Brazil Independence BLOODLESS INDEPENDENCE Brazilian independence is a stark contrast to the Haitian Revolution o While Haiti achieved independence through violence Brazil obtained independence through diplomacy Events in Europe shaped Brazilian independence Population is 3 million people in the early 1800s o free people of color o slaves o Mazombos people that were born in Portugal Portuguese Crown Relocates o Napoleon invades Portugal o Queen Maria I can t rule so Prince Regent Joao makes the decisions in her name When Napoleon invades instead of abdicating he moves his whole court to Brazil Became laughing stack of Europe so he changes the name of Brazil and it becomes a Kingdom independence independent country Now he s the king of Brazil and Portugal Napoleon dies in 1821 so there s no reason for the Crown to be in Brazil o Council is formed saying that the Crown needs to go back to Portugal and that they want o King Joao goes back and leaves his son in Brazil in charge his son later declares Brazil an Pedro I is the first leader of independent Brazil Jose Boniface de Andrada e Silva is his adviser o Doesn t have support of creoles Pedro declares himself Emperor but Silva doesn t like this ends up being exiled Forms a Constitution in 1824 just a piece of paper doesn t really have an authority o Portugal doesn t want to recognize them as an independent country Britain works as intermediates between Brazil and Portugal 3 yr time span Brazil wants recognition Portugal wants money from Brazil Pedro I abdicates his thrown to infant son Pedro II in 1831 but since his son is too young Pedro Since Britain intermediates they want trade benefits primary trade partner of Brazil brings Silva back o Does look at government as a democratic monarchy o Most important thing he does SLAVERY last to give it up Abolishes slave trade in 1830 Makes a resurges in 1840 Reinstates the abolish of slave trade in 1850 Form class of slave abolitionist during this time in forms of poetry Deodoro de Fonseca is the first politician that goes into the position of abolishing slavery Leads revolt against Pedro II Pedro II is very sickly and has to take frequent trips back to Portugal for medical treatment So in one of his trip he too sick and he declares his daughter Isabelle his regency She abolishes slavery all in one step The people revolt against Pedro II and overthrow the government 1891 Luso Brazilian Joke Constitution o Lusophobia afraid of Portuguese Portuguese greedy persistent hard working sexual gluttons Brazilian lazy carefree live for today don t save their money sexually liberated o Stereotypes o Immigration o Cultural myths o Jokes Although Brazilian independence was achieved through diplomacy the new nation still struggled in its first century of existence The Portuguese Question if Pedro I loyalty was to Brazil or Portugal Everyone thought he was loyal to Portugal plagued Pedro I s reign as well as created lasting resentment in Brazil even present today The slavery issue split the Brazilian population and brought down a popular ruler
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