Corrections Review Rehabilitative ideal sociological psychological where people grow up 4 assumptions of the rehabilitation ideal be familiar with basic assumptions the discipline of criminology and behavioral sciences had really developed during this period of time thrust of rehabilitation ideal was that there was more science brought to bear in a way in which we might be able to correct reform people in a correctional setting Growth in a way we tried to explain criminal behavior Behavior and crime specifically is precipitated by a myriad or different factors Thrust here is the emphasis on rehabilitation Theme more is better We need to employ more and more different types of Became more professional and scientific when approaching rehabilitation Not a new concept but became a dominant thrust in corrections This is a 60 year period where parole is a form of release from prison dominant Polices expanded Prisons became more professional diverse in types of interventions more sophisticated in terms of diagnoses what types of problems the prisoners had methodology Period not just of professionalism and diversity of practices but just in terms of the growth in the correctional field Unprecedented in this period of time specialized individualized approaches to rehabilitation Prison Subcultures Time when we examined the impact of being incarcerated The psychological ramifications of being in prison Tried to explain the practices within the prison how do they interact with each other and the staff How does this institution of total confinement impact and have consequences for the inmates Idea that within a prison institution that staff have total control over the inmate population Prisons very unique where prisons are controlled every second of the day First time when people went in and studied the cultures within prison Idea of prisonization essentially the thinking about how assimilated inmates are into the prison culture To what degree do they abide by the rules customs ect in the prison setting The degree to which inmates accept the culture can vary based on the type of Most important component cites deprivation model The pains of imprisonment inmate Prior to this time we didn t tried to understand the consequences of the inmate population 5 different pains be familiar with these Because there are these challenges to prisoners of how the environment of incarceration impacts he argues that inmates develop various types of cultures and codes and orientations to really adapt to what is clearly a difficult environment to live in Cressey came along and says every prisoner that comes along into the correctional setting are not the same Part of the idea of how the subcultures work and adaptation is somewhat depended on how they were as individuals were before they came to prison o History before incarceration can effect how they adapt to the subculture When we contemplate different approaches to operating prisons to the rules and laws established if you don t consider the fact that correctional officers don t have absolute control you can implement polices that are not going to work as well as you might think Have to recognize that there are cooperate types of relationships between authority Don t have to know the names given to prisoner gorilla ect figures and prisoners being controlled What is the effect of FL s determinate sentencing law on inmate behavior earlier was being addressed Need to know what was the basic purpose of a study the overarching issue that Overarching issue that FL passed this law that made everyone in FL serve 85 of the sentence where before it was very indeterminate Might only have served 25 or 50 of their sentence Before they had reasons to be good in prison cause then they could get out of prison Now the incentive to behave has been reduced significantly due the determinate Did the 85 law result in more misconduct in prison The most important one empirically when we look at the info of misconduct before the 85 law and those after are they more likely to commit violence compared to those sentenced before the 85 law Second thing important to know 4 basic questions Don t worry about all four sending groups Looked at cohort before and after 85 law How did we go about doing this Don t have to know all details Tried to derive equivalent groups control before groups experimental after Outcome was the level of misconduct in prison What did we find Third thing important to know Much more likely to be violent in prison ect then prisoners sentenced before the 85 laws Inmates with less incentives were more likely to get in trouble Predicted outcome Last important thing to know Implications of this study are that states that are thinking of going from indeterminate to determinate need to be aware that they may have more problems in the correction systems Don t know the solutions but its recognized that when they see increases in misbehavior this might be the reasoning due determinate sentencing Prisoner Rights Movement Started in the 1960s Prior to the 60s America was a content conformist society then all hell broke loose civil disobedience Vietnam war women s rights movement A lot of discontent within society period of tremendous change within America Prisoner rights movement was precipitated by significant disruptions and riots in prisons within the united states Revolting against the system primarily due to the way they were being treated Hands off philosophy up until the 1960s This changed under the warren court overcrowding inadequate health care Prior to this from a government perspective was that the courts should not be involved in the correctional system Judiciary should have no influence or control over how prisons are operated First time in our history that the US supreme court and other appellate courts started to consider law suits filed by inmates and other parties about the conditions of confinement and their rights Significant impact on the whole correctional field Be familiar with the 4 basic rights What are these rights and how did the court address these Decentralization of Corrections Starting the 60 s and 70 s it kind of reversed we need to have fewer interventions Were implementing too many controls over inmates Now its less is better Theme of corrections is more is better Theoretical perspective is actually doing more harm them good labeling theory If you tag people as criminal they take on an identity as criminal and makes the situation worse
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