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The Bubonic Plague Background I Late 13th early 14th century Trade routes have increased Population increase Church gains power and the western half of Europe starts to regain power Europe grows and new inheritance ways come about This pushes Europe to breaking point because the rapid population growth Food supplies living areas jobs and everything else is taxed to the point of breaking Invasions and collapse and raise of different empires The Breakdown II The plague was so devastating because of 4 things Rapid population growth followed by shrinking populations Contracting markets the trade throughout Europe expanded to far for its bounds and leads to contraction of the markets throughout Europe Massive inflation happens throughout Europe because of falling farms and falling markets throughout Europe this leads to lack of food and people not eating right There was a lack of productive land throughout Europe and this leads to crops not being able to grow and the yields of the crops go way down In 1314 the Europe society cannot keep up with life s demands with that the climate also changed There were periods in the Western Europe where is rained a lot which caused the loss of more crops The late fall in 1314 the rained stopped but a hard winter came in for 6 months This winter froze major rivers and killed any crops that survived The springs and summer months also were bad because of lack of rain fall in Europe and this also strains the crops die during the Great Famine This is a repetitive cycle from 1315 to 1322 and causes 10 of the population of adults to After 1322 the climate changes back to normal but this leads to the Black Death With Europe already hurting from the events that happened the Black Death happens and it last for 4 years The Bubonic Plague III Sores that spread throughout the body 3 types o Bubonic Plague killed 60 of people who got it fever and buboes o Septicemia Plague killed 100 of people slight fever killed before you knew you were sick o Pneumonic Plague killed 100 of people who got it attacked the lungs slight fever slight cold killed in a week IV Post Plague Europe These were all helped out because of the poor conditions throughout Europe Between 40 60 of the population died during this time in Europe Large cities were hit the worst with the plagues There were so many deaths the church stopped taking them the catacombs were old mines and the government started to throw bodies down there to save on space 35 to 75 million people were estimated of died over the 4 years People were blaming everyone else for the plague they came down to saying that the Jewish population was causing this plague The peasants serfs benefited from this because it killed off most of the leaders because taxes were based on gold and not wheat that they had a lot of The landowners died the most and serfs would just take over the land Serfs for the first time walked away from the landowners because land became free from so much death and destruction throughout Europe Because the serfs survived they then started to charge for their services because they had skills and they couldn t be replaced because of so many deaths Artisans and Craftsmen also benefited because they had skills that were in demand so they started guilds to work together These guilds were closed shopped places that worked for better wages and better quality in products These guilds had the power to control everything that went on with their products which means they control the price of everything Outward Expansion happened because of all the changes that occur with the plagues Europe started to look outward to rebuild and we see in 1364 different countries explore out onto the seas and exploring new lands

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