Chapter 12 1 Motivation the psychological processes that arouse and direct goal directed behavior People have certain needs that motivate them to perform specific behaviors for which they receive rewards that feedback and satisfy the original needs ex Hourly worker wants more money need this impels them motivates to work more hours behavior it provides them with more rewards which informs them feedback that working more hours results in more pay Extrinsic satisfaction in the payoff from others such as money external rewards Intrinsic satisfaction in performing the task itself reward comes from pleasing Types of rewards Yourself Why Motivation is important You want to motivate people to 1 Join your organization need to instill in talented prospective workers the desire to come work for you good people 2 Stay with your organization whether good or bad economic times you want to retain 3 Show up for work at your organization avoid absentees and lateness 4 Be engaged while at your organization engaged workers produce higher quality work 5 Do extra for your organization you hope your employees will perform extra tasks and better customer service above and beyond the call of duty Content perspectives need based perspective Emphasizes the needs that motivate people Needs physiological or psychological deficiencies that arouse behavior 2 Maslow s Hierarchy of needs five levels Abraham Maslow was the 1st researcher to study motivation in 1943 the hierarchy of needs suggests that people are motivated by these five levels Physiological needs most basic human physical needs ex Clothing shelter comfort food and water Safety needs concerned with physical safety and emotional security ex avoiding threats and violence Love needs love friendship and affection Esteem self respect status reputation recognition and self confidence Self Actualization highest level of needs Self fulfillment the need to develop one s fullest potential to become the best one is capable of being Clayton Alderfer s ERG Theory Assumes that three basic needs influence behavior existence relatedness and growth More than one need may be activated at a time rather than activated in a stair step 1 Existence Needs desire for physiological and material well being 2 Relatedness needs the desire to have meaningful relationships with people 3 Growth needs desire to grow as human beings and to use our abilities to their fullest hierarchy potential Alderfer held that if our higher level needs are frustrated we will seek more intensely to fulfill our lower level needs frustration regression component McClellan s Acquired needs theory States that three needs achievement affiliation and power are major motives 3 determining people s behavior in the workplace A well balanced individual has achievement affiliation and power of equal size He believed we are not born with our needs rather we learn them from culture 1 Need for Achievement I need to excel at tasks The desire to achieve excellence in challenging tasks People high in need for achievement tend to advance in technical fields requiring creativity and independent skills 2 Need for Affiliation I need close relationships Desire for friendly and warm relations with other people If you seek social approval and satisfying personal relationships you may have a high need for affiliation 3 Need for Power I need to control others Desire to be responsible for other people to influence their behavior or to control them A control freak has normal achievement affiliation is small and power is large Herzberg s Two Factor theory Work satisfaction and dissatisfaction arise from two factors a Work satisfaction from so called motivating factors Job satisfaction is associated with achievement recognition characteristics of work responsibility and achievement b Work dissatisfaction from hygiene factors Job satisfaction is associated with working conditions pay security company policies supervisors and interpersonal relations Hygiene factors vs Motivating Factors Hygiene lower level needs job dissatisfaction which affects the job context in which people work ex No air conditioning for workers during the summer time lead to absent motivation therefore neutral in their attitudes towards work Motivating factors higher level needs What will make my people satisfied Job satisfaction which affects the job content or the rewards of work Challenges opportunities recognition must be instituted to spur superior work performance performance 4 Equity Theory Focuses on employee perception as to how fairly they think they are being treated Based on the idea that employees are motivated to see fairness in the rewards they compared to others expect from job performance a Inputs what do you think you re putting into the job Inputs that people perceive they give to an organization ex Time effort training experience intelligence creativity status etc b Outputs rewards what do you think you re getting out of the job Pay benefits praise recognition bonuses promotion status etc c Comparison How do you think your ratio of inputs and rewards compares with those of others Equity Theory suggests that people compare the ratio of their own outcomes to input against the ratio of someone else s outcomes to inputs Equity satisfied with the ratio so they don t change their behavior Inequity they feel resentful and act to change their behavior Practical Lessons from Equality Theory 1 Employee perceptions are what count no matter how fair managers think the organization s policies procedures and reward systems are each employee s perception of those factors is what counts 2 Employee participation helps a recent study showed that employees were more satisfied with changes to their job when they participated in creating the changes 3 Having an appeal process helps when employees are able to appeal decisions affecting 5 their welfare it promotes the belief that management treats them fairly Expectancy Theory Suggest people are motivated by 2 things a how much they want something b how likely they think they are to get it People will make the choice that promises them the greatest reward if they think they Motivation involves the relationship between one s efforts performance and the desirability of the outcome of one s performance 1 Expectancy the belief that a particular level of effort will lead to a particular level of Effort to performance expectancy Will i be able to perform at the desired level of a task 2 Instrumentality the
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