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Cuba and Puerto Rico had 3 options in the 19th century Caribbean Variation o Stay with Spain o Seek independence o Join the United States Cuba and Puerto Rico experienced dramatic population increases in the 19th century due to events throughout the Atlantic World Slavery and geography contributed to the failure of independence in Cuba and Puerto Rico Cuba in the 18th century o Geographically isolated from Hispaniola o Free population outnumbered slaves 30 of pop is slaves o Tobacco production monopoly o Slave religion Santeria syncretic religion Urban Origins Urban slaves were mainly women domestic slaves and there they got exposed to Catholicism Live in Harmony with your destiny Corpus of Ifa is the holy scriptures but its written by family members and passed down unfinished book 1789 Cuban Fugitive Slave Law be educated in Christianity and can t work on Holy Days fugitive slaves must be returned slaves must o In 1817 the Bishop says its ok for them to work on Holy Days because of the sugar production 1842 Good Government Law masters can make their own rules when it came to their slaves Master should be the good example of Christians to their slaves Santeria wasn t a plantation slave religion because they didn t have much exposer to Christianity These slaves have Lucumi Ethnicity less exposer to Christianity o Transformation of Cuba 7 Years War 1756 1763 war Havana Port is heavily fortified because Britain occupied the port during the N American Independence 1776 new trade partner Haitian Revolution French refugees and their slaves bring sugar knowledge to Cuba Cuba shift from mainly growly tobacco to sugar this increased dramatically the number of slaves on the island Becomes pearl of Antilles the more powerful you get the more protection you need They need the Britain to protect them 1840s and 1850s US wants to annex Cuba to protect them and o Annexationist Movement to be able to use as trade partners Ostend Manifesto 3 US ministers go to Europe and present why Cuba should be theirs and propose to buy the island Cuban support is split between going toward the US and going toward Spain This movement disappears because the US Civil War broke out o Cuba Sectionalism divided between US or Spain support West is pro US and that is where the sugar was produced East is pro Spain and that is where the livestock is raised o Carlos Manuel de Cespedes Eastern creole landowner owns a small amount of slaves Produces some crops on his land but slavery isn t as important to him An intellectual educated in Spain Involved in anti government uprising in Spain Flees back to Cuba Arrested in Cuba for making treasonous statements When he is freed he decided to start a revolution Initiated this movement by freeing his own slaves 35 other landowners also freed their slaves o 10 Years War 1st phase of revolution Antoino Maceo primary military leader the Bronze Titan mulatto Openly supports the revolution the whole time Come up with their own nationality during the revolution Cubanidad Rebel Constitution 1869 declares all Cubans are free liberate all slaves that are part of the Cuban movement President is Cespedes crush the Cuban movement Arsenio Martinez Campos is brought into Cuba as the Spanish military leader to Pact of Zanjon Cuba is still a Spanish colony and maintain all Cubans are free o Causes a lot of people to flee to New York o While in New York City Calixto Garcia forms another attempt to free Cuba Guerra Chiquita Little War o Patronato former slaves partake in 8 year employment program apprenticeship Patrocinados o Abolish slavery in 1886 give Cuba representation in Spanish Parliament o Third War one year of the colonies had to suffer the tax burden from the United States Jose Marti Cuban military leader was still Campos The Spanish military head was General Valeriano Weyler y Nicolau The Butcher Puts anyone who are considered revolutionaries in reconcentration o This doesn t make the US happy about this because of Monroe Spanish American War 1898 Doctrine Ended with the Treaty of Paris Republic of Cuba 1902 is formed and is attached to the US Puerto Rico s Beginnings o Discovered by Ponce de Leon 1508 o Not desirable land isolated o Becomes a Spanish Naval Base o Situado can t maintain itself economically constantly funded by Spanish government o Presidio missionary and military base There are some Indians when they land o Alcaldes mayors of major cities peninsular o Tenientes a Guerra mayors of small settlements creole o Society with slaves o Unstable Relationship with Spain because it s a situado Spain constantly gives Puerto Rico all these rights but then later will take them away from them Cadiz Constitution done by Junta because King doesn t come back until a year later Gives the colony rights When the King comes back from exile Napoleon he takes these rights away Omnimodas totally and completely power in one leader than answers back to the Spanish Crown Spanish Constitution briefly stops the Spanish Civil War 1869 Colonies forms political parties o Liberal Reformist Party later resurface as Autonomist Party Creoles Like idea of independence autonomy Don t own that many slaves o Conservative Party or Unconditionally Spanish Party Stay with Spain Own land and slaves Makes money in colony First Spanish Republic 1873 takes Puerto Rico s right to form political parties The Autonomist Party wants Spain to send them money and they decide what to do with the money Spain Autonomist Charter this is how Puerto Rico wants to use the money from o International relations is Spain s jobs o They want to be able to budget their own domestic needs school education health o Human Rights Article abolishes slavery Spain allows them to form a Parliament and they can draft a budget and Spain will approve or disapprove the budget elites and loyal to Spain o War and Annexation Spanish American War 1898 Treaty of Paris 1898 Ceded in US Puerto Rican society in 1899 Majority of population is a rural society National identity Illiteracy Cuba and Puerto remained Spanish colonies throughout the 19th century while most other Spanish American colonies sought independence Both Cuba and Puerto Rico were considered for annexation by the US US intervention contributed to the eventual separation of Cuba and Puerto Rico from the Spanish American empire Cuba and Puerto Rico took very different routes after separating from Spain

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FSU LAH 1093 - Caribbean Variation

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