Nationalism replaced neocolonialism during the Great Depression of the 1930s Nationalism wasn t necessarily a better system as it also had its disadvantages NATIONALISM Nationalism in Latin America o Nativism pride centered creole population political part of Nationalism Nationalism is Nativism with economy aspect no outside forces o Ethnic Nationalism vs Civic Nationalism Ethnic Civic shared culture liked mixed population motivated by set of ideas economic moral political o Importance of popular culture Film easiest way to spread ideas through country Carmen Miranda Brazil Jose Augustin Ferreira Calles de Buenos Aires Argentina Import Substitute Industrialization ISI replace imports with native grown products o Side effect of Great Depression o Policies a lot of government control Protective tariffs import goods are more expensive then local goods Tax break if you buy capital goods Railroads are built to connect interior areas of the country Exports become more expensive because they had a surplus of the raw goods o Downsides Exports Regionalism tension between the countries of Latin America Brazil and Race o Discrimination of African American in Brazil o Brazilian Black Front Political party that forms in response to positivism and scientific racism Don t like foreigners Want African influence to be apart of their culture Supported by academics Gilberto Freyre The Masters and the Slaves 1933 Not supported politically Causes the party to turn violent Getulio Vargas Father of the Poor is the leader of Brazil at the time and outlaws political parties o In 1931 organize a massive protest demanding public integration of facilities representation in government after this protest o Estado Novo his government policy must be 18 years old to vote in a secret ballot women have the right to vote and serve in government positions sets minimum wage labor unions and a sets a strict work week Not successful
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