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Vikings Muslims Magyars Oh My I Collapse of the Caroling Empire o Louis the Pious and his Sons Louis was a just king but he was a push over to this leads to a weakening of the Empire he was the son of Charlemagne the noble men that were given land started to make their own rule and land control has three sons himself He divides the empire among them but there was a problem the sons didn t like it o Civil Wars Lothar the oldest got the smallest part but got the Empyreal Title Pepin of Aquitaine and Louis the German all them get land but Lothar doesn t like this and rebels against his father and dethrones him for a little bit until he rewrite his will for him to get more land The other brothers follow suite and rebel so that they can get more land from their father This starts a second civil war and Lothar sees and sides with the Pope Gregory the 4th and Lothar captures his father and makes him confess things against the church and that no matter what Lothar will get his land The other brothers give up after this and go back to friendship there are many different wars to see who will have the biggest part of the kingdom After this a fourth son Charles the bald is born and the kingdom has to split up again The two brothers see this and start another war to stop this but in this war Pepin dies and the kingdom is split into three parts for the brothers o The Treaty of Verdun establishes who will get what after Louis death At the end they agree that whatever their father said at the beginning o Vikings in Western Europe begin in the late 8th century and last to the 11th and they grew in power during the battles between the brothers They were great ship builders pillagers and traveled a lot The first contacts with Vikings were in Portland Bay 1758 they showed up there to trade but they were turned away They return at Linda s Farm a monastery which was very wealthy and not guarded They take everything and destroy the place and kill the monks the monks that were not killed were taken as slaves and everything that could be taken they took to trade and sell o All invasions from the Vikings were aimed towards locations that held monasteries The pope at the time was mad about this and turns to the Carolings to protect the kingdom but with all the battles between the brothers and families there were no one to protect the kingdom This leads to the Vikings destroying everything in their way and set up a capital at Dublin to set up trade shops Eventually the Vikings start to challenge the European Kings and the Kings try to pay them off but it would cost a lot so they set up a Danegail a tax on the people to get the money Later on the Vikings sail up II Invasions the river and take Charles the Simple and auction it him off the Carolings and they paid 700lbs of silver for him Charles the Simple is released and is sent back to rule and the Vikings come back and he offers them a Normady to stop attacking This allows the Vikings to gain power and start to attack new places This leads a new form of Vikings and they lead to the best crusaders of time Save us O God from the violence of the Northmen o Vikings in Eastern Europe The Vikings did not spare this land and took whatever they wanted they connected the North Sea with the Black Sea with all the trade The Vikings start going south and start taking over in the 9th century they set up shop in Eastern Europe They set up the Kievan Rus the first kingdom set up by Vikings The Eastern Orthodox Christian monasteries get into the kingdom and start converting the people and this is bad because it cause problems with the Byzantines But the problem arises of succession of the kingdom and the Vikings practiced divided succession This causes wars over who owns what and where Slavs o Magyars from the East European step people the Huns came from east and rode horses and looked like they could not be stopped They were interested in taking whatever they need and going home but the kingdom was so big and the Vikings initial impact was helped because of them Major influence on Europe because they were only stopped because of the ocean Europe response to the Magyars at the Battle of Lechfeld this forces them to retreat to Hungry they settle down there and adopt Catholicism and the pope crowns Stephen I the king of Hungry The pope did this to try to gain power and say he had control over the kingdom This does happen for 800 years and they had allegiance to the church o Muslims from the South During all this time Muslims start to try to expand they try to take island for strategic positioning one of the islands they want is Cecil and they try many times to take it and in 1010 they finally take it When they get there they set up same system in the past and the island booms After the death of the leader two sides emerge and they fight with each other Both sides try to get outside forces to help and one asks the Vikings and they come and take out both groups and take over III Impact of the Invasions o Differing Perspectives o Long Term Consequences Key Terms Pepin of Aquitaine Louis the Pious Louis the German Lothar The Treaty of Verdun Kievan Rus Charles the Simple Charles the Bald Battle of Lechfeld Stephen I Oleg Magyars G za Danelaw Normady

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