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MAN3025 Exam 3 Study Guide Chapter 9 Human Resource Management Strategic Human Resource Management The activities managers perform to plan for attract develop and retain an effective workforce is human resource management The economic or productive potential of employee knowledge and actions is human capital Human capital is now seen as being vitally important to a company s competitive advantage Companies that engage in strategic human resources planning develop a systematic comprehensive strategy for understanding current employee needs and predicting future employee needs This includes a job analysis determine by observation and analysis the basic elements of a job a job description summary of what the holder of the job does and why and a job specification description of the minimum qualifications a person must have to do a job successfully Predicting Future Employee Needs Managers need a good understanding of what personnel the organization might need and likely sources for the personnel Managers should assume that the organization will change and so then will staffing needs and that personnel might come from inside or outside the firm Some companies create a human resource inventory tracks employees by name education training languages and other important information that is used when considering inside employees for new positions Recruitment Selection The process of locating and attracting qualified applicants for jobs open in the organization is referred to as recruitment Internal Recruitment familiar with the company s Making people already employed by the organization aware of job openings Companies use job postings where information about job vacancies and qualifications is posted on bulletin boards in newsletters and on the organization s intranet to find internal personnel Internal recruitment is less expensive as there is less training required and personnel are already policies External Recruitment Attracting job applicants from outside the organization The most effective source of external employees is referrals External recruitment is a quicker process as there is no long term evaluation of applying personnel They already hold the required qualifications Realistic Job Previews to give candidates an idea of the negatives and positives associated with the job position prior to being hired This often includes a run through of the company structure culture and other policies that can affect a future employee The process of screening job applicants and hiring the best candidate is the selection process This process is based on background information interviewing and employment tests 1 Background Information application forms and resumes are basic sources of 2 information about job applicants Interviewing can be unstructured asks probing questions to find out what the applicant is like or structured asks each applicant the same questions and compares responses to a standardized set of answers 3 Employment Tests legally considered to consist of any procedure used in the employment selection decision process Three common employment tests are Ability tests measure physical abilities strength stamina and so on Performance tests measure performance on actual job tasks Personality tests measure personality traits like adjustment energy sociability and independence using tests like the Myers Briggs assessment Orientation Training Development Orientation allows newcomers to make a smooth transition into an organisation and their new job position During this process employees are introduced to the job routine and position along with the organizations mission and vision statement and the work rules and employee benefits associated with the position Training refers to educating technical and operational employees in how to better do their current jobs Types of Training On The Job Training Takes place at work often prior to starting the job or during the early phases of the job This training allows employees to gain first hand experience at the guidance of a higher positioned employee and is cheap due to very few resources and facilities needed Off The Job Training Takes place using classroom programs videotapes and training exercises This training can be expensive and time consuming as it requires a new set of personnel to train the incoming employees Computer Assisted Training Programs are designed to train employees at their own pace These can provide additional help and reduce instructional time despite being expensive to design Development refers to educating professionals and managers in the skills they need to do their jobs in the future Performance Appraisal Performance appraisal consists of assessing an employee s performance and providing him or her with feedback This provides employees with an understanding of how they are doing relative to the firm s objectives and it helps with their development and training Two Types of Appraisals 1 Objective appraisals are based on facts and are often numerical 2 Subjective appraisals are based on a manager s perceptions of an employee s traits attitudes initiative leadership or behaviors specific observable aspects of performance Most performance appraisals are done by managers but sometimes information comes from other sources like peers and subordinates Two Types of Feedback 1 Formal appraisals are conducted at specific times throughout the year and are based on performance measures that have been established in advance 2 Informal appraisals are conducted on an unscheduled basis and consist of less rigorous indications of employee performance Managing Promotions responsibilities individual a promotion Deciding who to promote transfer or dismiss are all part of the manager s Managers can recognize an employee s superior performance by giving the When an employee is moved to a different job with similar responsibility the employee has been transferred Employees that are not meeting expectations may be warned or reprimanded and then disciplined Types of Dismissals Layoffs imply that the dismissal is temporary and under review Downsizing is a permanent dismissal often as a result of budgeting Firing implies that the dismissal is permanent and that there was cause for the dismissal Legal Requirements of HR 1 Labor relations especially laws relating to unions ie Wagner Act of 1935 NLRB collective bargaining Taft Hartley 1947 allows Pres to stop a strike that threatens national security 2 Compensation benefits the Fair Labor Standards

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FSU MAN 3025 - Chapter 9: Human Resource Management

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