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The Development of the Crusading Movement I II Eleventh Century Developments The Catholic Church has developed into the most power institution in Europe along with that Feudalism and Manorialism occur Muslim invasion occurs in Europe along with Viking and other groups that brings Europe to the breaking point There also corruption in the Catholic Church so it leads the Popes to go after power and not saving people and doing right This changes when the church reforms and starts the Papal Inquisition and this puts the church back on the path of saving people and gains more power for it This all leads to Crusades of Europe Birth of the Crusading Movement Starts with the early Christian Pilgrimages before 1095 to the holy land in Jerusalem A small part of the civilizations actually did this because it to a lot of time and money Before 1096 it was against the law for any Christian to carry any weapons with into the holy land this was set by the church They did this to make the religion a peaceful religion not a war fighting one and not to offend anyone you don t need weapons in heaven so you didn t need them in the holy land Pilgrims usually traveled in large groups so if everyone carried a weapon it may look like an army and make trouble with the other nations 3 Groups of Pilgrims Wealthy lords Pententrishal Pilgrims were the first groups they were usually forced to do it because they did something bad and the church made them a deal for doing this If the wealthy lord did do this they could be excommunicated and if they died along the way the church would get all their land In the end the church would gain something the community would gave something and the wealthy lord would gain back their land and wealthy if they got back Common People Religious Pilgrims went there on religious standards and only traveled there The largest group out of the three Lower class Zealots Pilgrims They went there just to go there and live there and had no reason to go back Smallest group of the three The Muslims at the time controlled the Holy Land and everyone that entered the holy land had to pay for everything along the way They had taxes for enter exits housing and food They taxed everything and the Holy Land grew because of it but the Muslims tried to tax the people out of the land but it didn t really work A External Developments The Holy Land started to expand too much that the Muslim group couldn t protect it enough so invasions started to happen A New Muslim Group Invades along with the Byzantine invades the land The new Muslim group the Selgents Turks kicks out the old Muslims group and destroys the holy temple Holy Sepulcher They also don t like the poor Christians so they start new taxes and start not letting in Christians With this in 1071 the word gets back to Europe and they set out to change the attacks on the people and stop this from happening The Pope at the time Gregory says he is going to send an army to stop this but never does because he is dealing with a lot of different internal problems All this does is put the taking of the Holy Land back into the minds of the people The Selgents in this same year go to the Battle of Manzikert and defeat the old Muslim group and take over the Holy Land In 1095 Pope Urban II comes about and starts the crusade idea to take back the land of the Holy Land Byzantine group starts to weaken from battling with the Selgents and the Pope wants to protect them to make them a buffer zone for his empire Urban II meet with and ambassador of the Byzantine group and the meeting is called Council at Piacenza At this council the Byzantine leader wants a small group of knight to help out with the Selgents and Urban II says that he will help them out In 1096 Urban II travels the Claremont to give a speech and this place was full of high officials so that they could go out and collect soldiers from their people B Urban II and the Christian Response The response was outstanding and there were almost too many people for the Frist Crusade everyone wanted to help the church and the country some didn t show up but the vast majority did C Reasons for the First Crusade Urban gave 4 reasons for the crusades 1 to reclaim the holy land 2 to get rid of violence that plagued Europe 3 to stop Primogeniture and to send knights of the family to the Holy Land 4 Protection of the Catholic Faith and to keep Europe from falling D The Western European Response The response was outstanding and there were almost too many people for the Frist Crusade everyone wanted to help the church and the country some didn t show up but the vast majority did Crusader Motivations 1 Promise of you could take whatever land you wanted in the Holy Land 2 Stop land disputes if one group went on the crusade then the other half would have to stop fighting Sell land to pay for the crusades and help the church 3 Absolved of sins and in return from the battle then you can never have sin on you for your life Key Terms Pope Urban II Council at Piacenza Battle of Manzikert

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