Crises of political legitimacy and political institutions caused Cuba to oscillate between different CUBA government institutions US Occupation o Platt Amendment US had part in Cuban diplomacy land to create US military base Cuba pays for the US occupation o General Leonard Wood is US leadership in Cuba o US 3 main goals Make Cuba self governing Tomas Estrada Palma is first president elected US supported Cubans don t like him Repair destruction caused by Spanish American War social political physical Cuban Rural Guard caused to control the newly freed slaves o Trained and answer to US Army o Must pass literacy test o Letters of recommendation from people with high status o Must buy your own equipment Education Reform o US textbooks sent to Cuban schools o Teachers are sent to Harvard to learn how to teach and then are sent back to teach in Cuba Sanitation Repair Conquest of Yellow Fever o Jaundice Seizures Delirium Coma o They drain all swamp land pour oil and burn all mosquito breeding lands o Carlos Finlay was a Cuban doctor discovered the connection between Yellow Fever and the mosquito Walter Reed is the American who took the credit Absorb Cuba into US economy US controlled of the majority of the sugar made in Cuba o William Howard Traft bring down more military forces to Cuba Charles E Magoon leads these new forces They bring down baseball In 1908 the Cincinnati Reds are beat by the Cubans Jose de la Caridad Mendez is the star player in Cuba o Independent Party of Color 1908 doesn t mean it s only for African Americans Fighting for the rights of Afro Cubans Evaristo Estenoz and Pedro Ivonnet lead this party Morua Amendment no political parties can be formed based on racial distinction Guerrita de Raza 1912 caused because Amendment doesn t end the party The Independent Party of Color planning a peaceful rally the Cuban and US government go to put down the rally 6 000 people are killed Estenoz dies o Ivonnet surrenders and party goes underground o Cuban sugar industry goes up during the war recruit people from all over the Caribbean to work for the sugar industry o Mario Garcia Menocal president at the time 1913 Declaration of War 1917 on the side of Germany during WWI WWI and Interwar Period 1917 took place because the sugar industry is going down after the war o US sends General Enoch Crowder to mediate between the people of the revolt and the o Liberal Revolt blame the president president Organizes and oversees a new election Alfredo Zayas 1921 becomes the new president Is Crowder s puppet Take 50 million of loan from the US Gerardo Machado y Morales becomes the next president 1925 1933 o Backed by Zayas and the US o Takes more loans from US Revolution of 1933 the people revolt college students and workers once the Great Depression hits the US it also effects Cuba and o US sends Summer Welles to negotiates between Machado and the revolt The causes more revolts to occur Good Neighbor Policy anymore says that the US wasn t going to enforce the Platt Amendment o Leon Alvarez Afro Cuban promotes the idea of communism for Cuba during this time Takes over the largest sugar mill for Cuba because it was controlled by the US Took over 30 of sugar production in Cuba in 1 month 80 controlled by US o Ramon Grau San Martin is the figurehead of the college student movement Wants the Platt Amendment abolished from the Constitution Wants to create a Labor department causes the workers to unite with the students Women should be given the right to vote and participate in the revolution Alienates all US businesses reveals all bad sides of US businesses The Era od Batista 1934 1959 o Fulgencio Batista y Zaldivar took power with a coup before San Martin could be elected Backed by Sumner Welles o Populist o 1940 Constitution he puts forth populist ideas Creates unions Redistributes land Wages Women can vote and work in government No president can serve back to back terms Grau San Martin is elected president 1944 o Has problems because he worked with a Congress voted in by Batista o Seen as weak leader because of this Carlos Prio Socorras elected next president 1948 o Doesn t have any interest in political power just wants the power Batista comes back as president Fidel Castro 1926 1952 o Colegio des Delores and de Belen o He sees FDR as a role model Listened to his Fire Side Chats o University of Havana Studies for a Law Degree o Involved in the invasion of Dominican Republic 1947 Batista arrests them because he didn t organize this invasion he escapes o Works in the overthrow of Colombia 1948 has a political take Civil War erupts while he is protesting there o Partido Ortodoxo for themselves anti communist decree promotes nationalism social reforms economy o Castro presents his Supreme Court Brief which said that Batista needs to be in jail because he s not a legitimate leader wasn t elected o Cuban Revolution Part 1 Plans to take over a major military barrack Moncada does this during Carnival Fidel is arrested July 26 1953 o Goes on trial for Treason o Takes responsibility for the attack and pleads guilty 15 yrs in prison o US wants Castro to by freed Batista drafts an Amnesty Bill that says that Castro can t overthrow Batista Doesn t sign in but is released anyways Flees to Mexico to continue to plan the July 26 Movement While in Mexico Castro meets Che Guevara Raul Castro was also there Argentine Marxist Doctor traveled to help Lepers Groups that rebel outside of Castro s Puros Conspiracy purely military o Colonel Ramon Barquin arrested o Unsuccessful coup 1956 26 July Movement o Castro gets an American yacht to start the revolution Granma o Urban workers planned to protest strike and meet up with Castro The leader of this population was Frank Pais He is arrested and put on trial and was killed in 1957 In response to his death his workers mount a massive strike no transportation or services and they go to the mountains o The boat is met at the coast with Batista s people and most people are o Castro flees to Sierra Mountains and that becomes the base of this arrested or killed movement Every time a rebellion group failed they fled to the mountains and joined Castro s forces They create a parallel society in the Mountains schools newspapers laws healthcare clinic Directorio Revolucionario o Student organization formed in University of Havana o Want to storm the Presidential Palace in 1957 o Go to the mountains Summer Offensive 1958 Operation Verano Che leads a guerrilla tactics o Majority
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