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Dalmatia is along the west coast of the Balkan peninsula isolated by the Dinaric Alps GEA4500 IN CLASS NOTES Ileria is the province north of Damlatia Panonnian Plain is flat land north of the Danube River The Danube is Europe s 2nd longest river Passes through Germany meets with Red River at Belgrad Danube flows into the Black Sea 2 tributaries Drava and Sava Neretva River is small flows through mountains famously associated with Bosnia Vardar River also small heart of Macedonia Too shallow for transportation Maritsa River in Eastern Turkey and Northern Greece in region known as Thrace Maritsa has enough depth for transportation Woodrow Wilson pushed for self determination in Europe Yugoslavia splits up in WWII In the former Yugoslavia largest ethnic group is Serbian followed by Croatian then Bosnian then Slovenian Also Kosovo Montenegro Macedonia Albania Slovenia holds most of the wealth Istria is small peninsula of Croatia beautiful weather growth of fruits nuts and production of wine City of Trieste is highly sought after by numerous countries of the region Currently owned by Italy Kingdom of Illyria used to exist where Austria is today Carniola existed where Slovenia is today SLOVENIA Alps of Slovenia are called the Julian Alps Slovenia has an outlet to the sea Slovenia the nation was formed in 1991 Capital of Slovenia is Ljubljana Slovenia led by Marshall Teto a dictator that held the countries together After Teto s death Slovenia declares its independence Today famous for BTTC humungous shopping center Slovenia is member of European Union United Nations etc Was one of the first countries to adopt the Euro as its currency was the first in the region to Westernize Koper is an old Roman settlement now a man made seaport by the Slovenians Koper is Slovenia s access to the sea Maribor Slovenia focuses on heavy industry nearby the Austrian city of Gratsk Bled at the bottom of the Julian Alps in Slovenia Bled lies on a beautiful lake surrounded by great ski resorts Inside Croatia population is mostly Serbs Croatians and Serbs speak the same language but use different alphabets Former Yugoslavic area is huge investment center for the Germans CROATIA Croatia splits in 2 along the coast to give Bosnia an outlet to the sea Rijeka was built by Austrian empire for a seaport Today it is the number one seaport of Croatia Pula is a ciy of Croatia but they identify themselves as Istrian Korcula is a beautiful summer resort island along the coast of Croatia Agricultural base Dubrovnik is huge tourist destination City is completely walled in Hvar also a beautiful island off of Croatia Plitvice national park of Croatia Zagreb is the capital city of Croatia primary center for service industry Huge downtown square Split Roman emperor leaves Rome and builds a palace on the Adriatic coast Diocletian palace largest human construction for about 800 years Today it is downtown Split focuses on shipbuilding BOSNIA Bosnia is extremely mountainous with Dinaric Alps Flat land along the coast is Dalmatia Bosnia is famous for its bridges The cities have a Turkish urban landscape ie many minarets Serbs are Orthodox Croatians are Catholic Hearth of the Serbs is in Kosovo today Sarajevo capital of Bosnia Surrounded by mountains single biggest product is tobacco Tobacco grows along the river valleys Biggest city of Bosnia Medjugorje inside Bosnia is a site for religious pilgrimage the Virgin Mary is said to appear Huge tourist attraction Banja Luka second biggest city of Bosnia People who were expelled from Croatia mostly ended up here Serbs Extreme violence against Muslims Visegrad city by the Drina tributary Ivo Andrich wrote book The Bridge on the Drina talks about each of the different communities within Visegrad Neum the opening that Bosnia has to the Adriatic Sea SERBIA The Danube River is the heart of Serbia Where Danube meets the Sava River the city of Belgrad is built Half of Serbia is Dinaric Alps half is Pannonian Plain Serbia is not a member of the UN still being evaluated for war crimes Cheap labor a good place for profit Many Western operations set up headquarters in Serbia Belgrad Belgrad the very center of Serbia and was the center of the former Yugoslavia It is a major transport center Novi Sad 2nd largest city of Serbia oil refining industry a major wheat center Nis the transportation center of Serbia perfectly situated among river valleys Major railroad station for most European trains Big electronics industry Vrsac on the Pannonian Plain it is the border between Serbia and Romania Pharmaceuticals beer and wine KOSOVO Pristina is the capital of Kosovo Biggest business is construction Kosovo has 2nd largest coal reserves in all of Europe Kosovo s economy is mostly surviving on aid Prizren is the 2nd largest city of Kosovo Peje on map as PECS is the center of the Serbian Orthodox church MONTENEGRO Montenegro s people are racially different from anyone else in Europe Less than a million inhabitants extremely mountainous country Podgorica capital of Montenegro formerly known as Titograd after the man that formed Yugoslavia Half of people of Montenegro live in Podgorica Business of Montenegro is mineral extraction especially bauxite Also export wine and brandy Niksic huge steel mill cheapest wages in Europe CENTER of the bauxite industry Bar Montenegro s primary seaport perhaps only flat region of Montenegro Kotor featured in Casino Royale film Used to be part of the Venetian Empire MACEDONIA Macedonia is also very mountainous but has river valleys Alexander the Great came from Macedonia Greece sees Macedonia as one of the traditional homelands Irredentism belief that if a country owned a piece of land thousands of years ago they have a right to that land today Population is mostly Slovs and Albanians 3 of population is Roma or Sinti a migrant population that many people believe are of Indian origin known as gypsies move from place to place and are involved in the black economy making profit through cash no government oversight Extremely low GDP Skopje capital of Macedonia along the Vardar River has half of Macedonia s population Consists of many outsourced European companies Beautiful old Turkish center Sits right on a major earthquake region Glaciated mountain lake Lake Ohrid of Macedonia extremely beautiful Macedonia is recognized by UN as F Y R O M Former Yugoslavic Republic of Macedonia When they reach far enough south the Alps become the Pindus Mountains Albania has a very large flat

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