1 Ionian Revolt a revolt broke out in 499 BC b Persians started enslaving women and killing men in Miletus c Aristogoras a puppet tyrant in Miletus double crossed the Persians He united the other Greeks in rebellion and set up other organizations to overthrow other tyrants 2 Minoans 3 Mesopotamia 4 Polis 5 Macedonians a lived on the island of Crete b peaceful people un walled city c Bull leaping sport d developed pictographic writing Linear A B e ended in 1425 BC a set in the Bronze Age 4000 BC b located between the Tigris and Euphrates river c birthplace of writing a state governed city state in Greece a Alexander the Great lead them b northern mainland of Greece c people were considered Greeks technically but also considered aliens d world empire in 359 30 BC e eventually picked up by Roman civilization a June 480 BC b Persians crossed into Europe c Athens and Sparta formed a defensive alliance against Persia d Sparta s 300 men held off Xerxesi s army until a traitor brought Persians e This gave Athenians time to prepare their naval forces 1 000 Greeks around the rear killed 20 000 Persians killed 6 Thermopylae 7 Knossos 8 Oikist 9 Agoge a most famous city in Crete b center of the Cretian political system a layout of a new polis blueprint a naked training regimen for young Spartan males b age 7 24 boys were given to the state c fed themselves by stealing d emphasized education logic morality history and speech a plane where Athenians and Persians fought b Battle of Marathon c Greek victory a Sep 480 BC Marathon Salamis 10 11 Pericles the Persians b Greek naval forces were placed in the Salaminian Bay disadvantage to c Battle was won by the Greeks by sundown d victory furthered Greek victory and pride a grand nephew of Cleisthenes b very important general during the Classical period in Greece c received highest title of Strategos d responsible for rebuilding Athens after Peloponnesian wars e leader of Athens during Peloponnesian wars f set plans for the Parthenon a Greek ification spread of Greek culture throughout the world Hellenism a prefect high office of roman empire b guard special force of skilled and celebrated troops serving as personal guards of Roman Praetorians emperors c prefecture largest administrative division of the late roman empire above mid level diseases and low level provinces Proletariats a those who did not own land in the Roman empire before Marius they could not fight in war that changed when he took power a Roman majority commoners farmers merchants businessmen Cynicism a Greek infantry similar to minute men a founded by Diogynes of Sinope b tranquility is not found in worldly things but having things in your grasp c do what you feel say what you want to say even if it is offensive a founded by Pyrrho of Elis b humans are incapable of grasping true reality c idea of suspended judgment not having an opinion on anything Skepticism Plebeians Hoplites Stoicism a founded by Zeno of Citium b taught followers that to attain happiness one must go with the flow c passion and emotion were unnecessary Perioikoi a Those who dwell around Sparta b neighbors Helots a conquered people by the Spartans b state servents a aliens in Democratic Greece Metics 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 Eleutheria Sparta Sicilian Expedition b did not hold citizen rights a condition in which one man is in no way under a constraint of another b Greek ideal of freedom a exhausted Athenian Treasury b operation was to cut the grain supply from Sicily to the Peloponnese aka c Athenians lost because of Alcibiades telling the Spartans the plan d exhausted almost all of Athenian resourses a 478 431 BC under the leadership of Athens b democratic governing strategy c drove Persians out of the Aegean Sea while doing this the league started becoming imperialistic league started charging members and expanding within the Greek mainland invaded and conquered Boeotia and Thebes Delian League Alcibiades d started Peloponnesian War a relative of Pericles b brash attitude c convinces Athens to attack Syracues Sicily d jumped ship on the way to Sicily and swam to Sparta e became a traitor and told Spartans all about the Sicilian expedition Pericles Agora Acropolis Alexander the Great a died in Athenian plague a highest point in polis b temples and religious meetings were held here a market square political center in polis a raised to believe he was god like b razor sharp intelligence and ruthlessness were his most distinguishing c Aristotle was his tutor d always kept a copy of the Illiad in his pocket e reputation for ruthlessness f never lost a battle g fought the Persians in 334 BC traveled to Asia minor h after battle of Guagulmella 331 BC he was considered Lord of Asia traits Homer s Illiad a story of the Trojan War b Achilles is the main character Julio Claudians a first five roman emperors Augustus Tiberious Caligula Gaius Claudius Nero b ruled from roman empire formation until second half of the first century 44 BC 68 AD Patricians when Nero commuted suicide c none were succeded by sons a Roman society s social and political elite b included landlords and military elite a the superior of the house b oversaw doing in the palace c the king s right hand man a Frankish king 485 511 founder of the Merovingian Dynasty Maior Domus Clovis Edict of Milan a edictium mediolanese b letter signed by emperors Constantine I of the west and Licinius of the East c proclaimed religious toleration in the roman empire d issued in 313 after conclusion of Diocletanic persecution a Julius Caesar Gnaeus Pompeius and Marcus Crasis b they took Rome as their own a Octavian Augustus Caesar s grand nephew Marcus and Marc Antony Second Triumvirate First Triumvirate a moorish Iberia medieval state and territorial region occupying parts of what is today spain and portugal and small parts of modern france al Andalus b battle of guadalete c battle of toulouse d battle of tours umma a Arab religious or political committee a era of interfaith harmony in Iberian peninsula between Christians and convivencia Muslims 8th and 9th centuries 5 Pillars of Islam a Declare Faith Shihada There is no god but Allah and Mohammad is his prophet b Pray in the direction of Mecca 5 times a day c Give money to the poor d Fast during ramadan e Perform Hajj Pilgrimage to Mecca a self exertion sacrifice strive or struggle to live a virtuous life a way of ancestors b essentials to Roman culture Mos maiorum Jihad 34 35 36
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