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Greece All rough mountains no water Shipping Lines Tremendous number of islands 1 472 Many uninhabitable Indo Aryan heritage 2nd millennium B C started Extremely nationalistic Asia Minor Irredentism Greek and Turk conflict became extreme in Ottoman Empire Time Greeks got some of their territory back nearing the decline Minoan civilization located in southern Greece Destroyed by San Torini volcano Mycenaean civilization off the coast of the Peloponnesian Shrinking population Much of American philosophy from here Not fans of immigrants In the EU Adopted the Euro Notorious for cooking the books Used to be poor G D P lower than USA s but way more extended than should be Lots of shady living Greece is dragging down the value of the Euro Corinth Canal joins Adriatic and Aegean Seas Samaria Gorge on Crete Number one walking trail Ithaca Athens Thessaloniki Bottom right islands Cyclades Right of those Rhodos Dodecanese Bottom Middle Crete Not a seaport Pire s is world s greatest Birthplace of democracy Tourist destinations Workers all on strike Capitol of Macedonia Ataturk s hometown Way into the Balkans Big sea and cruise port Major supply shipping export Principle earthquake capitol center Priced themselves out of the market Sephardic Jews used to be here almost nonexistent today Seaport for ferries to Italy Bridge to mainland Patras Gulf of Corinth shipping Agriculture related olives wine St Andrew put to death here Technology center grapes oranges Delphi Ancient Greek Ruins 8 000 ft Range Pindus Mountains o Oracle of Delphi o Major Religious Center Corfu Major beach destination In Ionian Islands o Package Holiday Some Ancient Greek Ruins Crete Iraklion 4th largest Island in the Mediterranean Great tourist system 4th city in Greece Largest city on Crete One of the 1st cities in Europe o Knossos home of king Minos o Rebuilt in the 1930s 1st of Great Greek Empires o o American Air Force Base during Communism time HUGE Different types of beaches Samaria Gorge National Park Rhodos Was Turkish for a long time Earthquake center 300 B C it was the greatest seaport Colossus o Statue of Man 30 stories tall one leg on either side ships sailed in between it was destroyed by an earthquake Cyclades Major tourist islands o Naxos Paros o o Melos o Kea Mykonos Rich and super Rich Bourne Identity o Motorcycle Shop at the end Santorini Great Volcano o Destroyed Knossos Italy Po River is the economic center GDP 90 in the valley Imaginary split of Italy below is called Mezzogiorno Completely different culture and race o Dark black hair and olive skin Total deficit basket case Traditional agriculture society Black economy Began in 1860 Piedmont 1st capitol Language is Tuscan Politically ungovernable 3 000 since end of WWII enormous amount of democracy Valley into Austria Dolomites surround the valley N Italy size doubled after WWI Mt Vesuvius is dormant Mt Etna explodes every 2 years in Sicily Arno River Florence Bridge Tiber River Rome Piedmont Region Liguria Region Plateau from Alps Nation of Savoy Economic industrial hear of Italy Genoa used to be 1 city Seaport and Railroad are the two major transports Lombardi Sudterarro Po River Greatest Economy Dolomite Valley North South trucking route German speaking Centavo Emilio Romano Vincenzo etc lots of big cities Political Heart Heavy industry Tuscany Latcio Florence Rome Toe of Italy Campania Napoli Calabria Publia Sicily Sardinia Heel Island by Toe Other Island Torino On the Po Capitol of Piedmont Source of Po Little Detroit Milano o Automobile capitol of Europe Capitol of the ALPS Capitol of Italian Independence Space manufacture Oil and Telecommunications Football team Uventas UV Largest city metro area Gateway airport Stock market o Banking Fashion Industry El Domo Cathedral Stunning Designing World Capitol of Opera Art The Last Supper 1 Newspaper published here Football AC Milan and Inter Geneva Verona Industrial Filthy Railroad yards Deindustrialized Entrance to Dolomites Transport Center Romeo and Juliet Ancient Roman Amphitheater Shakespeare Festival o Opera Vincenzo U S military bases Small business Capitol during renaissance Medici Family 2 become popes Queen of France Affected most of Europe Architecture o OH SHIT CITY Florence Salami prosciutto Bolognese sauce lasagna bologna Palermo Bologna Art and music and literature Nonstop Tourism Churches everywhere Oldest University in Europe Theme is RED meat politics color Canopy over all sidewalks Heavy Industry MEAT o Labor Movement Italian Communism center Philosophers writers etc Venice Art Trieste The city of canals Competed with Ottoman Industrial shipping seaport oil Tourism 700 B C founding In decline Seaport German Slovene Italian Rome military force major impact Pope her after 500 B C Papal nation area around Rome Capitol today Primary gateway number wise Center of roman catholic church Service industries moved here trading o Utilities oil etc All government for Italy is here Tourism is the largest income o Churches o Outdoor public art Vatican Museum etc Naples Big city 3rd city Center of Mezzogiorno Southern Italy Mt Vesuvius Pompeii Herculaneum Salerno Isle of Capri o Used to be the number one wedding destination o The Blue Grotto o The Almalfy Coast High unemployment is Mesojordna Major seaport Lots of Black Market Economy o Agricultural Industry Pizza Bari Great Seaport o o Port for Illyria Port for Greece Olives tomatoes Seafood Deindustrialization 1943 Mustard Gas ship explosion Shrinking population AGED Number 1 of Sicily world of it s own Much the same as 1 000 years ago Black Economies Mafia makes up more than 50 of the income No industrial base all agricultural Oranges lemons almonds donkey sheep Extremely devote Catholicism Recipient of tons of EU Aid Vatican City Middle of Rome Independent Country Monaco San Marino In between France and Italy Independent country Principality On the Riviera o Beach resort city 5 miles out of Rimini Hill top is city o Origin of monks Independent Country Traditional renaissance SPAIN Taigas River 85 of GDP in Catalonia El Camino de Santiago The Way of St James A penance journey pilgrimage Canterbury is the same type of thing Barcelona 2 city Economic metropolis o 80 90 of GDP Catalonia s capitol Extremely leftist Cities designed by octagons Cordoba Grenada Madrid Valencia Center for technology and new inventions 5 largest city in Europe Andaluc a 1st capitol of Muslim Spain In 900 it was the richest city in the world in 1 000 it was the largest

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FSU GEA 4500 - Greece

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