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The Haitian Revolution THE FIRST INDEPENDENT COUNTRY IN LATIN AMERICA Hispanola is divided into 2 parts Spain and French Haiti is originally called Saint Domingue o Divided into North West and South o Slave society o Focus on sugar production 3 Caste Society o Grand Blancs and Petit Blancs only different is that Grand Blancs own land o Free People of Color mixed descent Inherent wealth from the father Usually have French father and African mother Own a lot of land Go back to France for education Dominate the West and the South o African Imports 80 of population Come from all different places speak different languages religion customs This made it impossible to organize a revolution until a large import from Kongo What leads to Revolution o Trans Atlantic Slave Trade 1785 179 Slave imports from the Kingdom of Kongo Civil War brings Military Soldiers to St Domingue o French Revolution of 1789 and the colony of St Domingue White people start a movement for Colonial Autonomy Amis des Nois is a French society that support the freed people of color During the revolution they are fighting for equality for free people of color Vincent Oge is a member of the Amis des Nois o Denied right to vote in colonial elections o Organized an uprising in Grand Riviere parish in 1790 o Publicly executed in Feb 1791 Slave Revolution o August 1791 Revolt on the Northern Plains o The Pois Caiman Ceremony initiates the revolution The slaves were able to come together because of this common religion o Vodou Cultural Resistance The rise of Toussaint Louverture o Born Toussaint Breda o Switched from Spanish to French Side Spanish try and recruit the French slaves because they see this as a way to take over the French side of the island France s Emancipation of the slaves in 1794 British occupy South of the island with support of the freed people of color but defeated by 1798 Declared by the French government the governor of the island in 1800 He drafts a Constitution in 1801 based on colonial autonomy Napoleon sees this as a threat Napoleon sends Leclerc to the island to conquer the island o Tells Leclerc to bring back Louverture o Bring back slavery on the island Toussaint surrenders because Leclerc brings Toussaint s sons back and uses them to coarse him Dessalines is the new slave leader of the revolution o Realizes that the colony can t be a French land to be able to be truly free o Declares independence in 1804 France doesn t recognize this until 1825 Napoleonic Invasion of Iberia o 1807 Napoleonic Forces occupied Portugal o 1808 Spanish king abdicated o Spanish colonies ran by local juntas o Foreshadows Latin American Independence Movement The combination of reforms the Haitian Revolution and European events created the necessary elements for widespread movements for independence in Latin America during the 19th century

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FSU LAH 1093 - The Haitian Revolution

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