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CAUDILLOS Latin American independence created a power vacuum which was filled by powerful individuals Colonial rule contributed a political heritage that allowed for the rise of caudillos Neocolonialism and nationalism brought about the end of caudillos Latin American Independence in the 19th century o Every country gained independence at different times o Different times of caudillism What is Caudillism o Autocracy rule by one o Personalismo o Machismo o Patronage rewards care about person and personal loyal to them military skills sexual power Caudillos give gifts to friends to keep people loyal However Caudillos usually fall to their best friend o There is on one way to rule as a caudillo Chile Bernado O Higgins 1817 1823 o Earned his position as a man on horseback o He was moralistic and outlawed all things fun dice games cock fighting and outlawed all o Gets rid of primogenitor ruling where the first legitimate son gets all the inheritance he religious processions was illegitimate Ramon Frene o Leads a revolution against O Higgins which results in a Civil War o O Higgins resigns and Ramon takes over There are 5 consecutive revolutions after Frene Political parties are formed and elect a president o Not a successful democracy oligopoly is formed instead Argentina Buenos Aires was very urban Majority of people were rural Juan Manuel de Rosas o Folk Caudillos o Rural o From Pampas o Followers are called Rosistas o Federalist Political Parties Federalists vs Unitarianists o Federalists headed by Rosas strong federal government and some autonomy at local level o Unitarianists no local autonomy centralized power makes all decisions his secret police that were allowed to do anything to anyone who didn t suppose Mazcora federalists Garrotte the iron collar Doesn t like Indians they are competition to land o Starts a program that gave anyone who fight against the Indians a piece of land Border issues with Uruguay o Argentina gets involved in the civil war in Uruguay to gain land the French and British get involved too o Brazil wanted to get involved too o This caused Rosas over through flees to Europe Domingo F Sarmiento becomes the new caudillo Justo Jose De Urquiza takes over Sarmiento o From Entre Rios o Unitarian o Doesn t last because he s not from Buenos Aires his loyalty is questioned General Bartolome Mitre is the last caudillo in Argentina o Becomes one nation Argentina Central America United Provinces of Central America Francisco Morazan is the first president in 1830 o From Honduras his loyalty is to Honduras o Family is French immigrants to Caribbean and then go to Honduras educated in France o Not very popular because doesn t ally with Church or the Indian population Rafael Carrera takes over because he does favor the Indians identifies with them o Mestizo from Guatemala his loyalty is to Guatemala o Gives Indians powerful positions in government o Indian population gets more land than creole population o Gives tax reductions to Indians to compensate for all the years they had to pay tribute In 1840 the United Provinces disbands Justo Rufino Barrios takes over after Carrera dies o Wants to get the United Provinces back together o Takes all the Indian rights away o Gives international powers land in Guatemala because the economy was doing bad o Mandamientos have a choice forced labor for Indians is waged but they don t have land so they don t Caudillos were able to replace leaders of independence easily Caudillos weren t all the same Caudillos began to disappear in the 1870s due to neocolonialism and nationalism

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