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Simon Bolivar From Venezuela Creole EL LIBERTADOR o Venezuela was discovered by Christopher Columbus on his 3rd voyage o Compared it to Venice because of the Lake Maracaibo Little Venice o Majority of houses are built on stilts o Major crop was cacao and coffee and indigo Used slave labor o Indians Spaniards and Africans lived there Simon Rodriguez had the biggest impact on him was his teacher and lived with him Was orphaned and his uncle became responsible for him but didn t have influence on his life Was a cadet in the militia Goes to Spain for education and while there he marries Maria Teresa Rodriguez del Toro took her back to Venezuela and she dies soon after Goes back to Spain because he doesn t feel like he learned enough the 1st time he was there o Went back during the French Revolution and was heavily influenced by this Vow at Monte Sacro to liberate all of Latin America from Spain Francisco De Miranda Le Precursor Captain in the Spanish army bought this title Not happy with the Spanish monarchy Took refuge in the US Wants to unite all of Latin America and wants an original Incan leader to rule Latin America o Wants support from William Pitt British Prime Minister o Britain give him some support the PM never writes anything down stating their support but does give him some weapons Invaded Venezuela 1806 and goes into exile in Spain Mission to London Bolivar and Miranda meet and Miranda goes back to Venezuela with Bolivar 1808 Napoleon forces Ferdinand VII to abdicate and Napoleon s brother in power of Spain Napoleon was Emperor but had kings under him Spanish doesn t support Napoleon o Create juntas to support Ferdinand local governing council o Same happens in the colonies Spain wasn t concerned with telling them what to do o Gave them democratic feeling autonomy This is when Simon Bolivar emerges o He goes to London to ask for help and to Explain and justify revolution in Venezuela Wants recognition of legit revolution Britain doesn t want to do this Wants money and guns o Gives some money and guns but doesn t really support them First Republic wrong o Independence in 1811 Miranda becomes the first dictator o Earthquake in Caracas a year later Catholics say that this is a sign that independence is o Juan Domingo de Monteverde was a Spanish military leader who was in Venezuela who is trying to stop the independence o Puerto Cabello was Bolivar s big way to prove himself militarily A fort where Spanish prisoners are held A traitor in the fort releases the prisoners and they run Bolivar out of the fort o San Mateo Pact July 1812 Miranda signs this with Spain but Bolivar isn t happy about this Doesn t like that Miranda is loyal to Spain Bolivar captures Miranda and give him back to Spain for his past charges It says that the independence movement was over and the colonies are Spain s o Bolivar flees to New Granada Second Republic o Asks for the support of New Granada because Ferdinand is back in power so the colonies autonomy is gone o Convinces them to join the Admirable Campaign o Invades Venezuela with 650 men started joining his forces o Officially beats Spain in the Battle of Taguanes Bolivar become the leader of the second republic 2 months later he had 2 500 men as he won more and more battles the natives o Jose Tomas Boves is now brought over from Spain Taita Boves was his nickname He recruits cowboys creates Cavalries Llaneros Mixed African descent Tell them that they can get the white creole land if they join him Known as the Legion from Hell brutal o They attack Boilvar in Valencia and Boves wins Bolivar goes back to New Granada Now seeks support from free Haiti Gran Colombia 1819 in formed in the Congress of Angostura confederations of states including Venezula Panama Ecuador o Pablo Morillo is the Spanish commander that Bolivar goes against fight for 3 years Stalemate but eventually Bolivar wins The tide changes when Bolivar is able to bring Africans on his side Jose Antonio Paez recruits the African cowboys to fight for Bolivar o Congress of Angostura Bolivar establishes capital in Angostura 3 vice presidents Francisco Antonio Zea Juan German Roscio Francisco de Paula Santander o Constitution of 1821 Emancipated the slaves in the form that if you re a slave now you ll die a slave but once a slave s child turns 18 they are freed The slaves must go up against a board that decides whether or not the save can be freed and collect taxes that would compensate the slave owners Indian tribute is abolished to assimilate them into society Divide up Indian communal land and sell it off Ceases Church property for the State to fund secondary education Peru and Bolivia o Jose de San Martin requests Bolivars help Meets in Ecuador and Martin decides that he ll give Bolivar the lead for Peru independence o Bolivar uses what he learns from Gran Columbia needs to gain the support of the masses Bands slave importation Uses the same gradual slave independence No Indian tribute Takes Indian communal land Fall of Bolivar o In the beginning Peru and Bolivia are one country but Bolivia eventually breaks away and named after Bolivar 1825 Antonio Jose de Sucre is the one that gains independence for Bolivia Bolivar isn t seen in a good light in Bolivar because he had absolute power president for life and voting is very restricted o Paez Revolt In the beginning helps Bolivar but revolts against him after his actions in Peru and Bolivia and the 2 compromise and the revolt ends o Assassination Attempts Santander was responsible for the most famous one o Bolivar resigns his presidency in 1829 and 1 year later he dies on tuberculosis o Once he dies Gran Columbia falls apart and the separate countries separate themselves and become independent countries Venezuela experiences an economic crisis Political parties are formed Conservative Paez is main leader back to Spanish colonial rule Liberal Antonio Leocadio Guzman is the leader no slavery

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FSU LAH 1093 - Simon Bolivar

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