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Wellness Final STDs STI infectious disease through sex Cause complications if untreated Can effect newborn young people acquire it before 25 65 million infected 19 million year HIV AIDS Human Immunodeficiency Virus HIV Damages the immune system less able to resist infections disorders Attacks CD T cells white blood cell that helps coordinate the activity of the immune system prime target for HIV Converts RNA to DNA DNA goes into chromosome of host cell DNA takes over T cell copies HIV destroys T cell s abilities After being affected billions of particles produces day Immune system cannot keep up it cannot make new cells indefinitely LOSS OF CD4 T cells First week of HIV o PRIMARY INFECTION phase Large amounts of HIV in bloodstream Very infectious Months later CHRONIC INFECTION STAGE o ASYMPTOMATIC stage 2 20 years progressively attacks cells of immune system avg of 11 years untreated adults Transmitting the Virus o HIV lives within cells and body fluids o Blood semen vaginal cervical secretions breast milk o Main routes Sexual contact more likely o 1 anal penetration b w men receptive partner o 2 Heterosexual contact vaginal penetration o oral sex worse if more hygiene sores brushed teeth o Male female o Lesions blisters inflammation 9x more likely o Spermicides more likely Spermicide nonoxynol 9 N 9 Exposure to infected blood 3 IDU injection drug use 20 by needle sharing Fetus birth breast feeding Vertical or perinatal transmission 25 30 born to untreated HIV moms Social cultural economic factors o 75 HIV men o 25 women o increasing ethnic minorities women AA Latins poor o young gay more likely Symptoms o Few days flu like symptoms primary HIV infection o Tests come back negative in early stages o HIV RNA assay measures amount of virus in the body Susceptible to infection o Pneumocystis pneumonia fungal infection Most common o Kaposi s sarcoma Rare form of cancer HIV men Purple brown painless lesions on skin Diagnosing HIV o HIV antibody tests Most common Accurate expensive o Standard test 1 ELISA initial test If positive 2 Western blot immunofluorescence assay confirms results o baby from mom can have antibodies and test positive but be uninfected most HIV antibody test confirm o HIV positive How severe Measure CD4 T cells every few months HIV RNA assay amnt of virus in body HIV Replication Capacity how fast reproduces by blood sample Diagnosis of AIDS severely damages immune system o Get tested if 13 64 Treatment no cure o Antiviral Drugs Reverse transcriptase inhibitors Uses AZT zidovudine Inhibits reverse transcriptase HIV uses this to integrate its genetic material into humans Protease inhibitors Target enzyme HIV protease HIV uses to create a protein coat for each new copy Entry inhibitors Block HIV from entering infecting cells o HAART highly active antiretroviral therapy Reduce HIV in blood undetectable Can still transmit o PEP Postexposure Prophylaxis Prevent infection in those exposed o Antibiotics prevent pneumonia tuberculosis 20 per day Pregnancy o 2 if mom treated baby antiretroviral drugs during 1st week of life no breast feeding c section Treatment challenges o 2100 4000 o nausea vomiting diarrhea fatigue Acquired immunodeficiency Syndrome AIDS Kills most 1 world infected tens of millions died Currently 33 million infected most will die in next 10 years AIDS Considered AIDS T cells drop below 200 ul At risk for Opportunistic secondary Infections main cause of death in Africa started in 1981 o Organisms take the opportunity by a primary infection to multiply and cause a new infection Hepatitis B HBV of the LIVER Sexually injection drug use pregnancy delivery Inflammation Vaccine 19 Most bodily fluids of those infected Very contagious can be fatal Non sexual contact Hepatitis A anal sex gay men Hepatitis C sexually transmitted tissue damage Syphilis Dudes lurkin for dudes willing to do dudes Oral sex Untreated deterioration of CNS death Caused by a spirochete called Treponema pallidum cork screw shaped Mom to fetus Pathogen passes through kissing sex anal oral bacterium Stages chancre ulcer 10 90 days o Primary syphilis Bacteria highly contagious painless heal on own not treated can progress to chronic stages o Secondary syphilis 3 6 weeks like symptoms Flu Skin rash o If untreated Asymptomatic Latent Stage o Late or Tertiary syphilis Damage organs in body Dementia CVD Blindness Death Mother to fetus o Stillbirth premature congenital deformity o Many cases congenital syphilis baby Tissue exam blood tests antibiotics Chlamydia Most prevalent bacterial STD in the US C trachomatis sex oral sex Epididymitis inflammation of sperm carrying ducts Urethritis inflammation of urethra Pain peeing watery discharge bleeding during sex lower abdominal pain Symptoms within 5 days Gonorrhea mucus membranes Can cause PID in women Urethritis epididymitis Preterm delivery baby with life threatening gonorrheal infection Internal organs passing through birth canal gonococcal conjunctivitis can cause men Infant blindness if untreated lining of eyelids Symptoms o Men 2 7 days o First symptoms urethritis urinary discomfort thick yellow white or yellow green discharge inflamed lips males symptomatic most women asymptomatic pain peeing vaginal discharge menstrual cramps 40 untreated develop PID Treatment can effect throat o Gam stain detection of bacterial genes or DNA o Culture o Antibiotics cephalosporins Herpes 1 5 people have it herpes simplex virus o HSV 1 oral labial herpes cold sores 50 80 people o HSV 2 genital herpes 18 25 Rectal lesions oral sex Newborns Lifelong dormant in nerve cells can reactivate at any time o Through birth canal o Infected during 3rd trimester of pregnancy W out treatment 65 will die brain damage Symptoms o 90 no symptoms o 5 8 outbreaks per year o become less severe overtime o usually heal in 3 weeks o stress illness fatigue sun exposure sex period Diagnosis Treatment o Antiviral acyclovir o Suppressive therapy as likely to transmit Human papillomavirus HPV pathogen Most common in US Warts genital cancers Genital warts viral infection genital HPV infection or condyloma Can cause o penile cancer o Anal oropharyngeal cancers Within 3 months of becoming sexually active Vaccine Gardasil 11 12 recommended b4 sex o 4 types HPV 90 genital warts 70 cervical cancers Symptoms cancers of vagina and vulva o Small bump large growth o Painful warts o Untreated warts cauliflower like mass o 1 month 2 years o asymptomatic common Diagnosis Treatment o Appearance of lesions

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FSU HSC 4711 - Wellness Final

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