HUN 3224 Test 2 Study Guide General information 1 Know the general structure of an amino acid 2 know the groups of amino acids and know which amino acids belong in each 3 know the functions we discussed in class and some examples of those functions 4 Know the essential and non essential amino acids and conditionally essential and why they are designated as such Intro to Proteins 1 Understand and be able to describe the structure of proteins primary secondary tertiary and quaternary Be able to give examples where relevant 2 Know the different functions of proteins in the body be able to give examples Protein Digestion and Absorption 1 Know the digestive secretions related to protein digestion ie gastrin HCL pepsinogen 2 Describe the duodenal digestion of polypeptides know enzymes what stimulates them 3 Know the difference between endogenous and exogenous proteins 4 Understand mechanisms by which amino acids are taken up at the brush border Amino Acid Metabolism 1 Know the four processes by which amino acids are degraded Give the function and an example of each 2 Know which amino acids are glucogenic ketogenic and keto glucogenic 3 Be able to explain what makes an amino acid gluco or ketogenic or both 4 Know the metabolism of branched chain amino acids as discussed in class 5 Understand the glucose alanine cycle Urea Cycle 1 Know the relationship between the Krebs and the urea cycle be able to draw these pathways 2 Understand the regulation of CPS I including N AcetylGlutamate and glutamate 3 Know the relationship between dietary protein and the urea cycle Organ Specific AA Metabolism 1 know the role of the liver in amino acid metabolism 2 Understand the relationship between liver enzymes and liver functioning tests 3 What is PKU what are the symptoms both physical and neurological and how do we treat it 4 Understand branched chain aa metabolism and why it occurs predominately in the muscle 5 What is Maple syrup urine disease symptoms and how to treat it with diet and supplements 6 Understand the role of the kidneys in aa metabolism How do the kidneys help maintain neutral pH Dietary Protein 1 Understand the concept of protein quality and what makes a complete protein 2 Know what a limiting amino acid is 3 Be able to explain nitrogen balance 4 Be able to calculate protein requirements and understand the reasoning behind the RDA s 5 Know the difference between kwashiorkor and marasmus know the symptoms and why they occur 1 Be able to describe transcription and translation as discussed in class beginning with a double strand of 2 What is the role of DNA and the RNA s 3 What is the role of the gene promoter in gene expression 4 Understand the consequences of errors in transcription and or translation Protein Synthesis DNA Proteins other 1 Understand the functions of the nitrogen containing compounds as discussed in class
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