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Test 1 Review Cooksey CGS2100 Test 1 Review 50 multiple choice questions The INTERNET is a worldwide collection of computer networks that allows people to communicate and exchange information quickly and easily The WWW is a service the Internet offers that enables individuals and businesses to test and market products and services to a global audience Businesses use the WWW to sell advertise and communicate with costumers as well as employees Web pages are stored on a Web site Wireless Networks networks use radio frequency signals to transmit data between individual computers and devices that are physically connected to a network A n ISC internet service provider is a company that provides Internet access Web searches search the Web for the words or expressions you enter as search criteria Search Criteria are keywords that relate to the topic for which you want to find information on the Web A URL s PROTOCOL is a standardized procedure the computers use to exchange data TCP and IP are two of the most common protocols used on the Internet The term PC refers to computers that use Microsoft Windows Identify the types of computers in the figure above The design and construction of the hardware of a particular computer is referred to as its architecture or configuration A computer interprets every signal as either on or off using numbers known as binary digits bits The CPU central processing unit is mounted on the motherboard and is responsible for executing instructions to process data Because a computer can access cache memory more quickly than RAM frequently and recently accessed data and commands are stored there instead of in RAM BIOS basic input output system is the set of instructions that tells a computer to initialize the motherboard how to recognize devices connected to the computer and to start the boot process A n executable file file contains the instructions that tell a computer how to perform a specific task Storing information is a storage medium Your computer needs peripheral devices to accomplish input and output functions Most flat panel monitors use LCD technology A monitor is a n output device The rules that establish an orderly transfer of data between sender and receiver are called protocols The path between microprocessor RAM and peripherals is called the data bus Identify each of the boxes in the figure above figure 20 page ECC20 THE IMAGE ABOVE IS A CALLED A SUPERCOMPUTER A POWER CABLE PLUG B SOUND CORD PORTS C NETWORK PORT D 1394 INTERFACE PORT E VGA PORT F MICROPHONE PORT G USB PORT H DVI PORT I DIGITAL AUDIO PORT Test 1 Review Cooksey When you plug a USB connector into a USB port For most USB devices power is supplied via the port A n Network connects one computer to other computers enabling you to share data and resources with others The Internet is the largest example of a network The recycle bin is a strip that contains buttons to give you quick access to common tools and running programs The trash bins holds deleted items until you remove them permanently Windows 7 is a n operating system that manages and coordinates activities on the computer Windows 7 utilizes a n which uses graphics to represent items stored on your computer To interact with objects on your desktop you use a mouse When you point to icons on the taskbar a n shortcut displays to tell you the name or purpose of the object A menu is a group or list of commands A n menu folder is a container that helps to organize the contents of your computer In Windows right clicking an object opens a menu No set limit program s can be active at a time A n Keyboard shortcut is a key or combination of keys that perform a command A n file is a collection of data that has a name and is stored on a computer You organize files by storing them in folders Hard disks are permanently stored on a computer The top level of the file system is known as the root directory A computer distinguishes one drive from another by assigning each a drive number The hard disk is usually assigned to drive C John has just been hired as a personal assistant to the owner of a national baseball team Max Miller Currently Max has one computer in which he keeps both his work and personal files He d like John to purchase a new computer and allocate one computer for work and the other for home and personal use Since John will be transferring personal files from the existing computer to a new one he should make sure the new computer includes a hard drive John will be updating some of Max s personal documents such as his address labels on his own laptop John prefers to use his flash drive for transferring files Therefore it would be helpful if Max s home computer included a n USB port Max wants the following information on his home and personal computer medical records vacations and tax information Max wants to keep the tax information for his five family members separate John creates separate folders Page 2 of 2

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