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The End A New Beginning and the Rise of the Sovereign State Part One I The English Channel La Manche is not nearly big enough A The Hundred Years War primary cause was the dispute between the English and the French on who was going to be the next king Caused by the death of the King before who didn t have an heir to the throne The two people that claim the throne was Richard and Phillip of Balwan Richard later let Phillip be the king of England A new law came about saying all kings for France could only hold kingship if they got it from their father side This leads to Phillip not liking it and attack France trying to take the kingship Fought mostly in France and lasted 116 years Can be broken down into four parts 1 Edwardian War 1337 1360 Philip acts France from England at the battle of Crassee the English archers destroyed the French army and it looked like he would take over but France rallied and pushed back 2 Caroline War 1369 1389 Edward the king of France was getting old and his son the black prince was wounded in a battle so they were knocked out of race for kingship of France The French retake land and regroup their armies this is a French victory with English just holding on 3 Lancastrian War 1415 1429 This was a draw between the two powers and there wasn t really one side taking over much land from each other This is also the time we see the appearance of Joan of Arc She rallies the armies and leads the armies 4 Joan of Arc War French Victory 1429 1453 This was the time where Joan of Arc rallies the army and leads them to victory over the English Joan is tried as a heretic and this was because she was betrayed by a French group and was handed over to the English II King Parliament and a war that involved Roses Parliament was for the King Noble Men and Church Officials Was made to levy taxes to pay for wars Would meet 3 times a year and would say what taxes were levied basically whatever the king wanted he got The parliament over times takes power and we see the modern parliament start to develop and we see that they start to defy the king In 1450the parliament takes over and kings have to listen to them A The Development of Her Majesty s Parliament 1 A place to talk 2 Parliament and Taxation 3 Representatives of the People B War of the Roses III France During and After the 100 Years War France was destroyed because of the war because most of the war was fought there Because both powers had armies in France at times of peace they would attack the countryside and do what they wanted because no one could control them At the same time we see the guilds start to power and force kings to do what they want They over throw one king and make the new king Charles sign The Great Ordinance which was like parliament it set up guide lines of what should go on and who controlled what This ordinance makes the states general until 1358 There was a major peasant revolt and the king was run out of France The revolt was Jacquerie Revolt which was led by male figures and for 2 weeks they ruled everything It took an aristocratic intervention to stop the uprising They brought the king back to France and stopped the revolt and gave him all the power he wanted to stop the revolt A Jacquerie Revolt 1358 B The Great Ordinance C Charles VI

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