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Belgium Ghent Unofficial capitol of Europe Wallonia and Flounders in Brussels Toulouse Symphony orchestra Belgium waffles and chocolate Peace conferences Treaty of Ghent Universities pastoral area high tech area for Flounders Automobile manufacture largest steel mill company owner here Brugge Competitor with Antwerp major seaport 8 miles off the sea used to be one it shift in earth Venice of the North River through the city goes into canals gothic neo gothic era Dutch style Americanized and beautiful Fabric wool cloth and lace Zee Brugge 1st Brugge 2 seaports Downtown equal to agricultural monument 3rd largest in Belgium Largest in Walloonia Largest French speaking on Meuse River Used to be the center of steel capitol Pittsburg Gun Armory manufacturing EU Aid put here Aircraft Rusted out old steel cities Leige Bastogne Luxembourg Netherlands Battle of the Bulge General McCall Nuts Tons of American cemetaries o WWI and WWII battles Country not Region City center of W Europe EU capitol distribution supreme court located here MANY European banks are here Meuse Rhine into Estuary Kempenland part of Holland and Belgium Isselmeer fresh water blocking for dam Flevoland reclaimed from sea Major city Financial center 5th largest business city of Europe o Looks like Manhattan Great Art Center o Van Gogh Museum Night Watch in Riches Museum Amsterdam Liberal Red Light District Rotterdam 2 in Netherlands Downtown looks like America Erasmus bridge Largest seaport in Europe The Hague The nominal capitol of Amsterdam Site of Queen s home Legal capitol of the world Zurich major city of Switzerland Top 3 with Nobel Prizes Geneva largest French speaking city Utrecht Leiden o International Court of Justice etc Shell company here End of the c Headquarters of Dutch railroad 2 auto reselling center world Shopping malls Oldest of Dutch Universities o Medical Research and Healthcare Eindhoven Center of Dutch Brabant SWITZERLAND Jura Mountains along border with France forms a giant glaciated valley between Jura and the Alps Lake Constance is the origin of the Rhine River Lake Geneva is the heart of Romandie French Switzerland Ticinio Italian Switzerland many speak Italian language Switzerland is a confederation of cantons Every canton technically has the authority of an independent nation Canton system came to be after 30 Years War each canton formed around religious beliefs 30 of population lives here Largest city of Switzerland largest German speaking city Has been involved in the BANKING industry for a long time Thousands of banks centered here famous for laundering money Extremely low taxes major corporations settle here high quality of life Home of the Club of Rome incredibly wealthy people who focus on environmental issues Featured in the Bourne Identity movie in Switzerland Has always been identified with peace and tranquility strongly Protestant area Lots of international organizations are centered here World class city World s 2 city of diplomacy after New York City League of Nations the Red Cross United Nations World Trade Organization CERN Famous for production of Swiss watches and high quality perfumes Bern capital of Switzerland used to be known as the world capital of communism Communist leaders and philosophers used to meet in Bern every 2 years Basel a German city huge factories and Germanic architecture Famous for PHARMICEUTICALS known as Chemical Capital Tyrol region with largest mountains in Klagenfurt Lusanne FAMOUS FOR BEING HEADQUARTERS OF THE OLYMPICS International court for arbitration of sporting events 2 huge companies located nearby Nestle hated for production of baby formula bottled water and Phillip Morris cigarettes Davos once a year in February the leaders of the world meet here to plan for the future Zermatt small city location of the MATTERHORN AUSTRIA Has ruled the world for thousands of years as multiple empires Primarily alpine region Austria tiny valleys in between Oberosterreich means Upper Austria near Linz the home of Hitler AUSTRIA Dates back before the renaissance Charlemagne From the Baltic to the Adriatic Austria has been in this region under different names for years Vienna o Capitol of world for last 2 000 years o Beautiful city OH SHIT CITY o Holy Roman Empire o World Capitol of Music o Major Center for Fine Arts o 1 city in Austria o Formal Balls gowns and dancing and the like Graz Linz Salzburg Major Industrial city Universities Number 2 city in Austria Capitol of Styria Large Slovenian population Major River port Oil Refinery Petrochemicals Major city of Oberosterrich Number 3 in Austria Major Industrial Center On Danube Chemical Industry Biggest Industrial on Danube Home of Pez candy Home of Adolf Hitler Number 6 in Austria Capitol of Carinthia Heavy of light electronics o Mainly assembly Skiing destination Mozart born here Sound of Music Home Home of Silent Night Skiing Baroque Architecture Number 4 city Primary entry point to Munich Hitler s private estate o Eagle s Nest TOURISM University Innsbruck Capitol of Tyrol o Romantic Urban Setting Frankfurt Cultural center of Austria Number 5 city Truck passing Rail center Very pretty o Surrounded by Alpine Mountains Not a tourist town in summer Skiing 2 Winter Olympics Electronics GERMANY Mainly two countries Ruhr Valley Coal Mining and Steel 2nd biggest concentration of cities Dusseldorf 18 internet companies Center for design and fashion Business city Dortmund Number 2 in region Coal mining center Logistics center Blue Collar Essen Deindustrialization Steel Capitol of Europe Krupp Industrial warehouse for Wars o Thyssen Krupp Elevators etc Construction Cologne 4th largest city limits Cultural center for Ruhr Valley 20 foreign population Headquarters of Ford Europe Toyota s Formula One German Airline Highest Cathedral in World Eau de Cologne Product 95 pop decimated in WWII Business capitol of Europe ECB o Federal Reserve Home of Euro German Stock Markets High Rise City American Style TRANSPORTATION gateway Airport has train center S Ban and U Ban Number 5 city Motorway Hub World Alpha City New York of Germany Stuttgart Major Profit Wine Mercedes Benz o Car invented here Porsche here Two Auto parts manufacture Headquarters of U S Armed Forces o Everyone o Command for Africa here too Protestant Lutheran Radical Movements o Turkish Munich BEER 26 companies including East Germany GSW town Lowen Brow and Ausgusteener Leipzig Bavaria region o Very independent o Smallest in history Catholic city Founded by Monks

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