 12th threatens to ex communicate anyone who has dealt with or helps Otto or the cardinals with the council and this didn t stop them from removing him from power Otto the Great with military force and cardinal power to remove the pope and this is a big thing because the pope gain Otto the power and he tries to take it away but Otto has an army John the 12th later died while having sex with a woman and the husband found them and he strangled him in the act II Papal Conflicts within Europe 1048 1257 o Lay Influence This was the term used to refer to the lords and higher powers taking out popes in the different countries and putting in popes they liked so that could gain more power Simony is the practice of buying a bishop title from the king or higher power so that they could control that power It was named after Simon the Magician a man tried to buy the Holy Spirit o Benedict IX he served as pope in three different occasions he became pope at 18 he was accused of a lot of things during his time and there were no evidence for it Four year into his reign he was run out of Rome and later that same year he was reinstalled as pope by Otto He later forced out in 1044 and he returns in 1045 and after that time being reinstalled as pope he retired because he didn t want to be pope anymore He sells the seat of pope and he finds bidders and he sells it to god father In 1046 he kills his godfather and return to being a pope Henry the 3rd hears about this and invades and throws him out and places a new pope in office Leo IX o Leo IX the first thing he did was to hold a Synod and he didn t invite the emperor He then at this meeting implemented a set of reforms Anyone higher than a priest could no longer marry Separation of the Orthodox Church and the Church in Rome over the land that was owed to him from Pebble Donation Tackle the issue of Lay Influence and Simony and the Holy Roman Emperor Peter Damian Humber of Silvia and Hilderbrand of Sovana were set to do this task Hildebrand became the face of the movement Humber was the information getter and writer for Hilderbrand Hildebrand later becomes pope during the Investiture crisis o Gregory VII becomes pope during the Investiture crisis When a person becomes a pope they get a simple ring and staff to lead the people with This meant that whoever took these objects from the lord that gave to them it meant that you were no loyal to that lord before you were loyal to the church Gregory says he doesn t want this to happen anymore so he bans it This takes power away from the rulers of the time the Holy Roman Emperor Henry IV and gives it to the church to control This leads to a power struggle between these two and Henry writes to Hilderbrand not the pope and Gregory goes crazy because it s a dishonor to do this Gregory then ex communicates Henry and it works this time and takes away all his power and he is banished o The pope also takes away all his allies and this makes him weak Henry sees this and goes to Italy to say sorry He walked all that way and dressed as a beggar to show how sorry he is Gregory knows this and waits for him and Henry bows before him and Gregory lifts the orders if Henry agrees to follow the rules They don t stay friends for long because of the excommunication that happened This leads different Dukes to rebel and try to become The Holy Roman Emperor And Henry goes to the Pope and the Pope says that yea he is the ruler but Gregory doesn t do it with power This makes Gregory happy because it stops the Emperor from trying to take power from the Pope Gregory makes an alliance with Henry s rival and this makes Henry mad so he raises a small army and raids the Papal States in Rome and he runs out Gregory and Henry puts in a new Pope Clemons the 3rd Southern Italy is controlled by the Normand and it is called second Cecile and they backed Gregory With this in 1084 they invade Rome to make Gregory the pope again Henry sees this battle coming and …
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