Communication Disorders Test 6 Quizlet for extra practice http quizlet com 40843998 comm disorders chapter 14 test 6 flash cards Statistics 10 of US Population has a hearing loss 3 in 1 000 births results in child with hearing loss Hearing loss is most common birth defect 1 in 1 000 births lead to a child who is deaf 83 in 1000 children in US has educationally significant hearing loss Educationally significant hearing loss auditory signal is diminished but is not completely lost Different school districts define this differently 95 of babies are screened within 1 month Deaf no hearing signal Hearing Loss through the lifespan Psychosocial aspects What are the psychological implications of not having an auditory signal Audiologist help raise parent awareness on how to interact with their child with hearing loss because 95 of children with hearing loss are born to hearing parents Kubler Ross Grief Cycle sometimes they happen in this order sometimes not Shock Denial Anger Depression Acceptance ICD 10 International classification of diseases Helps us to figure out how to asses and treat ppl with medical issues 1 Impairment loss of structure or function 2 Disability what are the functional consequences of not having normal hearing how does hearing loss limit the types of activates they can participate in 3 Handicap psychosocial consequences how is society going to view the person that has the hearing loss how do people respond to people who have a hearing loss ALL people with hearing loss have impairment most experience some disability not everyone experiences handicap Individuals who are deaf often share a common condition but the way they deal with that condition varies based on if their parents are deaf or not Deaf Community Group who views deafness with a sense of pride and belonging Fosters cohesion and identity Deaf means one is part of Deaf Culture deaf condition of not being able to hear American Sign Language ASL Language of the deaf Schools for the Deaf allow for interactions using ASL People that are deaf often marry other people who are deaf and desire children who are deaf Communication with nonsigning people can be inhibited and very challenging audiologist address negative perceptions Some deaf people view speech language pathology and audiology negatively as trying to get rid of their culture by using hearing aids etc Audiology Audiology prevention and assessment of auditory vestibular and related impairments as well as habilitation and rehabilitation and maintenance Deal with Hearing issues and balance issues Determine what kind of treatment and maintenance of equipment is needed Can work is nursing homes schools doctors Provide counseling Prescribe and Fit amplification technology such as hearing aids cochlear implants that improve access to sounds electronically Fundamentals of Sound How does sound get transmitted 1 Must be an energy source and a receptor 2 Sound is transmitted in a series of compressions and rarefactions that move outward from a vibrating source there are molecules that are created from production of sound that bounce around and create vibratory cycles that become sound waves that are transmitted to the ear through air Measure sound waves in amplitude and frequency Amplitude distance a vibrating object travels which determines Intensity loudness Decibels levels dB measures intensity Frequency Cycles per second measured in hertz Hz Air conduction sound is transmitted via the air Related to pitch how high or low a sound will be Each consonant has a specific frequency Audibility VS Intelligibility Audibility the ability to detect the presence of a sound Intelligibility recognize and understand what is heard Hearing loss affects both audibility and intelligibility Outer Ear Pinna enhances sound aids localization Localization determining where a sound originates in space External auditory Meatus elliptical tube lined with skin extends from concha to tympanic membrane glands that produce cerumen are here serves as resonator for sound Concha bowl like depression associated with pinna Tympanic Membrane eardrum marks the end of the external auditory meatus boundary between outer and middle ear Cerumen ear wax Middle Ear Tympanic membrane known as eardrum vibrates in response to sound 3 layers highly elastic usually gray in color Middle ear space tympanic cavity air filled lined with mucous membranes housed in temporal bone Eustachian tube connects middle ear with nasopharynx this tube is usually closed but it opens periodically in order for air to get to middle ear and equalize air pressure for eardrum Nasopharynx space located behind the nose and above the roof of the mouth Ossicles in ossicular chain which is 3 bones the malleus largest the incus and stapes these allow ear drum to move back and forth so the fluid can go down to inner ear Footplate of stapes rests on oval window Oval Window thin membrane that marks the beginning of inner ear Stapedius Muscle attached to the neck of the stapes is the tendon of this muscle intense sounds cause this muscle to contract Inner Ear Have two main roles 1 provide auditory input to central auditory system 2 vestibular system supply information regarding balance and spatial orientation Cochlea Provides auditory input to the central auditory system Pea sized coiled structure Two Concentric labyrinths Organ of Corti runs along the center of the membranous labyrinth Outer bony filled with perilymph Inner Membranous filled with endolymph Tectorial Membrane forms the roof of the organ of corti fixed on one end and the other end is free to move Basilar Membrane forms the base of the organ or corti narrow and thinner at the base and thicker at the apex which allows it to respond differently to sounds that vary in frequency The portion that is closest to the stapes responds best to higher frequency sounds the portion nearest to cochlea responds best to lower frequency sounds It is Tonotopically organized certain areas within a structure are spatially arranged to respond to different frequencies Hair cells sensory receptor cells Stereocillia bent through movement of basilar and tectorial membranes chemical transmitters are released creates neuro electric energy Auditory fibers of VIIIth cranial nerve innervates hair cells PATH OF AIR VIA AIR CONDUCTION Enter in outer ear the pinna funnels the sound into your ear any deformity here can affect hearing through ear canal funneled to middle ear tympanic membrane and series of
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