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Word Test Study Guide Cooksey CGS2100 Type the document title is an example of PLACEHOLDER 1 2 A table in a Word document an Excel spreadsheet or an Access database can be used as a data source 3 A DATA SOURCE is a document that contains the data such as clients name and addresses that you 4 A main advantage to tab stops and tables is that when you edit data THE ALIGNMENT REMAINS for a mail merge can insert into the main document INTACT 5 A row at the top called the RIBBON contains the names of each field 6 A n BIBLIOGRAPHY is an alphabetic list of all the books magazines Web sites movies and other works that you refer to in a research paper 7 Add a section break at the INSERTION POINT when creating two columns 8 After you finish typing a document you need toREVISE it carefully from start to finish 9 An example of a special visual enhancement to a document is TEXT EFFECTS 10 Another useful tool for correcting errors is Word s SPELL AND GRAMMAR CHECK which continually checks your document against Word s built in dictionary 11 Apply border settings only from this point forward in the document click the Page Borders button on the Page Layout tab to open the Borders and Shading dialog box then choose the apply to list 12 Choose the Page Layout tab and then in the Page Setup group click the Columns button to format text in two columns hierarchy 13 From the Navigation pane you can PROMOTE a subordinate heading to the next level up in the heading 14 Identify the Mail Merge task pane 15 Identify the options of the find and replace dialog box 16 If you press the CONTROL END keys the insertion point moves to the end of the document 17 The CLIPBOARD is a temporary storage area on your computer that holds objects such as text or 18 The document THEME controls the variety of fonts colors and other visual effects available for graphics until you need them formatting a document 19 The final document created after a mail merge is called MERGED DOCUMENT 20 The indent buttons on the Home tab allow you to increase or decrease paragraph indenting in increments of 1 2 inches STYLE BUTTON 21 The tab stop that is selected by default and is probably the tab style used most often is THE LEFT 22 To PASTE means to insert a copy of whatever is on the Clipboard into the document 23 To change font and font size you first must HIGHLIGHT the text 24 To change the text wrap setting for clip art click the WRAP TEXT button 25 To copy formatting from the selected text to other text in the document use the FORMATE PAINTER 26 To copy selected text you can use the keyboard command CNTRL C 27 To delete only the contents of the table but not the table itself PRESSS THE DELETE KEY 28 To ensure that Word checks your entire document for errors it is a good practice to PRESS CTRL HOME before using the Spelling and Grammar Checker 29 To format a list in sequential order you should use a n NUMBER LIST 30 To format part of a document in an orientation different from the rest of the document you need to DIVIDE THE DOCUMENTS INTO SECTIONS 31 To open the gallery of styles for page numbers click PAGE NUMBERS INSERT TAB 32 To reveal a nonprinting character click the SHOW HIDE PARAGRAPHS button on the Paragraph tab 33 To save a document with a new name click the SAVE AS Button and enter a new filename 34 To search for and then insert clip art in your document you use the Clip Art task pane In the Search for box in the Clip Art task pane you enter words or phrases known as keywords that describe the image sound or video you need 35 When Word copies text to another location the item remains in its ORIGINAL LOCATION 36 What is not an example of a field WORD ART 37 What can be included in a table TEXTS AND GRAPHICS 38 What are ways to move text in Word drag and drop copy and paste cut and paste 39 With a HANGING indent all lines except the first line of the paragraph are indented from the left margin 40 You typed a paragraph on page 2 that should appear on page 7 To move that paragraph to the correct place in your document you should use THE CLIPBOARD TASK PANE

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TCC CGS 2100 - Study Guide

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